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Cherie’s websites
•—information on juicing and weight loss
•—information about the Sleep Away the Pounds program and products
•—information about the Coconut Diet and coconut oil
The Juice Lady’s health and wellness juice retreats
I invite you to join us for a week that can change your life! Our retreats offer gourmet organic raw foods with a three-day juice fast midweek. We offer interesting, informative classes in a beautiful, peaceful setting where you can experience healing and restoration of body and soul. For more information, a brochure, and dates for the retreats, call 866-843-8935.
Schedule a nutrition consultation with the Juice Lady
Call 866-843-8935.
Schedule the Juice Lady to speak for your organization
Call 866-843-8935.
Other books by Cherie and John Calbom
These books can be ordered at any of the websites above or by calling 866-8GETWEL (866-843-8935).
• Cherie Calbom, The Juice Lady’s Weekend Weight-Loss Diet (Siloam)
• Cherie Calbom, The Juice Lady’s Living Foods Revolution (Siloam)
• Cherie Calbom, The Juice Lady’s Turbo Diet (Siloam)
• Cherie Calbom, The Juice Lady’s Guide to Juicing for Health (Avery)
• Cherie Calbom and John Calbom, Sleep Away the Pounds (Wellness Central)
• Cherie Calbom, The Wrinkle Cleanse (Avery)
• Cherie Calbom and John Calbom, The Coconut Diet (Wellness Central)
• Cherie Calbom, John Calbom, and Michael Mahaffey, The Complete Cancer Cleanse (Thomas Nelson)
• Cherie Calbom, The Ultimate Smoothie Book (Wellness Central)
Find out about the best juicers recommended by Cherie. Call 866-8GETWEL (866-843-8935) or visit
Find out the best dehydrators recommended by Cherie. Call 866-8GETWEL (866-843-8935) or visit
To view the Swing Machine (lymphasizer), visit or call 866-8GETWEL (866-843-8935).
Veggie powders
To purchase or get information on Barley Max, Carrot Juice Max, and Beet Max powders, go to or call 866-8GETWEL (866-843-8935). (These powders are ideal for when you travel or when you can’t get juice.)
Virgin coconut oil
For more information on virgin coconut oil, go to and, or call 866-8GETWEL (866-843-8935). To save money, order larger sizes such as gallons or quarts, which you won’t typically find in the stores.
• Multivitamins by Thorne Research: call 866-843-8935.
• Digestive enzymes Ness Formula #4 and #16 are excellent to aid digestion. Taken between meals, they help clean up undigested proteins. With the addition of enzymes, you should notice that your hair and nails grow better. Call 866-8GETWEL (866-843-8935).
• Calcium Citrate or Calcium Citramate (contains both calcium citrate-malate and malic acid; offers good solubility and superb absorption when compared to other forms of calcium) by Thorne Research: call 866-843-8935.
• Magnesium Citrate or Magnesium Citramate (as magnesium citrate-malate and malic acid) by Thorne Research: call 866-843-8935.
• Vitamin C with bioflavonoids or Buffered C Powder (contains ascorbic acid, calcium, magnesium, and potassium) by Thorne Research or Allergy Research: call 866-843-8935.
• Vitamin D3 (1,000 or 5,000 mg) by Thorne Research: call 866-843-8935.
Colon cleanse products
Call 866-843-8935 for more information on Cherie’s fiber recommendations below.
• Medibulk by Thorne (psyllium powder, prune powder, apple pectin)
• Colon Cleanse Kit: After years of eating standard food, it’s quite common to build up a layer of mucoid plaque—hardened mucuslike material and food residue that can coat the gastrointestinal tract. Nutrients are absorbed through the intestinal wall. The plaque hinders our ability to absorb nutrients, which can lead to numerous health problems. This colon cleanse kit contains products that can pull the plaque from your intestinal wall and carry it out of your system—Digestive Stimulator, Toxin Absorber, glass shaker jar, and user guide and dosage calendar. Specify ginger or peppermint flavor. For more information, visit
Internal cleansing kit
The complete and comprehensive internal cleansing kit contains eighteen items for a twenty-one-day cleanse program. You get a free colon cleanse kit, along with Liver-Gallbladder Rejuvenator, Friendly Bacteria Replenisher, Parasite Cleanser, Lung Rejuvenator, Kidney and Bladder Rejuvenator, Blood and Skin Rejuvenator, and Lymph Rejuvenator, along with glass shaker jar and user guide and dosage calendar. Specify ginger or peppermint flavor. Cost $279, less 5 percent discount.
You may order the cleansing products and get the 5 percent discount by calling 866-843-8935. If you want to read more about the cleansing kits, go to my website You will need to order via the toll-free number to get the discount, however. Mention my special book discount price.
Candida albicans cleanse products
• Total Body Internal Cleanse Kit—visit the website or call 866-843-8935.
Heavy metal and toxic compounds cleanse products
For all these products, visit or call 866-843-8935.
• MetalloClear—designed to help patients stay healthy by providing specialized support for heavy metal metabolism
• Heavy Metal Support by Thorne—replaces important minerals and other nutrients lost during metal chelating
Kidney cleanse herbs
• Kidney & Bladder Rejuvenator—visit the website or call 866-843-8935.
Liver/gallbladder cleanse products
For all these products, visit or call 866-843-8935.
• Detox Nutrients Packet (Liver Cleanse)—complete supplement “take-anywhere” packets for detoxification support
• Chinese herbal tinctures (4-part kit) to use with Cherie’s Liver Detox Program
Lung rejuvenator
Visit or call 866-843-8935.
Lymph rejuvenator
Visit or call 866-843-8935.
Parasite cleanse products
For all these products, visit or call 866-843-8935.
• Large Para Cleanser 1 and 2 and Small Para Cleanser
• Total Body Internal Cleanse Kit (includes Para Cleanse Kit and a free colon cleanse kit)
Skin and blood rejuvenator
Visit or call 866-843-8935.
Information and Products for Specific Disorders
Sleep disorders
Testing neurotransmitters is the best way to determine if you have depletion in brain chemicals that could be causing sleep problems. Testing can be completed whether you are taking medications or not. You can determine if your neurotransmitters are out of balance by taking the Brain Wellness Programs Self Test. Just go to and click “Get Started.” Use the practitioner code SLEEP (all caps). You can order the program, which includes a urine in-home test that will yield a report on your neurotransmitter levels. You’ll be given a customized protocol with guidelines for the right amino acids for you to take to help correct your imbalances. Or you can call 866-843-8935 for more information.