She had the dark look around the eyes that Liz didn’t like, the faintly hollowed cheeks. And she spoke a little too quickly, as she often did in times of difficulty. Trying to outrun herself was how Liz thought of it.
“I wonder how they’ll manage,” she kept saying. “I wonder if maybe they’re too old.”
They were at their usual Thai place south of Market, sitting at their usual table. The phone call that had brought this dinner into being had readied Liz for a Sarabeth in bad shape, but not this bad, or not this apparently bad: she looked a little as she had in the weeks after her breakup with Billy. She was very sensitive to loss—as how could she not be? Though what she was losing if Mark adopted a baby, Liz couldn’t quite see. Maybe just an idea. A wish. If you’d been through what she’d been through, that could be a lot.
“Do you think they’re too old?” Sarabeth said. “I mean, just from an energy standpoint?”
The answer, of course, was no, but what effect would that have? Put another way, would Sarabeth be better off hearing how hard it would be? Or how wonderful? This dilemma was as familiar to Liz as the restaurant, the food, the melancholy look on Sarabeth’s face. Liz felt it was important to be truthful, but she also felt there was generally more than one truth, and the choice of which to deliver could help or hinder.
“What an adventure,” she said, skirting the question altogether. “Imagine, you go on a trip and return home with someone you’re going to know for the rest of your life.”
The waitress arrived with their soup, and they leaned away from each other while she filled their bowls, the tangy, orangey milk of the broth and the little curled bits of chicken.
“Tom ka gai,” Sarabeth said. “This should help.”
Liz raised her wineglass. Years ago, they’d been in the habit of going to a different restaurant every time they met—the latest hot spot or some out-of-the-way gem Sarabeth had discovered—but in the last few years they’d settled here, and it was more honest somehow: their dinners weren’t about going out, they were about getting together, and as if to prove it they ordered the same food every time.
“Hey, how’s Lauren?” Sarabeth said after they’d both had their first taste of soup. “I never heard how she liked Howards End.”
Liz thought of Lauren’s tearstained face last Friday, when she got her paper back. The way she’d allowed Liz to hold her, the way she’d allowed herself to be held. The next day, it had been as if none of it had ever happened.
“She didn’t,” she said. “She had a hard time with the paper.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Sarabeth said. “I should have suggested something else. I feel bad.”
“Don’t be silly. She has to have these experiences.”
“You really think that?”
Liz remembered resisting Brody’s saying about the same thing: It’s good practice for life. What did she think? Did she wish the kids had no challenges, no disappointments? What a pointless wish that would be, like wishing winter wouldn’t come, or illness, or death. But in a way she did wish it, because she hated the suffering.
She spooned up some broth and glanced around the restaurant. It was starting to fill, a SOMA crowd of thirtyish high-tech types. The women wore low-slung jeans and clingy featherweight sweaters, a far cry from the kind of thing Liz had worn when she was their age and working. Suits, it was then. Jackets with shoulder pads.
“Never mind,” she said. “Let’s talk about you. How’s Anna Karenina?”
Sarabeth smiled and leaned forward. “Last Thursday? Esther comes up to me afterward and says, ‘Dear Sarabeth, this is the highlight of my week.’ And she hands me three incredibly old Hershey’s kisses—like, with the little white tags practically gray.”
“That’s so sweet,” Liz said.
“Isn’t it? I always feel like she’s handing me a tiny piece of her life.”
“Maybe she is. So someone will have it when she’s gone.”
“Oh, that’s sad,” Sarabeth said, setting her spoon down and sinking back into her chair. “And beautiful. You always say things that are so true.”
“You do. Billy noticed it, did I…did I ever tell you that?” Sarabeth kept her eyes on Liz for a moment, then colored and looked away.
Liz thought of her one and only encounter with Billy. She had always feared, especially as they grew older, that Sarabeth would find her way to a married man, but she’d never imagined someone as dangerous as Billy, as adept at hiding his treachery behind a veil of compassion and intelligence. She’d also never imagined how distressing it would be for her, nor how reluctant she’d be to meet him. Sarabeth had begged for months, and finally, when Liz could make excuses no longer, she drove to Berkeley and had the most awkward and stilted lunch with the two of them, Sarabeth trying so hard to be at ease, Billy as full of himself as she had expected, and the idea of his family hovering everywhere. Leaving afterward, she had shaken his hand and said, “It was so nice meeting you,” when what she was thinking was: You monster.
