
Several galactic cycles later…

Megan wandered into the command center of the starship and found Tren sitting in his chair, grinning. She draped herself on his lap, her arms going around his neck to draw him close for a kiss. He obliged with a quick peck that made her frown, especially since he seemed about to burst with glee.

“What’s got you in such a good mood?” she asked. In other words, what distracted him so much that he hadn’t yet thrown her down to ravish her?

“I got you a present.” He swiveled her to face forward on his lap and she heard him tap the console. The wall screen lit up with a view she recognized.

She made moue of distaste. “Earth? You brought me home. But why? I’ve already got everything I need.”

“Everything except for one crucial thing,” he replied mysteriously. A key stroke later and the screen changed to the cargo bay. The camera zoomed into a cage and Megan’s breath whooshed out.

“You caught Cameron for me?” The jerk who had tried to kill her so long ago and launched her on the adventure of a lifetime. Her ex-boyfriend sobbed in his cage and Megan shook her head at his craven behavior. And to think I once slept with that. Thank god she’d acquired better taste. Once you go purple, baby, you can never go back.

“Initially, I’d planned to string him by his heels, rip open his stomach and feed him his own entrails, but while excruciating, it would have ended too quickly. And I want him to suffer for what he did to you.”

Twisting on his lap, she squirmed until she looked into his pure blue eyes, now hard and cold like ice. “Well, you know, he did start the chain of events that brought me to you.”

“Which is why I’m not planning on torturing him eternally. However, he needs to pay for what he did to you.”

Her lips curled at the wicked look on his face. “You have a plan don’t you?”

Tren didn’t immediately answer as he shifted her legs to straddle him. “I know a brothel that deals in more perverted sexual acts and they’re looking for a male screamer.”

Megan laughed. The old her might have been a little appalled at what Tren intended to do to Cameron. The new her, forged in love and adapting to a new more violent reality, grinned. “Oh my god, that is so deliciously evil.”

“I was hoping you’d like it.”

“Like it, I love it. Not as much as I love you, though, my purple pirate.”

“Mercenary,” he growled.

Megan smirked. They kept having this argument—on purpose, of course. She squealed when he stood and upended her over his shoulder.

“That’s it, back to bed you go until you learn your lesson.”

“And which one would that be?” she sassed.

“I am a mercenary, the most feared one in the known universe, and you will obey me or suffer the consequences.”

“I’d rather you be my pirate and ravish me.”

He smacked her ass and then rubbed his hand against the crease of her cleft. “You are never going to let me forget I accidentally abducted you, are you?”

“Nope. But don’t worry, I still love you.”

“And I love you my beautiful, feisty barbarian. But don’t tell anyone, or I’ll have to kill them.”

Her laughter rang out, filled with all the joy she’d discovered in her alien lover’s arms.

In the end he made love to her, and while they still argued about his title, he taught her that she should always speak her mind, the results were just too pleasurable not to.


* * * *


Meanwhile, in a galaxy, far, far away, Jaro woke and shook his head in confusion. He blinked, and then blinked again at what he saw, none of which made sense. The last thing he recalled, his ship was hit by some kind of electromagnetic pulse and he’d lost all control of his craft.

Apparently, though, he’d survived, even if his situation appeared odd considering he found himself spread eagle on a soft surface. Pulling at his arms and legs, he scowled as he discovered them restrained. Craning his head, he also noticed that he appeared to have lost his clothing.

Then again, so had the female who entered his field of vision. Pale of skin like the barbarian female his brother had mated with, the petite beauty possessed a pair of full breasts with pink tips pierced with golden rings. Her hair, a fiery red curtain, fell past her waist and matched that of her pubes. Green eyes flecked with gold regarded him with cool interest.

Despite his situation, Jaro couldn’t help the surge of lust which made his cock rise. She didn’t miss it either and she trailed her gaze over his body, her look heating his blood and expanding his prick even further.

Her nipples tightened and her lips pursed as she approached him. She ran a finger, edged with a sharp nail, down his chest. Jaro’s body trembled, consumed with a desire to claim this female, to thrust into her tight body and devour her luscious breasts until she came, clawing at his back.

A firm grip wrapped around his shaft and he sucked in a breath, unable to stop himself from arching his hips up. Slowly, she stroked him and the smell of her arousal filled the air, a decadent aroma that drove Jaro wild with lust.

“Untie me,” he said hoarsely, eager to give her what she plainly desired.

The motion on his cock halted, and her eyes stopped their perusal of his body. Her gaze flicked up to meet his, and caught him. “I don’t think so, purple warrior. I have need of your body, and this position suits me just fine.”

Jaro frowned. “I don’t understand.”

She clambered onto the bed and straddled his waist, her moist core hovering over the tip of his prick. “You will soon. Don’t worry. I won’t hurt you—much.”


The End