A book, like a championship basketball season, does not happen by accident. But I find that the people who helped me the most with this book have been people who helped me in life. All of the athletes and assistant coaches who helped me build a bridge for all of us to cross provide me with continual joy and satisfaction.

Tom Jurich, vice president for athletics at the University of Louisville, afforded me all the tools it took to return the basketball program here to the success it so richly deserved. Beyond that, he has been my close friend and professional confidant, and himself has become a historic figure at the university.

Not enough is said about Kenny Klein. As sports information director, he is the best in the country, but he’s more than that. Kenny sets a standard for professionalism that anyone who has worked with him will tell you is second to none. More than that, he is my close friend.

Thanks also to Jordan Sucher, my executive assistant, Vinny Tatum, our equipment manager, Stephanie Davis, basketball receptionist. These are people who keep our office running—and in the case of Vinny, laughing.

And finally thanks to two men who don’t get enough credit in our program’s success. Fred Hina, our trainer, is the best in the game. After years with the New York Mets, he has served us well. Ray Ganong, our strength and conditioning coach, keeps us running, and running, and running. Thanks to all.