
Thanks to the following animals, people, and institutions for their help and encouragement during the absurdly long process of writing this book. Der Brotkorb, the European Bakery Café in the Whitby Mall, for their delicious coffee and danishes. Edmond Hamilton for his fine work. Frank Faulk for the conversation that inspired Chapter Twenty-Four. Nicky Borland, Kathy and Ian Gillis, Phyllis Gotlieb, Jennifer Grant, Fergus Heywood, Erin Mahoney, Keira Mahoney, Lynda Mahoney, John McCarthy, Angela Misri, Arleane Ralph (for the truth about the infamous cat chapter), Susan Rodgers, Robert J. Sawyer, Kathryn Shalley (for believing in this novel), Hugh Spencer, Lorina Stephens, Alex Taylor, Anjuli Tchalikian, and Shawna and Brian Wyvill for their support. GO Transit for providing the time to write. John Miller for respecting that time. Tom and Rosaleen Mahoney for their superlative parenting. The Saturday Night Scribes for listening. Paul and Carol White for being such great friends.

Special thanks to Dr. Robert Runté for taking on this project, and for his keen eyes and penetrating insights.

Finally, extra-special thanks to Barbara Bain of Parkside Elementary and Percy McGougan of Summerside Intermediate for fanning the flames, way back when.