On Friday morning, the last such work day before the annual two week holiday break for Christmas and New Year, United States Republican Senator Nathan Pearson of Texas arrived at his office earlier than usual. Although no special need to do so existed, as every document of significance generated during his tenure had already been either secretly shipped back to Texas or destroyed, the Senator wanted to enjoy a peaceful cup of coffee alone in his office. His intent was possible only because the entirety of his staff and interns had also been dismissed from duty the previous evening. If nothing had interfered with their schedule, they were already bound for Texas on early morning commercial flights.
Sitting patiently at his desk in quiet contemplation, Senator Pearson visually scanned his office for the final time while reflecting upon his years in Washington D.C. and what he had done to deserve such a splendid opportunity. Then when the latest in the line of burn phones rang to break the silence, he quickly answered it with a simple greeting of, “Good morning. This is number eleven.”
In response he heard, “Good morning to you as well number eleven. This is number three.”
“Yes sir.”
“Are you ready?”
“Yes I am. Our final session before the holiday break will begin in less than an hour, and I will make the announcement shortly before we adjourn this afternoon.”
“Excellent, have you spoken to number seventeen?”
“Yes I have, and she will address her collective at the same time with number nineteen close at hand.”
“And number thirteen?”
“She will stand with me when the time comes.”
“That’s excellent. I know that you will all do a splendid job, and I look forward to seeing each of you soon.”
With that Senator Pearson ended the call, placed the burn phone securely within the inside breast pocket of his suit jacket, and exited his office. Before moving toward the Senate chamber, he felt that it was important to enjoy one final walk through the Capitol Rotunda. As the centerpiece of the United States Capitol Building, the room directly beneath the dome was magnificent. It housed a series of individual statues positioned in a circular perimeter, with each representing one of the fifty states. On the ceiling above, there was also a massive painted mural depicting a brief history of the United States. While gazing upon the varied artwork for several minutes, the man who had just been re-elected the previous month to a fourth term in office pondered all that had, and hadn’t, been accomplished by the elected body during his years in Washington. Then after strolling into the Senate chamber, he met with a few colleagues for a moment of lighthearted conversation before taking a seat at his desk.
At three that afternoon, Senator Pearson knew that the time was at hand and stood to be recognized. After receiving a signal that his intent would be honored, he turned to catch the eye of his counterpart, Democratic Senator Denise Walker of Texas, and gave her a nod. They both realized from observing the actions of the day, that no one in their present company had any clue as to what was about to transpire. Then a moment later a voice from the head of the chamber said, “At this time Senator Pearson of Texas is recognized.”
Rising from his chair and moving toward the nearest lectern, Senator Pearson then replied, “Thank you sir. I’m pleased to see that most of this elected body is in attendance on this final day of session before we recess for the holidays. The past several weeks have been difficult to be sure, with long hours and much discussion over the central question of going to war yet again based on a conflict with some party residing in the Middle East. As each of us seated here represents a portion of those who have been tasked with that daunting decision, I must say this. I understand that the vote of this Congress has carried to indeed pursue such a course of action that will once again plunge this country of ours into a war. This will not be the first time that our military forces will be required to engage with an oppositional force in that region of the world, and mistakes have been made in the past as to our grasp of the true resolve of similar forces. I fear that we are headed down the path of overconfidence again, and in that spirit I ask once more that this collective forgo such an undertaking. I have voted against the action of war, and shall continue to stand by that decision. I ask in near desperation for many of you to stand with me if this country is to avoid another irresponsible decision of going to war against Syria. Such an action by this nation and its military will undoubtedly have serious economic implications for many years to come!”
As residing President of the Senate, Vice President Sutherland interrupted briefly to ask, “We all understand your conviction in this matter Senator, as you have expressed it now on numerous occasions, but what are you hoping to accomplish at this time? What’s done is done Senator. The vote has been cast and passed resoundingly by this elected body to declare war against Syria, and this nation shall do so.”
Knowing fully that his well-rehearsed speech would be received negatively, and also aware that it would have made no difference in the overall plan even if the response had miraculously been positive, Senator Pearson smiled inwardly. Then he calmly replied, “I understand that sir, but this nation will do so without the great state of Texas.”
“What are you talking about Senator? You are more than aware that just because you privately disagree with how this Congressional body has voted, you don’t have the right to refuse acting accordingly with regard to that legislation. In the event that you have somehow forgotten that fact Senator, then let me remind you of something. We stand as a nation in this decision to go to war.”
