Why, you might ask, should we concern ourselves with kosmic issues that are so far beyond our human powers of comprehension that they make little or no rational sense? The answer to that lies in the fact that the great celestial Intelligences who populate and control the universe were themselves once mere human spirits, so we are assured. In line with that, those high initiates of our present humanity (our “Elder Brothers”) who achieve moksha (liberation from our world-state) are themselves en route to fulfilling a similar function. Therefore, our own evolutionary future, long eons hence, must lie in the very same direction and we should be aware of that. We are all but cells in the organism of the greater Logos.
We are told, as otherwise also mentioned a little earlier, that our present solar system is the second in a series of three,1 within a larger kosmic system of seven solar schemes, which themselves comprise the seven primary chakras in the objective body of a Logos whose unimaginably evolved Intelligence would be light years in advance of that of our own Solar Logos. That superior Logos would appear to be directly associated with the Pleiades. Although this sounds frighteningly complex, it is less so if following the hermeneutic system also described earlier. That threefold progression would then make reasonably logical sense. It would do so in terms of an overall involutionary–evolutionary–devolutionary development. That would then seem to infer that our solar system may be representative, in equivalent terms, of the eye or throat chakra in the etheric body of the greater Logos. That in turn would perhaps suggest the first solar system to have been correspondingly representative of the logoic sacral chakra, its lesser counterpart.
The implied follow-on from this is that the Moon Chain (parent to the Earth) represented the most developed planetary scheme in the first solar system, which could go no further in its own evolutionary development—hence the fact that its most evolved humanity was transferred to this planet, Earth. The groups thus transferred were, in a sense, relative “failures,” which had not already achieved full spiritual Self-consciousness. Therefore, under karmic Divine Law, according to The Secret Doctrine, they were forced back into the next available cycle of human experience2—which coincided with the Fourth or Atlantean Root Race on our Earth. So we are also told in The Secret Doctrine, even the Kumaras were relative “failures” from a previous solar cycle.3 However, by virtue of their evolution being so far advanced, as relative “gods,” they could not be thrown back. They were instead projected into the aura of our world in a latent state, as a single group, there to await the due time when they could “awaken” and begin the alchemical process of turning merely prototypal humanity into self-consciously reasoning human beings, as supposedly took place in very ancient Lemurian times.
The “failure” of the Planetary Logos of the Moon Chain seems to have been merely relative. That is to say, the fact of only a part of its humanity achieving spiritual Self-consciousness was inevitable. So, having achieved a high degree of materialistic mentality on the Moon Chain—the desire-toknow (the lesser “Brahma” nature) apparently being the primary evolutionary influence on the Moon—these same human soul groups were transferred to our solar system and our Earth, which is itself primarily influenced by the Will-to-know (the Visnu nature). As a direct consequence, the duality generated by these two groups coming together produced inevitable conflict during the Atlantean period. That same conflict eventually resulted in the materialistic influence giving rise to the formation of the Lodge of Black Adepts (of the Left-Hand Path) while the “organic” influence of the Will-toknow produced by the Planetary Logos of the Earth resulted in the formation of the Great White Lodge (of Adepts of the Right-Hand Path).
The whole issue of “white” and “black” magic has arisen in the popular mind as a result of these historic issues. However, the problem is one that has evidently to be resolved by the Spiritual Hierarchy, not by mere human beings. We human beings certainly need to be aware of the influence of the “Brothers of the Left-Hand Path” as one that mistakenly seeks to promote material benefits and purely selfish individualism as its overriding priorities. However, to think of the issue as one pertaining only to the supposed Devil via ritual magic (a.k.a. the books of Denis Wheatley or Aleister Crowley) would be quite wrong.
The real problem lies in the completely false but widespread assumption that a high level of material welfare (or so-called “quality of life”) should be our prime concern before we even consider spiritual issues. This is manifestly not so, irrespective of what our worldly gurus of Western society have to say on the subject. A basic level of material welfare and comfort (involving shelter and food) for all is indeed necessary—after all, one cannot reasonably expect homeless, starving, or unhealthy people to focus on important subjective issues. However, a high level of consumption or ownership of belongings becomes a mere distraction. That is why the spiritual Path inculcates a reasonable degree of personal asceticism, so that the elemental nature is kept under disciplined control by the Higher Self. Failure to recognize this is why so many mystically orientated idealists come to grief so quickly.
As already mentioned, a great part of the work of the Adept Hierarchy (since 1775 at least)4 involves the intentional destruction of redundant and materialistically orientated thought-forms, as well as those getting out of control like rampant weeds in a garden. These exist within the field of what Jung called the “collective unconscious,” and they are constantly and perniciously (although unconsciously) being regenerated by human beings, particularly through the medium of such agencies as the modern advertising industry. This, in conjunction with the modern worldwide stock market, functions on the basis of greed and fear, these supposedly being the two factors that alone drive consumption. Yet even recent experience has shown us that this need not be so.
It is a fact that human beings in the mass allow themselves to fall prey to unconscious and ill-thought-through fears of losing their means of living or their cultural status quo. That is largely due to worries about unexpected natural forces or to anxiety about other human beings taking unfair advantage. Hence it is that the Adept Hierarchy finds it necessary to bring about those occasional social crises that force people (i.e., via public opinion) to stop and think—particularly where both psychological and material profit margins are concerned. The human Spiritual Ego is involved in precisely the same process in watching over the evolution of each individual human being. Were it not for this constant process of cultural renewal engineered by the Spiritual Hierarchy from behind the scenes, human civilization would be in a perpetual and thoroughly unacceptable state of unregenerate chaos or stagnation. Thus it is that the Hierarchy uses its disciple-agents (such as the humanist Jean-Jacques Rousseau, for example) as agents-provocateurs to stimulate humanity into new orientations of thought and fresh channels of creative cultural activity.
However, although humanity alone makes the decision as to which direction it will actually follow, the planetary Powers-that-Be will not allow humankind to cause the planetary ruin that many fear because there is far too much in the way of a far higher Purpose at stake. Mankind must itself realize that crisis is necessarily of a temporary yet necessary nature to ensure that forward progress (through associated psychological testing as to strength of character) is possible. Hence it is that those mass elements of human society that do not come up to cyclical par must automatically be withdrawn from incarnation, largely via pandemics and natural disasters involving earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic activity. These temporary “failures” will then not be allowed to reincarnate during the present cycle, as they would otherwise slow its development down to an unacceptable degree.
As regards the remainder, the Adepts—once they have telepathically projected their suggestions to lesser initiates for the future development of human culture and civilization—can only watch and hope that progressive evolutionary common sense will prevail before they give any further assistance. The rest, as they say, is up to us.