“I’m sorry,” Sarabeth said now.
“Bringing it up. Actually, making you do it in the first place.”
Liz shook her head. Looking at Sarabeth’s tiny white face, her unruly hair, the curve of her narrow shoulders—she had a renewed awareness of how much Billy had meant to Sarabeth, saw how much Sarabeth was still in anguish. She wished she had some way to lift it—lift the misery off Sarabeth the way you could lift a mesh dome off a bowl of potato chips, straight up, without jostling the sides of the bowl.
In a few minutes the waitress arrived with their red curry beef, and they waited while she cleared away the soup. From a stamped tin tureen she spooned rice onto clean plates, then ladled the panang over it.
“I’ve been thinking,” Sarabeth said once she was gone, “maybe I should invite her to tea. Esther, I mean. Like I could take her to a place with scones and real china, and we’d sit there and talk about life. But I’m not so sure I should. It’s like, do I want to change the relationship?”
“That’s a good question,” Liz said. “It’s like my mother and Mrs. Nudelman.”
“Your mother and Mrs. Nudelman what?”
“When she got sick. My mother took her lunch every day. You didn’t know that?”
“I don’t think so,” Sarabeth said. And then, “God, Mrs. Nudelman. I haven’t thought of her in years.”
She had lived across the street from Liz’s family, right next to Sarabeth’s: an old lady in a small Spanish-style house fronted by the most beautiful garden. Long before Mrs. Nudelman fell ill, Liz’s mother had been friendly with her, asking her for advice on growing tulips in California, bringing home jars of her kumquat preserves. Then the roles changed.
“What did she have?” Sarabeth said.
“Did we know that?”
“I don’t think so. Or if we did, we didn’t know what it meant.” Liz pinched up some rice in her chopsticks and dabbed it in the sauce. It was strange: in childhood the idea of cancer had been so terrible it had been almost without meaning. And that somehow made it not terrible—made it nearly nothing. She thought of how knowledge accumulated in layers rather than linearly, how you learned the same things over and over, but differently each time, more deeply. This made her think of rain, sprinkling lightly, dampening the earth; and then sprinkling again and pouring down, and the earth taking it in and getting wet with it, drenched with it. And then, over time, gradually drying out again, as in old age the mind sometimes cleared itself, and memories—and knowledge—were lost.
“Do you ever dream about Cowper Street?” she asked Sarabeth.
“Not that I remember. Do you?”
“I dream about our backyard. The orange trees. I don’t exactly dream about them, but I kind of dream their smell.”
“That smell!”
“Our own little madeleine moment.”
“But in reverse.”
Liz leaned back and felt herself relax. She was always glad when she and Sarabeth talked about the past; she thought of it as good therapy for Sarabeth. Liz sometimes even brought up Lorelei: Remember the time your mother played Monopoly with us for six hours? Remember when your mother taught us how to make popovers? She had to be careful, though, because so many moments that for her had been harmless, even fun, for Sarabeth had been—or had, in retrospect, become—very fraught. Remember the time your mother modeled that silky gray dress for us? And we thought she looked so beautiful? In response to which Sarabeth might say, bitterly: You mean the one she ripped to shreds because she thought my father didn’t like it?
Sometimes Liz felt it was best to pretend Lorelei had never existed.
After dinner they stood together outside the restaurant, clutching their coats close. They were almost directly under the freeway, and the sound of cars on wet road was everywhere.
“So a week from tomorrow,” Liz said. “Are you sure you don’t mind bringing your same salad?”
“Of course I don’t mind. Anyway, the kids love it.”
“That’s not a good reason—would you rather bring something different?”
“Liz,” Sarabeth said. “Are you sure you don’t mind making your same turkey?”
“OK, you got me.”
