Sean Bowden would like to thank the Alfred Deakin Research Institute for its generous support of the Deleuze, Pragmatism and Post-Kantian Thought conference at Deakin University, Melbourne, in December 2012. He would also like to thank the conference’s participants for their willing engagement with the presented papers, and his co-editors, Simone and Paul, for their collegiality and conscientiousness. Finally, he is profoundly grateful to Miriam Bankovsky for her enduring encouragement and understanding, and would like to dedicate this book to Ellis—de la puissance en acte.
Simone Bignall and Paul Patton are grateful to the School of Humanities and Languages at the University of New South Wales and the Institution for Social Transformation Research at the University of Wollongong. Their support of the conference on Continental Philosophy and Social Transformation, held at UNSW in December 2012, provided a first forum for discussion of some of the chapters.
Simone also thanks Sean Bowden for his consummate collegiality and for inviting her participation in this project. Paul also would like to acknowledge Sean’s initiation of this project and his leadership and commitment in seeing it through.
The editors would especially like to thank Marjorie Gracieuse, Colin Koopman, Leonard Lawlor, and Richard Shusterman for their advice and support, and Daniela Voss for her editorial assistance. Thanks are also due to Dan Smith and Anne Sauvagnargues for their engagement in discussions around themes presented in this volume. Finally, the editors would like to express their gratitude to Keith Ansell-Pearson, Janice Baker, Craig Lundy, Todd May, and Daniela Voss for their involvement in the early stages of the project.
The editors are grateful to Stanford University Press and Amsterdam University Press for their permission to reprint the chapter by Paul Patton, “Redescriptive Philosophy: Deleuze and Rorty,” in Deleuzian Concepts: Philosophy, Colonization, Politics (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2010). This piece was revised by the author after its original publication as “Redescriptive Philosophy: Deleuze and Guattari’s Critical Pragmatism,” in Media Culture: Reading the Rhizomes of Deleuze and Guattari, ed. Patricia Pisters (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2001).
Finally, the editors would like to extend their gratitude to the authors whose work comprises this collection, for their abiding generosity in their willingness to help shape the collection to its final form.