Become Inimitable

Elestial Quartz

Mohs hardness scale: 7

The elestial quartz card artwork

Deep in the heart of the earth, Elestial forms, layer by uneven layer. Perhaps, in the distant past of her beginning, she was a “regular” Quartz, but after centuries of responding to ever-present change — in temperature, moisture, and even the shifting of tectonic plates — she has flowed and morphed into unexpected shapes and textures. If we allow it, this is what life does to each of us, building our unique knowledge and wisdom until we become Elestial ourselves. Allow the world to teach you, this grandmother stone whispers. Grow into your own inimitable self. Wisdom is a by-product of your own becoming.

decorative art Ritual decorative art

Be with the Rocks

Some of our most powerful and potent stones are not colorful, sleek-sided crystals. They are instead what we’d (perhaps dismissively) call rocks. Like Elestial Quartz, rocks are not fancy things.

Over millennia rocks have been used to build stone circles and cairns, dolmens and labyrinths. They have marked the entrance to tombs and crossroads, been washed by the ocean and tumbled by the rivers. They are a mash of minerals with no fancy pedigree . . . and they are readily available.

Go outside and gather seven rocks found near your home. Each day for a week, sit quietly with one of your rocks, noticing what thoughts and feelings cross your mind as you tune into these unnoticed neighbors. Keep notes on what you’re thinking as you hold each rock and sit in contemplation. At the end of the week, compare your daily notes and see what you discover.

Elestial quartz gem artwork

decorative art Reflection decorative art

Respecting Wisdom

Elestial is dimpled and wrinkled, crazed and craggy. Each imperfection holds the history of this earth and its geological ages. While we may respect such wisdom in theory, when nestled among shiny, smooth quartz points, Elestial can still look strange.

It can be hard to watch yourself shift from shiny and smooth to lumpy and lined. The person in the mirror can become unfamiliar and startling.

What judgments do you have around your own aging?

When you encounter an older person whom you don’t know, what’s your first thought?

Do your ideals around gaining wisdom inform how you treat people who have gone through the wisdom-gaining process?

Aging is an extraordinary process where you become the person you always should have been.

David Bowie