/* Custom Take Control CSS styles for Leanpub EPUB and Mobi */ /* Converted most px values to em (everything but borders) on 2013-07-05. -ace */ /* Set a body font and bring in the right and left margins slightly */ body { font-family: "Georgia", serif; margin-left: 1.5em; margin-right: 1.5em; font-size: 85%; } /* Force Verdana normal (no small caps for TOC) for headings */ h1#toc, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, h7 { font-family: "Verdana", sans-serif; font-variant: normal; color: #BA001C; } /* Put a background color on H2s (really our H1s), and make the font bigger */ h1#toc, h1, h2 { width: 100%; background-color: #BA001C; color: white; font-size: 2em; line-height: 100%; padding-top: 0.75em; padding-bottom: 0.75em; padding-left: 0.25em; margin-top: 0em; margin-bottom: 1em; text-align: left; font-weight: bold; } /* Put borders around H3s (really our H2s) but avoid the sidebar H3s */ h3 { border-width: 0.125em; border-style: solid none solid none; border-color: gray; font-size: 1.3em; } div.sidebarish h3 { border-style: none; } /* Define H4 a little larger than H5 and H6*/ h4 { font-size: 1.2em; } /* Define H6 for Quick Start */ h5,h6 { font-size: 1em; } /* Increase the line height of standard text */ p { line-height: 135%; } /* Make sure the links are blue (new) and purple (visited) and underline (hover) */ a:link { color: blue; text-decoration:none; } a:hover { color: purple; text-decoration:underline; } a:visited { color: purple; text-decoration:none; } /* Shrink the font size of captions, and add a little padding underneath */ p.caption { text-align: left; font-family: "Verdana", sans-serif; max-width: 75%; font-weight: normal; font-size: 80%; } code { color: #5215C0; font-family: "Courier", monospace; font-size: 100%; } /* Prevents overflow in non-iBooks epub readers */ img { max-width: 75%; } /* Left-align screenshots and captions, and border screenshots */ div.image-with-caption p.caption { text-align: left; } div.image-with-caption { text-align: left; } div.image-with-caption img { margin-top: 0.75em; /* border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; */ } /* Increase the line height in lists to match p tags, and pad out each list item */ ul,ol { line-height: 135%; } /* Outdent bullet lists by a little to provide more line length to lists */ ul { margin-left: -0.5em; } li { margin-bottom: 0.7em; } /* Fix line height of p tags embedded in li tags */ li p { line-height: 135%; margin-top: 0.7em; } /* Make nested lists use letters and different bullets */ li ol { list-style-type: lower-alpha; } li ul { list-style-type: square; } /* San-serif font for TOC list items and better padding for TOC */ .toc li { font-family: "Verdana", sans-serif; margin-bottom: 0.3em; line-height: 135%; } /* Chapters for ToC without Parts */ .toc.no-parts > li { font-size: 110%; margin-top: .8em; margin-bottom: 1em; } /* Sections for a ToC without parts */ .toc.no-parts > li > ul > li { font-size: 90%; } /* Sub-sections and below for a ToC without parts */ .toc.no-parts > li > ul > li > ul { font-size: 85%; } /* Style the tips and warnings and whatnot with a background color and rounded rectangle box */ div.sidebarish { font-family: Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 90%; margin: 1em auto; padding-top: 0.45em; padding-bottom: 0em; padding-left: 0.85em; padding-right: 0.85em; background-color: #DCEBFF; border: 1px solid; border-radius: 10px; width: 95%; } /* Bring the font size of captions in asides back up */ div.sidebarish p.caption { font-size: 100%; }