A Prefatory Note by the Authors on the His
Introduction: Summary of Major Findings an
1.1 Freedom, Aggression and Human Rights
1.2 The Semantics of “Terror”
1.3 The Shift in the Balance of Terror to
1.4 The Churches Versus the Totalitarian F
1.5 How the Media Cope with Client Fascist
1.6 How the Media Cope with Client Terror
1.7 How the Media Cope with Client Terror
1.8 Cambodia: Why the Media Find It More N
1.9 Media Self-Censorship: Or Why Two Sovi
1.10 Corruption as a Primary Characteristi
1.11 Corruption and Terror as a Feedback P
1.12 The New Vietnam: Or How to Abuse and
1.13 The U.S. Record in Vietnam—and What O
1.14 The Touch of Racism in U.S. Policy To
1.15 The New Human Rights Movement—Only Vi
1.16 Individual Morality and Human Rights
The Pentagon-CIA Archipelago
2.1 Neo-Colonialism and the Washington Con
2.1.1 The Systematic Positive Relationship
2.1.2 U.S. Military and Police Aid and Tra
2.1.3 The Scope and Variety of CIA Subvers
2.1.4 The Pre-Eminence of Favorable Invest
2.1.5 The Economic Role of Terror: Preserv
2.1.6 Counterrevolution and the “Shakedown
2.2 Brainwashing Under Freedom
2.2.1 Sources and Processes
2.2.2 The Case of the Lost Bloodbath: The
Benign Terror
3.1 The Semantics of Terror and Violence:
3.2 Benign and Constructive Terror
3.3 Post-Colonial Rot and Permanent Counte
3.4 Benign Terror
3.4.1 East Pakistan: Tilting Towards Massa
3.4.2 Burundi: “The Limitations of U.S. Po
3.4.3 The Indians of Latin America: The No
3.4.4 East Timor: Genocide on the Sly
Constructive Terror
4.1 Indonesia: Mass Extermination, Investo
4.2 Thailand: A Corrupt “Firm Base”
4.3 Repacification in the Philippines
4.4 The Dominican Republic: U.S. Model for
4.5 Latin America: Proliferating Subfascis
4.5.1 The Nazi Parallel: The National Secu
4.5.2 Notes on Some Insecurity States in L
Bloodbaths in Indochina: Constructive, Nef
5.1 Constructive Bloodbaths in Vietnam
5.1.1 French and Diemist Bloodbaths
5.1.2 The Overall U.S. Assault as the Prim
5.1.3 Operation SPEEDY EXPRESS
5.1.4 The 43-Plus My Lais of the South Kor
5.1.5 Phoenix: A Case Study of lndiscrimin
5.1.6 The Last Years of the Thieu Regime
5.2 Nefarious and Mythical Bloodbaths
5.2.1 Revolutionary Terror in Theory and P
5.2.2 Land Reform in the Mid-Fifties
5.2.3 The Hue Massacre of 1968
Appendix: lndochina—Quang Ngai Province Fi
Torture by Electricity
Thousands of Shells
Human Mine Detectors
About the Authors