Although pleasant throughout the process, the security tandem stationed at the front gate was meticulous in their duties. They cross checked the driver’s license of each man in the car with the manifest of invited guests that had been provided, and took note of the make, model, and license plate number before clearing the vehicle for entry. Once approved and waived on through, number thirty one slowly advanced the car through the set of stone pillars that supported the ornate entrance gate.

His lone back seat passenger asked, “Is that it up there?”

Looking ahead and to his right, the driver could see the massive mansion perched on the top of a small rise. Then he replied, “Yes, that’s the Tillman’s home. It’s going to take us a few minutes to get up there, so just enjoy the property and the view.”

The man questioned further, “Is there another checkpoint that we have to pass through on the way?”

“Normally it’s just the front gate, but there could be another check point today. Why do you ask?”

“Because you just said it would take us a few minutes to get there.”

“That’s because it’s slightly over a mile from the entrance arch to Samuel and Victoria’s home.”

The comment gave cause for the front seat passenger to enter the conversation by asking, “That house is a mile away?”

“Yes it is.”

“It must be massive if it looks that big from here!”

“It is, and the mansion is beautiful with great views of most of their property and a small portion of Houston County Lake beyond.”

What the three men in the car hadn’t realized was that the security personnel, who had helped to protect Samuel and Savanah on New Year’s Eve, were already calling the main house to inform their boss of the latest arrivals. The men in the car were part of the early wave of guests that would swell to over one hundred fifty for the late afternoon and evening festivities, but first there was business to discuss. Cresting the gentle hill and leveling off as the roadway opened onto a driveway area that could support perhaps fifty cars, number thirty one followed the advance directive of number two by backing into a space near the eight door garage. Before emerging from the car, his inquisitive rear seat passenger asked, “How many times have you been to this ranch?”

Always mindful of security measures, even among those that were already fully vetted, he replied, “I’m not exactly sure, but I’m always hopeful to be invited again.”

Just then their host and his wife stepped through the front door and waited for them on the front porch. As the three men approached, Victoria said, “Happy fourth of July gentlemen. We are so pleased that you could join us today.”

While offering his hand in gratitude, the driver replied, “Thank you Victoria. It’s a pleasure to see you again. How is everyone in the family?”

“Well they are all just fine thank you, and how are your lovely wife and children?”

“In the peak of health, and they look forward to seeing you again later this afternoon.”

“That is excellent news, and I look forward to seeing them again as well. Now, who are these two young gentlemen?”

“Please excuse my manners. May I introduce Mr. Capra and Mr. Fisk who are joining us today from El Paso. Like each of us in the present company, they are loyal Texans and Aggies through and through.”

Looking at them with a welcoming smile while extending a hand, Victoria replied, “Well it’s always good to shake hands with fellow Aggies, but it’s even better to know that you are both loyal to the cause. It’s a pleasure to meet you gentlemen, and welcome to our home.”

As if in chorus, the two men replied, “Thank you for the hospitality ma’am.”

“It’s our pleasure. Now then gentlemen, please come inside for some refreshments.”

Each man then shook the hand of their host Samuel Tillman before moving through the door into the massive foyer. Once inside, they were then escorted by Victoria to the bar area, and given instructions on where they could also find food, restrooms, and the pool if they so desired.

Samuel then asked, “Alright gentlemen, this meeting could last a little while. What can I get you to drink before we discuss your flight of this morning and the progress of the overall plan?”

Amazed at the openness of the statement, the inquisitive Mr. Fisk was silent for a moment. Then he became further amazed when his hostess snuck up on him from behind. Placing her hand on his shoulder, she said quite plainly, “Well isn’t that just the cutest thing Samuel? Either our new friend Mr. Fisk doesn’t have a thirst for something cold at the moment, or he doesn’t believe that I know anything at all about the overall plan.”

Then after a gulp of astonishment, Mr. Fisk replied, “I beg your pardon ma’am, I didn’t mean to imply…”

“Oh you most certainly did young man, but that’s just fine with me. Your momentary silence was actually a good sign, because it shows me that you are mindful of security measures in this matter.”

“Well yes ma’am, I am.”

Then with a slight increase of her grip pressure upon his shoulder, the tall and slender sixty five year old Victoria Tillman with short greying hair added, “Very well then Mr. Fisk, we shall address your concerns. Now let me tell you something sir, and this goes for you as well Mr. Capra. I’m a southern bread woman of deep tradition, and I cherish my husband Samuel along with everyone in our family. I love being the matriarch and the woman of the house so to speak, but in assuming that role, it doesn’t mean that I’m not a modern thinker. I know it’s only natural for many men, especially former military men such as the two of you, to believe that I or other women should be left out of important matters such as this. Unfortunately for those who maintain such a belief, they have not yet realized that it’s a thought process of another era. I’m fully aware, and “read in” as some of you like to say, of everything that there is to know about the plans of my husband and our good friends. That of course includes aspects of the roles that the two of you played this morning in Austin, and will continue to play throughout the coming months. Now having others, both on the inside and outside of the organization, believe that I’m ignorant to the subject matter can be useful in creating a wonderful cover for the family should that need ever arise. With that said gentlemen, please don’t ever underestimate my knowledge or resolve in the future!”

Having been eloquently put in his proper place by a woman of obvious breading, education, and conviction, Mr. Fisk then spoke humbly. He said, “Ma’am, and you too Mr. Tillman, I realize that there has been a misunderstanding on my part. I intended no disrespect toward either of you or your family home, and ask that you please accept these words as an apology on my behalf. I’m truly sorry, and shall never underestimate Mrs. Tillman’s knowledge of the overall plan ever again.”

With that Victoria smiled while lessoning her grip and put the man at ease. She replied, “Well now. That is how a proper Texas gentleman shows respect for his hosts through an apology, and I gladly accept it as such. Your parents must have raised you correctly sir, and if they were alive today, they would be proud of you for what you have just conveyed.”

For an instant Mr. Fisk wondered how Victoria Tillman could possibly know that his parents were dead, and that he had served in the military, but he didn’t inquire. The young man realized that he had no desire to underestimate her knowledge of events ever again.

Then his host Mr. Tillman spoke up by asking, “Now then, can we all have a cool drink and get down to the business at hand before many of our other guests and their young children arrive?”

Victoria replied, “That is an excellent idea Samuel, but I must bid you all a temporary farewell. I need to go over a few things with Ms. Holloway, as the catering group we have hired should be here soon. Perhaps you and the gentlemen can retire to your office to discuss business. I’m sure that you all have many things to cover about various aspects of the plan, and that may take some time.”

Samuel nodded with agreement, and motioned for his three guests to follow him into his office. Then after closing the door, he began what would become a lengthy conversation by saying to his old friend, “You have done well number thirty one, and I once again thank you for your continued efforts.”

Ever conscious of security measures, he responded without the use of a numbered identity. Instead, number thirty one merely stated, “Anything for the cause Samuel.”

With another nod, Samuel turned toward the men who had accompanied his old friend and stated, “So number thirty one informs me that both of you received your initial instruction while attending Texas A&M, and that you have since developed an excellent skill set when it comes to flying helicopters. This morning’s flight over Austin was just the beginning, as your collective skills can and will be of meaningful use to our cause. I’m pleased to say that the vetting process for each of you is complete, and both of you have passed with no issue. Therefore Mr. Capra and Mr. Fisk if you will accept, on behalf of those in the organization I welcome you to the party.”