Books by Five Rivers


Big Buttes Book: Annotated Dyets Dry Dinner, (1599), by Henry Buttes, with Elizabethan Recipes, by Michelle Enzinas

Al Capone: Chicago’s King of Crime, by Nate Hendley

Crystal Death: North America’s Most Dangerous Drug, by Nate Hendley

Dutch Schultz: Brazen Beer Baron of New York, by Nate Hendley

John Lennon: Music, Myth and Madness, by Nate Hendley

Motivate to Create: a guide for writers, by Nate Hendley

Steven Truscott, Decades of Injustice by Nate Hendley

King Kwong: Larry Kwong, the China Clipper Who Broke the NHL Colour Barrier, by Paula Johanson

Shakespeare for Slackers: by Aaron Kite, et al

Romeo and Juliet



The Organic Home Gardener, by Patrick Lima and John Scanlan

Shakespeare for Readers’ Theatre: Hamlet, Romeo & Juliet, Midsummer Night’s Dream, by John Poulson

Shakespeare for Reader’s Theatre, Book 2: Shakespeare’s Greatest Villains, The Merry Wives of Windsor; Othello, the Moor of Venice; Richard III; King Lear, by John Poulsen

Beyond Media Literacy: New Paradigms in Media Education, by Colin Scheyen

Stonehouse Cooks, by Lorina Stephens


Black Wine, by Candas Jane Dorsey

Eocene Station, by Dave Duncan

Immunity to Strange Tales, by Susan J. Forest

The Legend of Sarah, by Leslie Gadallah

The Empire of Kaz, by Leslie Gadallah

Cat’s Pawn

Cat’s Gambit

Growing Up Bronx, by H.A. Hargreaves

North by 2000+, a collection of short, speculative fiction, by H.A. Hargreaves

A Subtle Thing, by Alicia Hendley

The Tattooed Witch Trilogy, by Susan MacGregor

The Tattooed Witch

The Tattooed Seer

The Tattooed Queen

A Time and a Place, by Joe Mahoney

The Rune Blades of Celi, by Ann Marston

Kingmaker’s Sword, Book 1

Western King, Book 2

Broken Blade, Book 3

Cloudbearer’s Shadow, Book 4

King of Shadows, Book 5

Sword and Shadow, Book 6

A Still and Bitter Grave, by Ann Marston

Indigo Time, by Sally McBride

Wasps at the Speed of Sound, by Derryl Murphy

A Quiet Place, by J.W. Schnarr

Things Falling Apart, by J.W. Schnarr

A Poisoned Prayer, by Michael Skeet

And the Angels Sang: a collection of short speculative fiction, by Lorina Stephens

Caliban, by Lorina Stephens

From Mountains of Ice, by Lorina Stephens

Memories, Mother and a Christmas Addiction, by Lorina Stephens

Shadow Song, by Lorina Stephens

The Mermaid’s Tale, by D. G. Valdron


My Life as a Troll, by Susan Bohnet

Eye of Strife, by Dave Duncan

Ivor of Glenbroch, by Dave Duncan

The Runner and the Wizard

The Runner and the Saint

The Runner and the Kelpie

Avians, by Timothy Gwyn

Type, by Alicia Hendley

Type 2, by Alicia Hendley

Tower in the Crooked Wood, by Paula Johanson

A Touch of Poison, by Aaron Kite

The Great Sky, by D.G. Laderoute

Out of Time, by D.G. Laderoute

Diamonds in Black Sand, by Ann Marston

Hawk, by Marie Powell


The Prime Ministers of Canada Series:

Sir John A. Macdonald

Alexander Mackenzie

Sir John Abbott

Sir John Thompson

Sir Mackenzie Bowell

Sir Charles Tupper

Sir Wilfred Laurier

Sir Robert Borden

Arthur Meighen

William Lyon Mackenzie King

R. B. Bennett

Louis St. Laurent

John Diefenbaker

Lester B. Pearson

Pierre Trudeau

Joe Clark

John Turner

Brian Mulroney

Kim Campbell

Jean Chretien

Paul Martin

Stephen Harper