Aylia should have raged at the fact he’d chained her, turning the situation around so that he became the dominant one. Instead of trying to catch her breath, she should have plotted ways of escaping and killing him for daring to make her submit to his will—and body. Subservience wasn’t the Zonian way, especially not to a male. Yet, the expected anger at her situation or frustration at her inability to free herself didn’t appear. Even when she tugged at her bonds and heard the rattle of the links, all that went through her was delight, a taboolike pleasure that she found herself at his mercy, a captive to his erotic torture.
And to think I thought any male would do. Aylia now knew better as she lay beneath Jaro’s heaving body, her own body still trembling with aftershocks from the ecstasy he’d shown her.
It seemed the possibility and level of enjoyment in the mating process really depended on the male. In her case, it seemed only Jaro would do. The idea didn’t scare her so much as another thought did. If he keeps seeding me, I’ll soon become pregnant, and I’ll have to leave.
For once, the thought of returning home victorious didn’t elate her. Instead, sadness and an odd ache in her chest made her realize she wasn’t ready to lose Jaro. In the short span they’d known each other, she’d found someone who intrigued her, and made her feel things she’d never known before. And it went beyond the sex, incredible as it was. She wanted to know more about him, who he was and where he came from. What were his likes and dislikes? She wanted to battle again at his side, two warriors sharing the dance of death. She wanted to bear his children and to see the pride on his face when he beheld them. She wanted what she’d seen in videos and on the space station—a relationship between a male and female instead of a tryst for the purpose of procreation. I want the opposite of a Zonian life.
But that could never be. She owed her life and her loyalty to the people who’d taken her in.
“What has you so pensive?” His question broke her introspect, and she looked up to see him staring at her, his eyes softly glowing, and his face, for once, not an indifferent mask or an angry one.
She settled for a partial truth. “I was just thinking that I will miss sparring with you when I leave.”
Her words brought back the glare. “I’ve already told you escape won’t happen.”
“You cannot stand watch over me forever. And once you go through with your plan to sell me, you won’t be around to stop me.”
He rolled off her and paced, his naked form a thing of beauty to watch. It stirred her just assuaged lust.
“Perhaps I should just keep you then,” he muttered darkly. “If you are my prisoner, then I can make sure you never escape.”
“Whether in a brothel or your bed, it doesn’t matter. Once I get what I came for, I will leave, and not you or a whole whorehouse full of guards will stop me.” Unless you asked me to stay. The stray thought shocked her so that she missed his sudden movement that found him atop of her, the naked heat of his flesh a delightful friction against her own.
“Never,” he snarled and then his mouth found hers in a bruising kiss that left no room for thought, only pleasure.
And oh, by the stars and moons, and the whole galaxy, did he know how to give her pleasure. His hands roamed her flesh, making her aware of her skin and body in ways she’d never imagined possible. With his mouth, he drew tortured cries from her, blissful sounds that seemed to encourage him to give her more, and even more, until she thought she would die from sheer delight.
But what a way to go.