Now smiling outwardly, Senator Pearson replied, “With respect sir, that’s not exactly true. Senator Walker and I have been given specific instructions for this day from our Governor and the Texas State Legislature.”
After several long seconds of silence, Vice President Sutherland finally replied, “Alright Senator, would you care to elaborate by informing us of those instructions?”
With Senator Walker having joined him at the lectern, Senator Pearson said, “Yes sir. Our instructions are to inform you and this elected body that Texas is now formally declaring its intent to once again become a Republic of its own.”
Not believing what had just been heard, the Vice President asked, “I’m sorry, I don’t think I understood you. Could you please clarify your statement for me Senator?”
“Most certainly, as we don’t want any misunderstanding in this matter. When the New Year commences at midnight on the morning of January first, two thousand twenty- seven in the Central Standard Time zone where our great capitol city of Austin is located, Texas shall sever all ties with the United States. At that moment we shall once again become the Republic of Texas, and will not adhere to the laws or restrictions set forth upon any of the other forty-nine states as mandated by the federal government. Additionally, we shall not become involved by way of financial resources, or the use of our military personnel, in any of the actions taken by the United States with regard to hostilities toward any foreign nation.”
Now even further amazed by what he had heard, the Vice President leaned forward from his chair and asked, “Excuse me Senator Pearson, and please understand that this question is being asked due to my many years of knowing you and the concern over your declaration and what feelings those words have brought forth in me. But are you insane?”
“I understand that some may think so, but I can assure you sir, I’m quite sane.”
“Then why would you, as a multi term elected official for the state of Texas make such a ridiculous declaration?”
“Sir this is a legitimate declaration that needs to be taken seriously by you and the other Senators here with us today. You should be made aware that as we speak, our counterparts within the House of Representatives chamber at the opposite end of this grand complex are currently submitting an identical declaration. Texas is indeed separating from the United States in two weeks, and as you have already professed to me just moments ago, what’s done is done. Texas maintains a sincere desire to separate from her parent country as cleanly and smoothly as possible on the date that has been proclaimed, and we fully expect this government to aid in any logistical matters within that process.”
“Have this government aid Texas in the process? You are sadly mistaken Senator Pearson. I don’t believe that this country would allow such an action to transpire at all, let alone with our aid. On a more personal note, if you truly believe in what you have just said, then I think it would be best for you to seek professional help. You need to speak with a doctor who is trained and well versed in how to best cope with illusions of grandeur.”
“There is no call for that course of action sir or for the slander upon my faculties that you intend by suggesting it, as it is you who are mistaken. I would like to remind those of the Senate who may not be aware, but Texas is the only one of this nations fifty states that has the absolute right by treaty and law to separate from the main body of the United States if, and when, she so desires. Let my words, under the direction of those who I represent, serve as a formal declaration. Texas desires to exercise that right at this time and become an independent Republic once again. Do you understand that decree sir, and will you for the record formally acknowledge that the words of said declaration were directed at you and this elected body at such a time as when I had been formally recognized by you to address them.”
Still flabbergasted by the events of the past several minutes, Vice President Sutherland tossed his hands into the air in disbelief. Unfortunately, he had no choice but to carry out one of his many sworn duties. With that in mind, he stood and replied, “Very well Senator, for the record then. Yes Senator Pearson, the United States Senate hereby acknowledges and accepts that the state of Texas has proclaimed a desire to separate from these United States in order to form a Republic unto its own.”
With those words now embedded into the official record, Senators Pearson and Walker breathed a collective sigh of relief. Then Senator Pearson closed his speech with, “Thank you sir. Now that I have proclaimed the intent of Texas, my colleague and I understand that we will not be a part of this collective governing body after today. Therefore I must say this. I personally harbor no ill will toward any of you, and have very much enjoyed working and deliberating with each of you over a myriad of subjects. I sincerely hope that some of us can remain friends in the future even though we will be citizens of different nations. I wish each of you and your families a safe and joyous holiday season. Thank you for your attention.”
The timing of the declaration had been perfect, as there would be little time for the federal government structure to act upon said intent before it came to fruition. Both Senators from Texas knew that Congress would adjourn for two weeks in less than an hour, and when reconvening after the New Year began, could then debate a course of action to pursue with regard to Texas. Additionally, several new members of Congress in both legislative wings would be sworn into office during those first days of 2027. Combined with the war against Syria, they would face two hugely significant issues possibly before learning where the washrooms were located. By then, Texas would no longer be required to adhere to the whims of what those deliberations brought forth. With a broad smile on each of their faces, Senators Pearson and Walker gathered up their personal belongings before exiting the stunned and silent Senate chamber.