Although this subject has been lightly touched upon in the main text of the book, the subject needs to be put into a context other than a mystic one in order for it to be understood in perspective with everything else so far suggested. The primary consideration must therefore be to remind ourselves that we exist within the “body” of a great Intelligence (Logos) “in Whom we live and move and have our being.” Within this great organism, which comprises and thus extends throughout our local universe, the stars fulfill the function of greater and lesser chakras, while the planetary schemes are in a corresponding sense like the greater and lesser organs of the human body. Like our own human organism, this “body” functions according to sensed need, which is necessarily invocative in nature.
As already described, the whole of this great logoic organism is united by the kosmic etheric state (known to us by the Sanskrit terms Maha-Buddhi or Mahat) and it is throughout this state that the main flow of kosmic energies are to be found. However, just as in our own human organism there are nonphysical forces lying apparently dormant until specifically called upon, so in the kosmic etheric double (and in the kosmic astral and mental states as well) there exist direct correspondences. As the logoic organism progresses toward its own eventually full birth in the kosmos, all of these celestial potentials have to come into proper working order. However, they can only do so by virtue of Man’s involvement.
Now, as we suggested at the outset, Man is essentially a divine being that has “fallen” en masse into the kosmic Underworld of celestial objectivity within our and other adjacent solar systems. He has done so as the latent coordinating expression of logoic Purpose. This has itself to work out in functional terms by consciously coordinating the animal, plant, and mineral kingdoms (comprising the kosmic gaseous, liquid, and dense states of the logoic body), as well as the lesser elemental subkingdoms. That can only ultimately be done, however, by his achieving Adept consciousness, which involves a progression of spiritual, semi-divine, and ultimately divine Self-consciousness in the creative and administrative process. Thus as Man achieves this, so the Logos himself achieves increasing degrees of SELF-consciousness in his own objective body. This, it is suggested, is the overall purpose of Creation.
By virtue of many of the auxiliary forces inherent in the compound logoic body organism being found latently circulating outside the celestial environs of the various planetary bodies, they have to be directly supplicated or called upon if their powers are to be usefully employed. This, however, can only be done by the Adept Hierarchy of each planetary scheme, for it is they who constitute its local center of animating and directing intelligence; but in order for them to do so, they must themselves develop increasingly greater and ever more subtle powers of invocation. Those greater powers of invocation come about as the direct result of an increasing number of human beings developing spiritual self-awareness and then spiritual Self-consciousness.
As the masses develop, thereby providing an increasingly strong foundational capacity for actual containment of higher energies, so the Adept Hierarchy itself evolves a greater coordinated power, which is itself the living SELF-expression of the Logos. It can then quite logically invoke interplanetary Avatars (in due cycle) to assist with the carrying out of progressively greater degrees of logoic function, by the use in our world of greater power and knowledge, as and when required. When humankind eventually realizes its true Purpose in this regard, then and only then will Evil (very logically) cease to exist.
It would appear that there have been three great kosmically related events in the life experience of our own Planetary Logos, all related to avataric involvement on a major scale and all involving the “Day of Judgment” of the associated era. The first was that of the “coming of the Kumaras” as a latent force in Nature to begin with,1 resulting in the founding of the original Shamballa. This was followed by the separation of the animal and human kingdoms, the appearance of dual gender, and finally the appearance of egoic self-consciousness in primeval humanity. This all took place during the Third (Lemurian) Race. The second occurred during the Fourth (Atlantean) Race and involved the final separation of higher astral from physical consciousness, thereby generating higher and lower types of human idealism and the first organic progression of members of our humanity into the lower echelons of the Spiritual Hierarchy of the planet. The third has only just taken place, involving (to begin with) the release of atomic/nuclear energy in this Fifth Race, during the twentieth century.2
Although generally regarded by humankind as merely associated with warfare, the capacity to generate atomic and now nuclear energy has a far higher, even spiritual association. The latter is concerned, one might suggest, with liberation from the threatened bondage of personality-driven human culture and the desire-orientated profit motive. From that viewpoint, even though the effects may not yet be widely or even clearly apparent, because of their mainly subjective nature, there is now taking place a fundamental separation of the lower mind principle from the astral nature in human consciousness generally.
Although atomic energy per se is a low form of energy associated with base matter, the occult principle involved is that its so-called “fission” could only take place as a result of sympathetic association. That is to say, only by virtue of the same thing taking place at the correspondingly higher level of Being could it then occur at the physical level. From this angle, it might be seen as representative of a downflow of kosmic etheric energy, thereby generating in due sequence an inflow of buddhic consciousness into the field of the human Higher Mind principle. That in turn results in the generation of a wave of higher Egoic Self-consciousness throughout our humanity. It is this, one might further suggest, which caused the superficial stimulus resulting in the appearance of the 1950s and 1960s “New Age” consciousness in a generation overshadowed by the presence of the planet Pluto in the zodiacal sign of Leo.
This third avataric event is of the same magnitude as the first, it is suggested, by virtue of the Fifth Race being the venue of the “Judgment Day” of the greater cycle involving the whole series of Fourth Round Root Races. This will be more understandable by reference to fig. 2.7 related to the cyclic movement of the Life wave. From this we can see that at each rising stage there occurs a “failure,” which itself results in a “fall.” That thereby generates a lesser, involutionary wave cycle, while the rest continues onward and upward. With that in mind, the implication is that the release of atomic energy heralded only the first stage of the current “Judgment Day”; so the rest must now follow. As such powerfully occult events otherwise inevitably result in corresponding cataclysms, the probability naturally follows that such will appear in increasing degree. As already suggested in a preceding chapter, one of the objectively more obvious results to be expected from this is that there will now progressively come about a very substantial reduction in the by now rather overcrowded population of our planet.
Consequent upon this, so we are told, a great Seventh Ray Avatar will appear in the not-too-distant future, in order to initiate the reappearance of the Mysteries.3 The latter will obviously take a somewhat different form than that of the ancient Mysteries, but the general principles are likely to remain the same, thereby forming the basis not only of public religion but also of higher philosophical teachings. That is to say, they will probably involve three different levels of Mysteries, each related to particular ranges of initiatory experience. However, instead of being founded on a purely mystic (i.e., astral) orientation, they will be based upon mental recognition of scientific laws, but with a properly spiritual orientation.