You will need a cocktail shaker for this classic shaken margarita. There are any number of glasses you can use – just pick something that suits your style.
1 lime wedge, to salt the glass
sea salt for the glass, crushed till fine
50 ml (1¾ fl oz) tequila (I like Calle 23 Blanco)
30 ml (1 fl oz) fresh lime juice
20 ml (½ fl oz/1 tablespoon) Cointreau
Salt the rim of the glass by running the edge of a lime wedge around it, then dipping it into the salt – I find the best way is to lay a shallow layer of salt in a saucer. You can of course also use table salt if you prefer.
Pour the tequila, lime juice and Cointreau into a cocktail shaker with a handful of ice and give it a good shake. Strain into a coupe glass. This can also be served over ice, the choice is yours.