For many decades the first Tuesday of November in the even numbered calendar years had been Election Day throughout America and during this mid-term election cycle it was no different. President Harwell had been elected two years prior in 2024, and as such, still had that same timeframe remaining before votes would be cast for or against him in his re-election attempt. Samuel Tillman didn’t care too much about that particular timetable for now, but also felt that the man probably didn’t stand much of a chance at a second term as the chief executive. Of course Jordon Harwell’s future within that office could be largely determined by the outcome of the overall plan, and how it would be subsequently responded to.
Of more immediate concern to Samuel were the various state elections that would have a federal impact on Congress, and also at the state legislature level. Many of those with regard to Texas were perceived to be already secured, as Samuel and others of influence within the organization had seen to that. The campaigns of supposed high moral character that had gone on for several months throughout Texas for certain incumbents located in both Washington D.C. and in Austin had been run cleanly without slander toward their opponents. That had won some voters over as they longed for such non-childlike behavior within the political arena. In addition, a behind the scenes financial machine backing those same incumbents had made things rather difficult for any of the opposing unwanted candidates to overcome.
Regardless of the outcomes of elections beyond the perimeter of Texas, Samuel knew that some within the body of both the United States Senate and House of Representatives would soon be on their way out. In the process, one of two things would occur that were basic to human nature. The outgoing personnel would either glide to the finish line of the winter holiday break while pouting that they had not gained another term, or they would be boisterous and overzealous in an attempt to leave a lasting mark on their time in the Capitol Complex with an eleventh hour legislative statement. Of course the latter of those had the potential to create a disturbance or inconvenience for those around them, but in either case, the mood would be short lived. Their eager to prove replacements would begin their shift in the spotlight after the New Year, and would be faced with a brand new set of challenges.
While viewing the evening news for tallies and results, Samuel smiled with pleasure. Then an hour later, before sitting down to dinner with the family, the television media revealed what he had known all along. Every incumbent that mattered to Samuel and the overall plan had been named the winner of their particular office, so no new bumps in the road from the political scope would develop.