Sacred Center


Mohs hardness scale: 2

The selenite card artwork

I was named for a goddess of the moon, Selenite hoots. The moon is a dark thing, but I am light. Not light reflected, refracted, or redistributed. No, I am brightness shining from within. I am a wellspring, not a mirror. Selenite reminds you that you can be a source of light. Consolidate your energy so you can let it shine not just for yourself but for those around you. You are multidimensional, Selenite instructs, you hold within you the energies of moon and sun and earth. Of wind and fire and water. You are life and you are life’s decay. You don’t have to choose; you can both shine and reflect. When you flow between your polarities, you come to sacred center.

decorative art Ritual decorative art

Honoring Polarity

Peruvian medicine workers sometimes use a pair of stones, one light, one dark. The light stone is used to pull in brightness — the light of the sun and the stars. The dark is used to remove and compost what needs to be released. The light stone is the dynamic and creative energy of fire; the dark stone is the grounding solidity of earth.

Choose a light stone and a dark stone from your collection, or from your yard, to hold these two polar energies.

Feel into it — do these two stones want to work with you?

Selenite mineral artwork

Once you’ve found your stones, sit with the light stone in the morning, using it as a focal point for calling in the creative, fiery energies of the day to come. In the evening, sit with your dark stone, using it as a focus to release what isn’t needed from the day and stabilizing your energy for the night to come.

decorative art Reflection decorative art

Being Both

You might be asking yourself, Am I more like fire or more like a mirror? Our brains tend to work in dichotomies, but remember, a lantern can house both a flame and a mirror that amplifies and distributes the flame’s light. When we are in balance, we too are both.

In what ways are you a light, shining from within?

In what ways are you a mirror, reflecting and redistributing the light you find in the world around you?

If you light a lantern for another, it will also brighten your own way.

Nichiren, thirteenth-century Japanese Buddhist priest