
Here are a few example participant communications for live online training sessions. These are typically emailed to participants and sometimes also posted to an internal learning platform or other social media site used for the program. Anything italicized is meant to be customized for your programming and audience needs, but you should of course make additional edits to align with your program as needed.

Example Welcome Email

It is a good idea to send an email of this type at least one week in advance of a training session.

Purpose: To welcome participants to a program and provide important introductory details to set them up for success.

Details to include:

•   A greeting and reiteration of the topic

•   Introduction of the presenter, trainer, producer, or speaker

•   A brief description of the program

•   The program objectives

•   Dates and times of the session or sessions

•   Recommendations on how to set up the environment for the best possible experience

•   Materials for the program that also might include handouts, participant manuals, pre-reading, or any required pre-work and assignments

This might include instructions for logging into a learning management system or similar site where assignments and other content are available

•   The link to join the live online session

•   Technical details including system requirements, internet connections, and audio details (for example, if a headset is needed or if it will be a teleconference)

•   Contact information if support is needed

Note: If I am conducting a virtual training session, I do not include the teleconference information in the welcome email or the link to join via a mobile application. I inform participants that they need to join from their own computer, their own desk, and their own audio connections to fully participate. I do not want them to join via the phone and then just listen in to the training. However, if it is a webinar or a meeting where it would be OK to simply listen in, then I do include that information. The point is to communicate how participants should join so they know, and you can create the intended experiences.

Here’s a template you can use:

Subject: Welcome to the Online Virtual Facilitator Certificate!

Greetings everyone!

It is such a pleasure to be meeting you in email and in our [session next week]. My name is [trainer/presenter/producer] and together with [trainer/presenter/producer] we will be the team partnering with you to help you create and launch your [live online training]. Get ready to work, to learn, to grow, and to have fun doing it!

PRE-READING: The Hard Truth, You Aren’t Engaging.

I’ve attached an article I wrote for the February 2019 edition of ATD’s TD magazine. Please read the first three pages and come to session 1 ready to share your thoughts on the ideas and processes offered.


Important: Make sure to join the session from your own computer and desk. A headset while using your phone or computer audio is most effective if you have one. I use this one from Logitech for my computer audio: We’ll also be on webcam, so be ready to wave hello to one another. Most of our sessions are two hours, with a break in the middle. Bring water, coffee, tea, snacks, or whatever you need!

Also attached is your participant manual. In it you will find more information about the program, a place to follow along and take notes each time we meet, and your application assignments throughout the program. Plan for one to two hours of independent time to work on your application assignments following each session.

Also, please ensure you have done the following before the first session:

•   TEST your computer and connection to Zoom:

•   Print the attached Participant Manual

•   Join the session at least 10 minutes before start time so we can start (and end!) on time


Most sessions are two hours in duration unless otherwise indicated and are listed in EASTERN US time.

•   S1: 3/16, 9–11 a.m.

•   S2: 3/19, 9–11 a.m.

•   S3: 3/23, 9–11 a.m.

•   S4: 3/30, 9–11 a.m.

•   S5: 4/3, 8–10 a.m.


IMPORTANT: Please plug in your computer audio headset prior to joining the session. You may join using computer audio or telephone.


Create a folder for emails from me. The follow-up communications for each live session will always have extra reading and resources. I’ll also recap your assignments and give you the link to the recording of our sessions. All communications and files will be referred to in my emails for easy and quick reference.

Reach out with your questions, comments, and concerns. We look forward to our program!

Sincerely, Kassy

Example Reminder Email

One day in advance, and perhaps one hour before the session begins, send the same information that is in the welcome communications, but shorten it to include only the immediate needs, like the login, link, how to join, and the participant materials.

Purpose: To remind participants about their upcoming session.

Details to include:

•   A reminder and reiteration of the topic, date, and time

•   The link and the password, if necessary

•   The technical details and requirements

•   The environment and any other expectations

Here’s a template you can use:

Subject: Reminder: Online Virtual Facilitator Certificate!


