The Hunters: Southeast Africa

Stop! Four men are stalking through the underbrush

slipping like shadows shoulders close to ground

Their silent figures deepen the leafgreen hush:

the Headman the Hunter the Shaman and the Clown

They have killed Time these dark men who crouch

for weeks beneath the sub-Saharan sun

whose women dig for roots and weave a couch

of twigs and grass and cook with riverstones

And heart and mind and instinct work as one:

the Headman blazes through their spotted way

the Hunter kneels zeroed on their prey

the Shaman blesses the victim in its blood

and the Clown will tell the story when they're done:

the rules are clear as those before the Flood

Look! There are four chambers of the heart

on city street as well as tropic plain

and four directions where we all can start

and four dimensions and four kinds of pain:

tiger pain maggot pain elephant and shark

Four is the balanced number the four of spades

lies on the table accusing in the dark

We've marched on: only our blood has stayed

And of course we can't go back back to the bush

or desert back to the simple places where

soul and body fuse in the antique air

They weren't really simpler anyway

and yet . . . something gave us a push

until we shattered like a pot of clay

Listen! Deep in the blue North the one wind blows

To the South a yellow flame flares in their eyes

Like a lantern in the West the red leaf glows

while a green star arcs through Eastern skies

Listen! I'm trying to be simple: four

men are stalking through the underbrush they

are in your blood you are a hunter or

you are the hunted and they're on their way

And we lie helpless as a broken wing

Seeking the secret of wholeness we are lost

in houses we have built at enormous cost

but tonight let's howl at the moon that matriarch

of all divided souls and we can sing

of tiger pain maggot pain elephant and shark