Mohs hardness scale: 8
Sister to Imperial Topaz, Blue shares the message of abundance but, where Imperial reminds you to savor the world around you, Blue wants you to notice the gifts within you. We are, all of us, brimming with insight and intuitive knowing. We are far-seeing and empathic — that is, when we allow ourselves to be and don’t bury our inner truths under self-doubt. Blue Topaz asks you to open to the richness of your intuition, the way your dreams offer glimmers of possible futures, and your stomach knows when a situation is not quite right. There is richness within, Blue Topaz reminds you. You don’t need a teacher or a textbook. You simply need to be soft and to listen.
This gentle ritual will help you begin reconnecting with your intuition if you’ve lost touch or strengthening your relationship with your inner knowing if you are already in sync.
Watch how the oil moves on the water. What shapes do you see? What thoughts are floating across your mind? Treat everything you observe or think as a useful metaphor. Take notes so that in the days following you can see how these images apply to your original question.
There’s not much space in everyday life to talk about intuition. We’ve become adept at intellectualizing our intuitive hits so that we don’t seem wacky to people around us. In doing this year after year, we desensitize ourselves to our intuition and begin to forget the power of inner knowing. We tell ourselves that other people might be intuitive, but we are not.
Do you think of yourself as having strong intuition?
Do you dilute your inner knowings?
Keeping a journal of intuitive hits can help you regain confidence in your sixth sense!