Gathered around the large office table as they had done several weeks prior, Samuel and the group of attack planners began another taxing session. Staring at a six by eight foot map of Colorado and the fringes of her neighboring states, they faced a daunting task. It was unrealistic to believe that the attacking force striking at the mountain zone site could achieve their goal in the same fashion that had been planned out for the two eastern locations. Additionally, a completely different escape plan would need to be conjured up by the collective brain trust, and in so doing, the need for any support from the ground personnel would undoubtedly be altered as well.
Fortunately Samuel had been working on each aspect of that problem for several weeks, and he believed that he had at least some of the answers that they collectively sought. He opened the meeting by saying, “I would like to remind all of you that this will be an open forum for suggestion as usual, and as the time for us to solve this issue is rapidly ticking away, I recommend that none of you hold back with your opinions.”
The man who had exposed and detailed the downside implications of an easterly escape from the Maryland site then said, “Do you have something to lead us off with number two?”
“Yes I do. Per our previous discussions when we ironed out all the attack plans for New York and Maryland, and based on our collective inability to do the same with Colorado, I sanctioned manpower and financial resources into the area to explore possible solutions to our problem. That action has led to the identification of an exploitable situation and a few exchange points which could serve our purposes, but they will require a skill set that we have not yet tapped into.”
“What are you getting at number two?”
“Well, per your passing mention of it as a possibility in eastern Maryland or Delaware if we had chosen such a directional escape; I suggest that we incorporate our own air support for the Colorado location.”
“That’s an interesting thought, but I wasn’t really serious with that suggestion.”
“That may be, and of course air support won’t be needed in Maryland, but I believe that it will be necessary in Colorado.”
“And that’s where the exploitable situation and exchange points come in?”
“Yes indeed.”
“Alright number two; it sounds as if you have a promising start in mind. Fill us in on your thoughts, and perhaps we can all build upon them.”
“At this point I only have a small piece of the puzzle worked out. What I propose will be bold and daring to a degree well beyond that which will be required at the other two locations, but that is exactly why I believe it will work.”