Chapter 12

SQUIB WAS PRETTY SHAKEN UP AFTER THE BOAR EPISODE. HE reckoned that Vern should quit riling up the wildlife.

“Maybe you shouldn’t oughta go around antagonizing vicious predators?” Squib had argued. “First the gators, now the boars.”

Vern had an answer for that, too. “Yeah, says the goddamn human. Don’t talk to me about vicious predators. How many species have you humans wiped out? Including my own, almost.”

Which was a fair point, so Squib calmed himself down and had himself a slice of charred boar haunch, which he had to admit was delicious, especially as Vern allowed him a beer to go with it.

“Don’t tell your momma,” Vern warned him. “We don’t want Elodie taking against your employer.”

“Don’t worry, boss,” said Squib in between mouthfuls. “I reckon keeping secrets is second nature.”

“Good to know,” Vern said, rooting out some freezer bags and starting in on butchering the hog with his claws. “It certainly is a requirement of the job.”

After maybe ten minutes he said, “Shit, this old boy is cooked through. I can’t save none of this meat. You wanna take some home to your momma?”

“I sure do,” said Squib. “We don’t get this quality of free-range stuff too often. I’ll tell her Mister Waxman sent it as a gift.”

If Squib had to name his favorite thing in the world, if he was straight about it and let his heart show, he would have to say his favorite thing was the look on his momma’s face when he did something good, right out of the blue. The way her face lit up like a lamp. The way her smile seemed like she’d had clean forgotten about the rest of the world and all the troubles it held. Squib knew pulling into the jetty with this meat would earn him one of those smiles.

Vern heated up one talon and expertly carved a dozen steaks. “These’ll be good for a couple of days. Have someone over.”

“I know who’d like to come over,” said Squib, his mood souring. “That murdering asshole Constable Hooke.”

And then the enormity of what had almost happened hit Squib like a punch in the gut and he puked all over his own shoes.

Vern patted his back. “Yup,” he said, “there it is. Sometimes the shock gets too much. I was wondering when you’d reach your limit.”