They hugged and parted, and Liz started the long walk to the garage where she always parked. It unnerved her a little, being alone in the city at night, and she kept a brisk pace, her purse tight at her side. The buildings she passed were dark and warehouselike, though a few had lights on upper floors and company names etched on the narrow glass sidewalk-level doors. Stopped at a crosswalk, she was joined by a big guy in a leather jacket, and her heartbeat hammered until the light changed and he took off ahead of her. She passed a seedy-looking doughnut shop with a single old man sitting hunched over a cup of coffee, and then an empty lot in which she could just make out the forms of several homeless people lying in sleeping bags. She was ashamed of herself, being afraid of such unfortunate people.
In the van she felt better. As she made her way to the garage exit she thought, for some reason, of those orange trees on Cowper Street, with their hard, shiny leaves. There’d been lemon trees, too, that produced lemons with incredibly thick skins. You’d cut one open, and there’d be half an inch of white pith surrounding the tart fruit. Her mother had made lemonade with them. Liz remembered the summer when she and Sarabeth were thirteen, how day after day they sat under the big tree in the backyard and read aloud the advice column from Seventeen magazine, all the while sipping from tall glasses of homemade lemonade. If John had a friend over they’d read in loud voices, trying to attract the boys’ attention. If Steve had a friend over Liz would tell them not to come out back, and Steve would pout and tell their mother, but in the end Liz and Sarabeth would be left alone, the yard theirs. How long ago that was, when you could be at once so dramatic and so innocent.
She paid the garage attendant, and soon she was on the freeway, doing sixty, heading home. Already, there were Christmas billboards up: Gap scarves, De Beers diamonds clipped to the branches of a fir tree. “How do they get those signs up there?” Joe had asked at age five or six. “With an airplane?”
She switched to 280, drove past the neon of the Serramonte Center, along the rim of the vast, light-dotted bowl that was South San Francisco. The airport became visible, then the wide, irradiated mouth of the Valley. And then the freeway twisted to the west, and soon there was little to see from the road but the darker dark of the hills, the lighter dark of the sky.
No one knew where she was right now—not precisely, not with complete certainty. She approached the turnoff for 92, the road to Half Moon Bay, and she imagined a piece of herself splitting off, taking the turn in an alternate van, the two of them heading up the mountain, other-Liz and other-van, the twists and turns of the narrow road. She followed them to the top, then stopped at the first point on the downward stretch where the ocean became visible. From there she leaped to the distant beach, soaring downward with her arms spread, and she remembered a moment in college, in a class on twentieth-century poetry that Sarabeth, from across the bay, had urged her to take because the professor was a famous poet herself, visiting just for the quarter. There was a long poem that the professor had read aloud, and at the end it was something or other about birds going “downward toward darkness, on extended wings,” the words themselves dark and majestic as they filled the Stanford classroom. “They’re on extended wings,” the professor said when she was finished reading, “but they do go down.” All these years later Liz remembered the moment vividly, the professor with her little voice, speaking of the biggest things there were. The chill she felt as she listened.
November was always rainy, but Lauren thought this year was worse than usual. Rain and rain and rain, cold air on her neck, damp seeping through her shoes to her feet.
She was in math, and a steady stream of water leaked down the windows, blurring the view. She had math last period every day, and as if math itself weren’t bad enough, Aimee Berman sat across the aisle from her. Today she had a huge hickey on her neck, and she was pretending to be embarrassed by it. At lunch Lauren had seen her covering it with her hand and laughing with her girls. They were huddled under the overhang in their idiotically matching outfits: skirts over bare legs, despite the weather. Aimee’s was this ugly plaid thing, but on her it looked good. Her legs were so perfect, it was like they weren’t even real.
She also had dyed blond hair—and not just streaks, or one color this month, another next month, but seriously, professionally dyed blond hair, and she had had it since sixth grade, according to someone Amanda knew. Like, in fifth grade her hair had been brown, and then suddenly. The person Amanda knew had said the dyed hair was Aimee’s mother’s idea, which Amanda thought was sad. Amanda was always thinking things were sad when Lauren was grossed out. Lauren always had the wrong attitude.
