
Struga Poetry Festival 1979

Look! how the bright green water spills

like dye from the spring to stain the darker

blue of Ohrid Lake Muscular eels

weave in & out and the trout flicker

The magic Macedonian trout are under siege

their eggs devoured by California trout

larger but less tasty One thinks

Capitalist swine! General Motors! CIA!

But no: California trout

were dumped in the lake by the Albanians

who never apologize never explain They wear

white skullcaps or black fezzes weave

in & out of the mountains like a secret code

Grape brandy peach brandy

juniper and plum

white coffee Turkish coffee

laced with rum

In the first-class hotel schools

of force-fed poets flicker and eddy

Ah the big poets eat the little poets

they nibble each other with tentative teeth

the little ones lurk in the shadow

of a large drink: na zdrowie! Skol!

In the lobby poems pile up like peppers

dried out but dangerous get your red hots here!

I bite a fat sestina terrific!

In my heart the blood weaves in & out

half-alcohol by now whispering drunkenly

in the pool of my ear: Trout it hisses

remember the trout!

In the blue ring of mountains

as the sun climbs

the road weaves in & out

like hidden rhyme

Our driver is clearly insane and happy

doesn't speak English but likes to try

Fuck Stalin he says smiling passing

a horse and wagon on a blind curve

I keep my eyes on the road I'd like

to be an old poet some day Maybe tomorrow

By the road fields of faded sunflowers

nod like unread poets in the naked light

Behind them muezzins mount their holy missiles

pointed at Allah's eye: they too

on the hour chant and cry

Yaseen Marit Rafael Klaus

Albert Marianne Tomasz Staus

Why is it we always turn toward the small things?

The guide drones on about St. Sofie's Church:

The wide of the walls is seven meters . . .

Magnificent and yet you turn and say

See the bees in the rose tree see

that wreath of peppers on the wall! Best of all

turning a corner we saw the old poet

standing alone beneath the dark-beamed homes

blue cap tilted weathered jacket

lost or lost in thought His words weave in & out

of my mind starquakes in an inner galaxy

casting its cold and hopeless light

on an ocean of blood

The California trout will eat the Macedonian trout

We start things and they acquire

an energy of their own

until we're swept away at last and stand

like the old poet alone

in the alley of our bones

waiting for the end with fingers crossed

not exactly lost I think my life has been spent

underwater May God protect old poets

in their loneliness

Even here politics and passion

blossom like a sore

one is called a fascist

one is called a whore

Poetry knows no borders

its country is the soul

but where are the Russians?

the Bulgarians? the Poles?

The trellised arbors the old tiled rooftops:

the men are dancing in the street!

How does that house keep standing?

And the Turks did this and that

in the Seventeenth Century or was it the Eleventh?

Why can't I remember these centuries?

This mosaic floor was Third I'm almost sure

but just as the guide explained

the disco band below the fortress blared

I pick a thorn from the rose tree

you pick a rose from the thorn tree

I pick a pear from the plum tree

you pick a plum from the pear tree

Among the dancers with linked arms

the old poet weaves in & out Are you surprised?

he asks No I am not though his poems

have surprised me for years

Pop-eyed poets prance in a circular fashion

slivovitz and coffee battle for control

And when I held hands with Yaseen

I was alarmed

by the warmth of his hands

The long Indian and the little Indian

make formal gestures I bow you curtsy

I am seeing visions! Ghostly silhouettes

of poets follow them on stage like

electric auras the old poet's almost

detached from him a dancing partner

a pure white mirror image In our room

our arms weave in & out they

weave in & out

and suddenly I know that I am blessed!

We shall make love on the beach Macedonian style!

We shall drink cold white wine and swim to Albania!

We shall write a poem to the old poet and slip it

under his door Yes We won't wake him

We'll slip it under his door

God bless all poets small and great

God bless this fading tapestry

and bless the trout in Ohrid Lake

doomed in their darkness shining free