Major Bates and his men had been waiting under guard in a hangar facility at the Albany International Airport for more than two hours before authentic federal agents arrived at seven o’clock eastern time to interrogate them. Although held in the relative comfort of an employee breakroom, none of the men had been allowed to speak with one another while being sequestered. Visits to the restroom were taken by one detainee at a time, and always under the gunpoint supervision of at least two New York National Guard troops. The young and eager Lieutenant who led the squad maintained a vigilant watch on Major Bates, and had been fighting the urge to begin his own brand of interrogation. It was a battle that he would have eventually lost if the agents hadn’t arrived, as he was concerned over the well-being of his cousin who was currently a first year plebe cadet at West Point.

When the federal agents did arrive, they were accompanied by General Norgard, who was Major Bates commanding officer. After rising and coming to attention with a salute, the Major asked, “Sir, can you please tell me what is going on?”

The two men had never really seen eye to eye on most things, so it wasn’t a surprise to Major Bates when his question had been greeted with a stern scowl. He held the salute until it had been reluctantly returned by the general, but the verbal response that followed was stunning. General Norgard drew in a deep breath and then loudly asked, “What the hell is the matter with you Major? Why have you committed treason against the United States by having your jumpers attack West Point?”

Shocked by the questions of accusation, if not by how they had been asked, Major Bates replied, “Treason? What do you mean general?”

“You heard me Major, but I’ll spell it out for you very clearly if I must. The men who parachuted out of your two helicopters earlier today attacked Michie Stadium at West Point, and they probably killed hundreds if not thousands of people in the process!”

Still at a loss for understanding, the Major replied, “I don’t understand General. If what you say about West Point is true, then how did they do it and how severe is the damage?”

The lead agent of the FBI pair that had come from their Manhattan field office intervened by saying, “Thank you General Norgard, but we will take it from here.”

Although not pleased to do so, the general yielded his position to the agent. Then before leaving the room in disgust he said, “Very well. I no longer have any desire to look at or speak to such a treasonous man. The two of you do what you must, and keep the lot of them here all night if you have to.”

Realizing that the general had no authority to grant him such permission, and that his departure would expedite the progress of an interrogation, the agent was pleased that the gruff old officer wanted to leave. Then after the door slammed shut behind the general, he turned back toward the pilots and crews and said, “Well gentlemen, we have a lot to talk about.”

Major Bates replied, “With all respect, I think that the general is out of his mind. I know nothing of an attack on West Point.”

While taking a seat at one of the breakroom tables and motioning for the major to join him, the lead agent stated, “Major Bates, you can believe that what the general has told you about an attack is true, and preliminary reports suggest that the damage is extensive. As to how those who attacked the stadium were able to accomplish their devious act, that’s what we intend to discover. Since they all jumped from the two helicopters under your command, our investigation will begin with you!”