[Trainer/Presenter/Producer] and [Trainer/Presenter/Producer] wanted to provide you with a reminder of our live online session, [date and time].


Important: Make sure to join the session from your own computer and desk. A headset while using your phone or computer audio is most effective if you have one. I use this one from Logitech for my computer audio: We’ll also be on webcam so be ready to wave hello to one another. Most of our sessions are two hours, with a break in the middle. Bring water, coffee, tea, snacks, or whatever you need!

Also attached is your participant manual. In it you will find more information about the program, a place to follow along and take notes each time we meet, and your application assignments throughout the program. Plan for one to two hours of independent time to work on your application assignments following each session.

Also, please ensure you have done the following before the first session:

•   TEST your computer and connection to Zoom:

•   Print the attached participant manual

•   Join the session at least 10 minutes before start time so we can start (and end!) on time

LINK TO JOIN: [add link here]

IMPORTANT: Please plug in your computer audio headset prior to joining the session. You may join using computer audio or telephone.

Reach out with your questions, comments, and concerns and we will see you online soon!

Sincerely, Kassy

Example Follow-Up Email for Multi-Session Training Programs

These types of emails are recommended for training sessions that are in a series and help to keep participants on track during multipart programming. They serve as a brief wrap-up of what occurred and a reminder for what is to come next.

Purpose: To follow up with and remind participants what just occurred and what they are supposed to do between sessions if it is a multi-session program.

Details to include:

•   A brief review of the session they just attended

•   The link to the recording

•   The details on next steps including application assignments

•   Any additional resources or readings applicable to their learning

•   The link or how to access the next session

Here’s a template you can use:

Subject: Follow-up to Session 1: Online Virtual Facilitator

Greetings everyone! It was wonderful to connect with each of you today in session 1 of the Online Virtual Facilitator Certificate. I look forward to learning more about your online training and sharing in your successes as you continue to grow your virtual training skills. Attached are the screens I saved from today and a handout for your application assignment.

Recording: [add link here]

Session 1 Application Assignment

List the instructions and any reference materials here.

Additional Reading: Articles, Videos, and More

List the details or links to the additional resources here.

Please reach out if you have questions. I am happy to assist as you learn more about the platform.

Thank you! Kassy

Example Final Completion of Training Email

The following email is an example of the messaging shared with participants who have completed a live online training program where multiple sessions were involved as well as assignments and a final project.

Purpose: To finalize a program and congratulate participants who have competed it. This email also alerts managers and other leaders or decision makers to the successes of those participating.

Details to include:

•   A congratulatory message of what was earned

•   A survey of the experience for feedback collection

•   Final certificates

•   A link or access to the recording

•   Next steps and words of encouragement

Here’s a template you can use:

Subject: CONGRATULATIONS! You’ve completed the Online Virtual Facilitator Certificate!

Congratulations! You have SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED the Online Virtual Facilitator Certificate with Kassy LaBorie Consulting. You have worked hard to learn how to proudly facilitate engaging and effective live online training! I am going to miss meeting with you each week. Promise to stay in touch! Complete page 32 in your participant manual—your action plan! Note the ideas that stood out for you, make a point to commit to actions, and continue to practice with Zoom and any other live online training tool you end up using. It’s only up from here!

I’ve attached your feedback from the practice activities that we added to the chat at the end of each presentation. WAY to GO on those! You may add your certificate of completion to your LinkedIn profile by following the instructions on the attached .pdf file. I can also create .pdf version of your certificate that you can print if you’d like. Just let me know via email.

Survey for Feedback

It’s been a pleasure to get to know you and work together. Your feedback about the program will help me to improve it moving forward. This survey only has three questions and should take a few minutes to complete. Thank you! [Include the link here]

Recording: [add link here]

Thank you again and I can’t wait to hear about your next live online training adventure! Connect with me on LinkedIn at to stay in touch! I love hearing about your online successes. I will miss meeting with you—you are an incredible team! Thank you for allowing me to join you on your virtual training journey.

Sincerely, Kassy