Production in this book’s context is the art of support—the support of technology and the people using it to bring everything planned together in a way that makes all of it appear effortless. This book is about the supporting tasks and role of a person who spends their time making sure everyone has what they need, and everything is in its place—the person who spends their time thinking of the needs of others. It is with this in mind I want to formally acknowledge all those who have produced webinars and virtual training sessions for me as well as those who have extended their patience, encouragement, and love to help me to produce this book!
There have been countless producers in my two decades of presenting and training online who inspired the stories, processes, examples, and ideas in this book. I thank each and every one of you for your technical expertise, patience, and creativity. Some of these delightful people include Dmitriy Zolotykh, Joe Murray, Brendan Shields, Sonia Furini, Mike Morneau, Luke Chiaruttini, Julie Miller, Helen Fong, Staci Tousignant, Clare Davis, Jerry Chiea, Kara Roche, Jacqueline Ferras, and Elizabeth Rigney to name just a few. You know I’ll be reaching out to you as long as we get to deliver these live online events and the internet keeps us connected!
So many learning and development colleagues, mentors, and friends have encouraged me to write and share my experiences, and I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to the following people for listening, inspiring, and often brainstorming: Cynthia Clay, Cindy Huggett, Nanette Miner, Elaine Biech, Jo Cook, Brent Schlenker, Halelly Azulay, Betty Dannewitz, Leslie Rawlins, Therese Owen, Jo Cook, Joann Lynch, Kevin Thorn, and Wendy Terwelp.
ATD and the team of people who have edited and published this book are marvelous. I want to especially thank Justin Brusino for believing in me, and Jack Harlow for your insight, encouragement, guidance, and of course for putting up with me throughout this entire process!
I also want my friends and loving family to know that your support through this has been invaluable, even though I could not get together with everyone as often. Mom, George, and Ashley—you might not have known what my book was about until recently, but I know you care for me and wanted me to succeed no matter what I was writing about for hours on end!
My son, Wyatt, your ideas on how to organize some of the technical topics, and our bets on who could get our writing done first kept me going many a late night. You graduated high school with honors writing your essays, and I get to remember writing alongside you every time I look at my book. Luna and Speedy, my cats, thanks for keeping my feet warm and the air full of your purring sounds as I typed away.
And finally, I thank you with everything that I am, Tom Stone. You listened, edited, inquired, supported, guided, pushed, and cared for me in all the perfect ways throughout the entire process of completing this book. You are my partner in all things and the most splendid husband a gal could ever dream of.