Which was probably why Amanda was dumping her. Before Lauren’s mom had left for the city last night, she’d suggested Lauren call Amanda to see if she wanted to go to a movie Saturday, and against her better judgment Lauren had called. Amanda, it turned out, was “busy.” There was this horrible long silence as Lauren gripped the phone. She felt seasick. Finally Amanda said, “How about Friday?” and it was all Lauren could do not to tell her to go fuck herself. She said she was busy Friday, and when she saw Amanda before school this morning, she lied and said she needed to spend lunch in the library.
Because of Thanksgiving, next week was just Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and Lauren didn’t know which was worse, a full week of school or a four-day weekend at home. Her aunt and uncle and cousins were coming up from LA: Steve and Kelly would sleep in the guest room, Austin and Parker would get Joe’s room, and Joe would get the foldout in the upstairs TV room. Lauren wasn’t exactly affected, but she always felt kind of squished anyway.
Then there was the bench. Her mom, for weeks, had been painting an old bench with the dorkiest plaid pattern. Who ever heard of a plaid bench? And the colors were just awful, bright like kids’ colors. Lauren had asked her if she was going to cover it while Steve and Kelly were visiting, and her mom had been like, Why? It was going to be mortifying. Her mom’s furniture painting was so pathetic. What was the deal, anyway? Didn’t she have enough committees to keep her busy? Lauren thought it was all a way to copy Sarabeth and her lampshades, except Sarabeth’s lampshades were cool.
She looked across the aisle again. Aimee had her cell open, hidden behind her propped-up math book, and her thumb was busy punching buttons, texting someone in another class. She looked up and gave Lauren such a cool stare that all Lauren could do was look away, her face on fire. In her peripheral vision she saw Aimee return to her cell—probably to key in “OMG! Tht girl Lauren nxt 2 me is fugly.”
Mr. Pavlovich had asked a question. Lauren knew not because she’d heard it, but because the atmosphere had changed. Everyone was alert, listening now whether they appeared to be or not. Chalk in his dusty fingers, Mr. Pavlovich scanned the room for a victim. He was the only one of Lauren’s teachers who regularly called on people who weren’t raising their hands, and Lauren tried for a look of slightly confused attention. He scratched the side of his pockmarked neck, leaving a smudge of chalk dust. “Aimee?” he said.
Aimee’s face didn’t change, but her hickey seemed to get a bit darker. She was actually a little on the dumb side, and all at once Lauren felt sorry for her. If she’d known the answer herself, she would have tried to find a way to pass it to Aimee.
“I don’t know,” Aimee said. She stared hard at Mr. Pavlovich, and now his face changed a little, reddening as he ran a finger across his upper lip. The moment seemed endless, and Lauren honestly didn’t know which of them would prevail. Mr. Pavlovich should, but Aimee was Aimee and even he knew that. Was he thinking he wanted to fuck her? Maybe he was fucking her and had crossed a line by calling on her. When Amanda’s sister was in tenth grade, a PE teacher was discovered to be having an affair with a freshman.
The bell rang, and the whole thing collapsed, Mr. Pavlovich’s uncertainty, Aimee’s strength, Lauren’s idea that any of it was interesting. She loaded her stuff into her backpack and left the room. The only person Aimee was fucking was Tyler Moorhouse, Jeff Shannon’s best friend. Actually, they weren’t necessarily fucking, which was all about Aimee’s cred, since Tyler was a senior. Tyler and Jeff were probably leaving their math class right now. God, had Aimee been texting Tyler? Until now Lauren had never thought that every last period Aimee could be texting Tyler and saying stuff about her that he would say to Jeff. She suddenly saw herself as possibly more visible to Jeff than she’d ever considered. What mean stuff might Aimee have said? Lauren’s heartbeat felt crazy, and she paused for a moment to catch her breath. If Aimee was telling Jeff stuff about her, then she wasn’t starting on level ground; she was starting down. She was screwed. In fact, she might as well ask him out, have him laugh in her face, and call the whole thing over right now.
