Activate the Void


Mohs hardness scale: 3.5–4

The azurite card artwork

Each in-breath creates space within you, an expectant stillness. Azurite holds the energy of this empty-fullness. It is not the container, but the space contained; not the walls of the womb, but the emptiness within. This void is the most precious of gifts because in this emptiness, in the pause at the crossroads of time and space, your intuition can soar. Once space is created, stuck energies begin to flow, funneling through heaviness, creating a place for something more daring or delicate than everyday life. Azurite holds you as you behold this void so you can feel the rich ocean of possibilities in which you are swimming. Breathe in the blue and allow the fullness of the emptiness to elevate your spirit.

decorative art Ritual decorative art

Full of Emptiness

In Ayurvedic medicine, air (the stuff you breathe) is the second element. It occurs when the first element, ether, which holds potential, becomes activated. So, each in-breath is creating space within you to hold this activated void.

Like Azurite, this ritual of breath (a simplified version of a traditional yogic breath cycle) shows you the beautiful paradox of being both empty and full.

Using your first finger close your left nostril and inhale through the right.

Use your thumb to close the right nostril, holding your breath in. Pause.

Release your left nostril, exhaling.

Inhale through your left nostril before closing it again with your first finger.

Pause before releasing your thumb and exhaling.

Continue for a few rounds.

At what point in this cycle do you feel empty? At what point are you full?

Azurite mineral artwork

decorative art Reflection decorative art

What Makes You Feel Free?

We often surround ourselves with stuff . . . and then live with the fear of losing it.

We forget that emptiness contains potential.

Picture life in a tiny house, in a recreational vehicle (RV), or on a sailboat. There’s not much storage space. You’d have a few changes of clothes, food for a few days, one pot (which doubles as a tea kettle) and a frying pan, two sets of dishes, a couple cups, bedding, and a towel or two. Maybe you have some books and a board game . . . not much else.

Now picture life in a regular house or apartment. You have rooms with furniture, closets full of clothes, family heirlooms on shelves, and pictures on the wall.

If you live in a house, imagine your life as a sleek sailboat. Is that lack of stuff actually a luxury that lets you move and explore? If you live in an RV or on a boat, imagine a home where you can ground and root and connect with the land.

Where do you feel more free today? The “today” is important here: you might change your mind tomorrow or feel differently than you did yesterday.