In being able to produce this book my grateful thanks are due to several people, but primarily to my wife Helena, whose enthusiasm for the subject knows no human bounds and whose capacity for remembering and finding useful references is beyond imagination.
Others to whom I am most grateful for their helpful comments and suggestions include Alistair Coombs, Ron Wallwork, Barry Thomson (Librarian of the Theosophical Society in London), plus Christine Morgan and Laurence Newey of the Lucis Trust for their continuing enthusiastic support and also for consenting to the use of extensive references from the works of A. A. Bailey. My thanks also to the Fintry Trust library and the Theosophical Publishing House in Adyar, Chennai.
Finally, I would also wish to add here an “in memoriam” mention of Professor Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, an academic colleague and friend to many of us, whose sudden and unexpected passing from our midst at such an early age (in 2012) has sadly deprived the worldwide community of esoteric studentship of one of its brightest and most prolifically informative lights.