Mohs hardness scale: 5
The fire of volcanoes creates islands in the midst of the ocean’s ceaseless churn. I was born of fire, Larimar reminds those who don’t see beyond her swirling layers of turquoise blue and sea green. Look below your surface emotions and find the fire within the water. Fire creates earth, solid ground from which new things can grow. When you’re drowning, or simply ready to claim your own space — a place to make a stand or a private island paradise — Larimar will help you find your core fire, the values that ground you. And, Larimar counsels, when you can’t fathom the motives of the people around you, look beyond their water to see their fire. This is where you’ll find true understanding.
Passion is a fiery emotion. It’s a hunger, a drive. It warms and consumes. Sometimes we mask passion with less incendiary feelings. Have you ever felt the need to put aside your passions to be sweetly loving or cheerfully present? Understand what’s hiding your own fiery core by constructing your emotional mask so you can look at it and understand it.
Gather images that represent how you think you should feel, or the ways you sometimes behave that feel out of alignment with your core values. Perhaps you wear a business suit everyday when you’d prefer jeans or feel like your handwriting should be small and neat when you want to scrawl. Find images that show this outward-facing self.
Grab a piece of cardboard and cut it into an oval with holes for your eyes. Now, glue the images onto this mask. Observe yourself. How does it make you feel to wear it? Be open to the idea that at some point you may want to (safely!) burn this creation, giving up the emotions and illusions that dampen your flame.
Sometimes we wallow in our own emotions: chewing the cud of our anger, joy, and sadness. We recycle these feelings, showing them to friends, examining them from all sides.
But a big passion — whether it’s a love interest or a project — burns all of that away. Our internal fire evaporates the water of our emotions. How much time are you spending replaying a minor tragedy in your mind or reenacting a conversation or disagreement? Can you use your emotional rumination to diagnose whether or not you have enough passion in your life?
If you have passion, there is no need for excuses because your enthusiasm will trump any negative reasoning you might come up with.
Wayne Dyer, Passion Is Your Power