1. Levi, Music in the Third Reich, 4.
2. Lühe, Die Musik war unsere Rettung, 93.
3. Kater, “Jewish Musicians in the Third Reich,” 75.
4. Sommerfeld, “Kein Bier für den Juden dahinte,” 202.
5. Ibid., 206.
6. Goldsmith, The Inextinguishable Symphony, 299.
7. Otto D. Tolischus, “Bands Rove Cities,” New York Times, November 11, 1938.
8. Goldsmith, The Inextinguishable Symphony, 204.
9. Geissmar, Two Worlds of Music, 84.
10. Ibbeken, An Orchestra Is Born, 17.
11. “Toscanini to Conduct Concerts of New Orchestra in Palestine,” New York Times, February 23, 1936.
12. Ibbeken, An Orchestra Is Born, 42.
13. Ibid., 18.
14. Lühe, Die Musik war unsere Rettung, 88.
15. Toeplitz, Sipurah, 59.
16. Sommerfeld, “Kein Bier für den Juden dahinten,” 209.
17. Ibbeken, An Orchestra Is Born, 19.
18. Ibid., 25.
19. Toeplitz, Sipurah, 35–36.
20. Lühe, Die Musik war unsere Rettung, 154.
21. Toeplitz, Sipurah, 34.
22. Clare, Last Waltz in Vienna, 177.
23. Ibid.
24. Sutton, Bettelheim, 124.
25. Cummins, Dachau Song, 77.
26. Lenk, The Mauritius Affair, 24–25.
27. Ibid., 42.
28. Ibid.
29. Beda and Mayer, “In the Eye of the Storm,” 26–27.
30. Lenk, The Mauritius Affair, 73.
31. Pitot, The Mauritian Shekel, 111.
32. Beda and Mayer, “In the Eye of the Storm,” 30–31.
33. Pitot, The Mauritian Shekel, 122.
34. Makarova, Boarding Pass to Paradise, 80.
35. Interview with Ze’ev Weininger, July 15, 2013.
36. Meyer, “Anscheinend ging nichts ohne Musik,” 143.
37. Stroumsa, Violinist in Auschwitz, 43.
38. Ibid., 45–46.
39. Szczepański, Häftlings-kapelle, 18.
40. Laks, Music of Another World, 31–32.
41. Ibid., 33–34.
42. Goldsmith, The Inextinguishable Symphony, 295; Meyer, “Mußte da auch Musik sein,” 34; and Vahl, “‘Die Musik hat mich am Leben erhalten!’” 13.
43. Goldsmith, The Inextinguishable Symphony, 296.
44. Laks, Music of Another World, 37.
45. Ibid., 38.
46. Meyer, “Mußte da auch Musik sein,” 35.
47. Shuldman, Jazz Survivor, 37–38.
48. Stroumsa, Violinist in Auschwitz, 49.
49. Laks, Music of Another World, 70.
50. Meyer, “Anscheinend ging nichts ohne Musik,” 144.
51. Laks, Music of Another World, 99.
52. Ibid., 112–13.
53. Ibid., 124.
54. Rachela Olewski Zelmanowicz, “Crying Is Forbidden Here,” 29.
55. Shuldman, Jazz Survivor, 44.
56. Ibid., 45.
57. Schumann, Der Ghetto-Swinger, 86.
58. Wiesel, Night, 49–50. The German word Kommando has been changed to “work detail.”
59. Ibid., 95.
60. Laks, Music of Another World, 115.
61. Levi, Survival in Auschwitz and The Reawakening, 50–51. The German abbreviation “Ka-Be” and word “Lager” have been changed to “the infirmary” and “camp,” respectively.
62. Sachnowitz, The Story of “Herman der Norweger,” 187.
63. Vahl, “‘Die Musik hat mich am Leben erhalten!’” 15.
64. Interview with Freddy Davidovitz, March 10, 2012.
65. Unless otherwise noted, all quotes in chapter 4 are from Glaser, interview at the Music Academy in Ålesund.
Abrahamsen, “The Holocaust in Norway,” 139n67.
66. Haugen and Cai, Ole Bull, 58.
67. Bull and Crosby, Ole Bull, 247
68. “Ole Bulls fele til Bergen idag,” Bergens Tidende, January 16, 1941.
69. Synnøve Louise Krogness to Alfhild Thallaug Olsen, January 22, 1941, Oslo National Library.
70. Fasting, Musikselskabet “Harmonien,” 16.
71. “Da nazistene stoppet en konsert i Harmonien,” Dagen, January 18, 1946.
72. Krogness to Olsen, January 22, 1941.
73. “En beklagelig demonstrasjon,” Bergens Aftenblad, January 17, 1941.
74. Hurum, Musikken under okkupasjonen, 61.
75. Ulstein, Jødar på flukt, 185.
76. Flagstad, The Flagstad Manuscript, 139–40.
77. “Da nazistene stoppet en konsert i Harmonien.”
78. “Kunstnerparet Glaser,” 1–2.
79. Ibid., 2.
80. Unless otherwise noted, all quotes in chapter 5 are from Livnat, Le-male et ha-zeman be-ayim.
Carmelly, Shattered, 275.
81. Fisher, Transnistria, 97.
82. Unless otherwise noted, all quotes in chapter 6 are from Gildenman, Motele. Spector, “The Jews of Volhynia,” 160.
83. Suhl, They Fought Back, 260.
84. Ibid., 261.
85. Leora Eren Frucht, “Breaking the Silence,” Hadassah Magazine 89, no. 7 (March 2008).
86. De Vries, Sonderstab Musik, 168.
87. Interview with Nadir Krongold, March 8, 2012.
88. Szczepański, Häftlings-kapelle, 66.