
Copyright © 2017 Wicked Publishing.

First Edition

Published through Wicked Publishing LLC 2017

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance of actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission


Editor: Liz Borino

Cover Design by Shiralyn Lee


Circumstance is dedicated to the memory of David John Paull, my Blood Brother and best friend, always.

1983 - 2015


This book came about when I became the unofficial cheerleader of Ronni Meyrick after I read her book, Hero. I loved the book so much, I pestered her, along with her publishers, to write a sequel. What I didn’t realise then, was that every action has a consequence, and after Ronni agreed to write her sequel, Shiralyn Lee challenged me to write a book of my own! Given that I’m not one to run from challenges, I immediately said yes, setting me on a wild and exciting road that led to Circumstance being born. I soon realised that I knew absolutely nothing about writing a book, but with the help of Dawn Carter and Shiralyn Lee of Wicked Publishing, and also, Ronni Meyrick (we are now known as the Terrible Twins!) I’ve learned quickly! Thank you for taking the chance on me and giving me the opportunity of a life time.

Many thanks go to the friends, family and colleagues who’ve either egged me on or helped me with technical information. In no particular order, thank you to: WPC Claire Wilding for her expertise in police protocol and what would happen in certain legal situations Jackie Longdon for pointing me in the right direction on some aspects of mental health management. My good friend, Frank Horner, for being my biggest cheerleader when editing has threatened to overwhelm me, and my mother, Jean Charlton, the strongest and most inspiring woman I know. I wouldn’t be who I am if it wasn’t for you.

Biggest thanks, as always, must go to my partner Karen, who takes everything in her stride and believes in me no matter what I take on. No one else would sit and trawl through the mental health act with me and roll around on the floor plotting fight scenes until we’re both bruised and battered, late into the night. I love you.