She stopped at a drinking fountain and gulped water, really thirsty. Straightening up, she wiped the back of her hand across her mouth and turned, and there he was, right behind her, waiting for a drink: with his tall, lanky body and his chiseled mouth and his incredible blue eyes. “I’m Lauren,” she blurted, and then in complete mortification she bolted, speedwalking halfway to her locker before she realized he’d be passing by on the way to his locker and she absolutely couldn’t be standing there dialing her fucking combination when he walked by, not after the way she’d just humiliated herself. She stopped and turned, thinking forget it about the rest of her stuff, and there he was, coming right at her, and he stared into her eyes and gave her a long, knowing smirk.
Liz was having a bad morning. She was out of half-and-half. She’d burned two batches of toast. She’d been counting on Brody to take the kids, but he had to get to work early for a conference call. And Lauren: Lauren had done it again.
I’m not going to school today.
Liz was in her closet, shoving her feet into shoes, and as soon as she got home from dropping Joe, she and Lauren were going to have a talk. Sweetie, she would say, I’m getting worried about you.
Which was a lie. She wasn’t getting worried, she was worried—she hadn’t had an unworried day in two months, if not longer. The schoolwork explanation had been as empty as empty could be. Lauren should see a therapist. And Lauren would not want to see a therapist.
Back in the kitchen, Brody and Joe were as she’d left them, in twin states of ill repose. Brody had the paper open, but it might as well have been upside down for all she believed he was reading it. Joe was eating an English muffin with his head so low it was practically on his plate.
“Liz,” Brody said, glancing at his watch and getting up from the table.
She looked at him.
“I’m really sorry. If this were something I could skip…”
“Forget it,” she said. “Go. It’s fine.”
He waited a moment, then gave her a perfunctory kiss and left the house.
When Joe was ready she went up and told Lauren she’d be back soon. There was a heavy fog outside, and the air was cold and damp. She looked up and down the street, and there wasn’t a person visible, not a single sign of life anywhere. Days like this, the rest of the world, even the next block, seemed entirely hypothetical.
“What a morning,” she said as she stepped up into the van, and from the passenger seat Joe looked over at her with nervous eyes. Lauren these days—how was it for him? “Oh, sweetie,” she said.
“Just drive.”
The school was up in the hills. The drop-off line started a block back, and you inched forward, more and more slowly as the first bell approached. Liz recognized a number of people, or recognized their cars: the khaki Sienna, the silver Odyssey, the massive dark orange Hummer. It was a community of vehicles. “Vehicular mayhem” came a phrase to her mind.
The car in front of Liz moved forward, and when she’d closed the gap Joe opened his door and jumped out. “See you later,” he mumbled, and she watched as he dove into the stream of kids heading for the school. All those kids, all those backpacks: they reminded her of nothing so much as ants marching along, each with its own burden. Childhood was hard, mainly because you hadn’t learned perspective. Nothing was real beyond the present. The unknown future wasn’t comfortable or uncomfortable—it simply didn’t exist.
She needed a little more time, and once she’d circled the school she headed north rather than turning south toward home. Thank God it was Friday; she didn’t think she could stand another day in this week.
She found a parking place right in front of Starbucks, but the line was long so she ducked into the bakery next door and bought a loaf of bread first. Back at Starbucks, she waited in what was now a longer line, then realized only after she had her coffee that she was out of decaf and would need some for Thanksgiving. She stood in the beans line while the counter person tried to cope with the fact that she was being asked to work, here at her job. She was probably eighteen or nineteen, surly, and so slow it had to be intentional. Liz understood clearly that this would not bother her so much if she didn’t fear Lauren would end up just the same.
Finally, a pound of beans in hand, she left the store. She got into the car and thought: It doesn’t have to be like this.
Then she realized that she had it, the thing to say to Lauren. It doesn’t have to be like this. With concern, with hope, and without pressure. She had just the right thing to say when she got to Lauren’s room.
But Lauren wasn’t in her room. For many hours she had fought an idea, and now the fight was over and she was grateful. The worst possible decision had turned out to be a great relief. She had done it, and she lay in the empty bathtub (she had not wanted to leave a mess), and bled, and sank into the thing the pills were helping her with, the not feeling, the not thinking that was going to help her with not being, because being was not…working…for her….
Warm where her wrist touched her face.