"Did you hear about Valerie Baron?" Alise asked as she unwrapped her peanut butter and jelly sandwich. It was a week later, and the sun was shining on the courtyard outside Montmorrow High School.
"From what I heard, she's locked up in a loony bin!" Eva said. "Does anyone know what happened?"
"I heard she tried to kill her mother," Dave said. "She was swinging a knife around and barely missed. Her father and brother had to hold her down until the men in the white coats showed up."
"I heard she broke every window, picture, and television in her entire house," Liz said, her hazel eyes like saucers.
"I heard she wrote 'loser' in red all over the walls of her room. Some people said it was blood," Kerri said.
"Creepy." Pat's green complexion indicated that he might lose his lunch.
Logan, Mandy, and Brianna shared a knowing look but remained quiet.
A tall, gorgeous brunette exited the side door of Montmorrow High School. Tan, flawless skin glistened in the sun. Her blue-green eyes sparkled. The swelling around her mouth and chin had lessened dramatically over the past week. Giselle was as beautiful as ever, as she strutted through the courtyard with Penny on her heels. As the popular girls strolled past, the twins could overhear their conversation.
"Valerie won't stop calling me!" Giselle complained.
"What is she saying?" Penny asked.
"Just all kinds of crazy things about witches and vampires. She keeps going on about how Mandy is a witch, and that she was the one who caused my car to crash. She suggested I get even by running her over in the parking lot! Like I would ever intentionally destroy my precious convertible! It took weeks for the body shop to finish the repairs after the last accident."
Even in the spring heat, Mandy shivered. Logan put his arm around his girlfriend's shoulders and kissed her cheek. Brianna squeezed her sister's hand underneath the picnic table.
Penny laughed. "Valerie lost her mind."
"Good thing she's not getting out of there any time this decade. Her mother is pressing charges for vandalism and attempted murder," Giselle said.
"Will Valerie ever give up?" Mandy spoke softly so that only Logan and Brianna could hear.
"Hopefully she gets the help she needs in the institution," Brianna said.
"I'll never let anyone hurt you," Logan promised.