

AJILAmerican Journal of International Law
ASQArab Studies Quarterly
BJMESBritish Journal of Middle Eastern Studies
BSOASBulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies
CSMChristian Science Monitor
DIDer Islam
DSDaily Star (Beirut)
FAForeign Affairs
FCOForeign and Colonial Office, The Public Record Office, London
FOForeign Office, The Public Record Office, London
FTFinancial Times
IHTInternational Herald Tribune
IJMESInternational Journal of Middle East Studies
IOIndia Office, The British Library, London
JPJournal of Politics
LATLos Angeles Times
MAMonde Arabe
MEFMiddle East Forum
MEIMiddle East Insight
MEINTMiddle East International
MEJMiddle East Journal
MERIPMiddle East Research and Information Project
MESMiddle Eastern Studies
MWMoslem (Muslim) World
NYRBNew York Review of Books
NYTNew York Times
PRISMProject for the Research of Islamist Movements (Herzliya)
TWQThird World Quarterly
WPWashington Post
WSJWall Street Journal