Any cheese is great here – feta, Burrata or a dollop of fresh ricotta all work nicely. Use fresh mozzarella, not the type you grate onto pizza. If it’s the height of summer and green, red and yellow capsicums are available, cook one of each to add wonderful colour.

8 small pickling onions, skin on

100 ml (3½ fl oz) extra virgin olive oil, plus extra

2 large red capsicums (peppers)

2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar

sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

4 small balls fresh buffalo mozzarella cheese

½ bunch basil, small leaves only

Place the onions in a deep frying pan or a shallow saucepan that will hold them in one layer, and pour enough oil in the pan to come halfway up the onions. Turn the heat to low and fry the onions gently until they are very tender. Carefully peel the onions.

Preheat a barbecue to high. Rub the capsicums with oil and place them on the barbecue. Cook the capsicums, turning them regularly, until they are well blackened on all sides. Place the capsicums in a bowl, cover with plastic wrap and leave to steam for about 30 minutes. Peel the capsicums, remove the seeds and slice into thin strips about 1–1.5 cm (½–5/8 inch) thick. Dress the capsicum with the remaining oil, and the balsamic, salt and pepper.

Cut each mozzarella ball into wedges and arrange on a large serving platter or divide among four plates. Add the dressed capsicum, the onions and the basil. Drizzle with the remaining oil and add another grind of pepper.