Mohs hardness scale 5–6.5
Anchor in! Hematite instructs. Whether it’s your thoughts running rampant, your energy shooting off in 70 directions, or your spirit wanting to fly free from your skin, Hematite’s message is the same: Anchor in! Reach down into your being, find your core, and feel yourself connected to the heart of the earth. Let the iron in the planet’s center sing to the iron in your blood, reminding you of your roots. Let the structure of this iron-rich stone support your thoughts and anchor your emotions so you can bring your best self forward and ripple that energy out to those around you.
Roots not only keep you from toppling over, they keep you from top-spinning on your troubles. Your roots serve as a grounding rod. There are many ways to root; one is connecting with lineage. Connecting with your lineage reminds you that you are part of a woven fabric, that you are not the first person to have walked these pathways.
Think about lineages you are already a part of — your family of origin; your family of choice; maybe you follow a religious path or a goddess or feel connected to a certain power animal.
Are you a child of the forest or the ocean?
Do you have an intellectual lineage as a follower of the ancient philosophers or of quantum physicists?
Whatever it is that makes you feel connected, claim it, name it, and see yourself as a part of this greater whole. Call on those who came before, even if you don’t know their names. Write a letter to whomever (or whatever) you want to actively claim as an ancestor. Tell them who you are, who you want to become, and how their energy can support your growth. Offer your gratitude for their guidance.
Most things in nature have structure. Whether it’s the crystalline structure of stones or the spiraling leaves of a fern unfurling, structure is inherent to natural systems. Yet structure can feel confining. Within a tight structure, options are limited and the way forward is often predetermined.
Where does structure appear in your life?
Are you comfortable within a structure or do you rebel against it?
Does pushing against structure help you understand yourself and your position on issues that spark your spirit?