By the time Air Force One completed its transcontinental flight to Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland under the ever present fighter plane escort, and President Harwell had subsequently been shuttled over to the White House, Ashley Tillman and her three passengers had already traveled deep into western Pennsylvania. As one of the seven vehicles to successfully escape the area of West Point after the attack, they had only made one previous stop. After traveling for nearly fifty miles of non-toll assessed highways of New York and New Jersey before hooking up with interstate-80, and then heading westward on that super highway for an additional two hundred sixty miles, they used a roadside rest area just west of Snow Shoe for restrooms and the initial change of license plates.
Those rather intense first five hours to cover the three hundred ten miles had included only one location where the vehicle could have been photographed with ease, as there was a toll plaza for the crossing over the Delaware River from New Jersey into Pennsylvania. With the undetected changing of plates from New York to Ohio under the cover of darkness at the nearly vacant rest area, such a photograph, if one existed, had been made inconsequential.
With an additional fifty miles traveled beyond the rest area, Ashley had pulled into a gas station in the town of Falls Creek at mile marker ninety seven, and said, “Alright, let’s fill the tank and switch drivers.”
As one of the jumpers stepped inside with cash for the transaction, and the other prepared to fill the tank, the woman who had driven one of the vans used for the post attack changing facilities moved over into the driver’s seat. Then she said, “When should I wake you Ashley?”
Looking at her watch, Ashley replied, “Well it’s about eight thirty, so why don’t we say somewhere close to midnight when you come across a rest area. Remember to exit this interstate onto 76 just west of Youngstown before 80 becomes the Ohio Turnpike. That’s a toll road and we don’t want any more photo opportunities than is absolutely necessary. Interstate-76 will take you through Akron and you should merge onto south 71 sometime before midnight.”
“You got it Ashley, no problem. Now try to get some sleep.”
As they pulled back onto westbound interstate-80, what the group of four and those in the other six vehicles of the West Point contingent were unaware of, was how perfectly executed their aspect of the three pronged attack had been. After having caused the most damage and loss of life at any of the three academies, their escape had been so clean that there was not a soul in pursuit of them.