AJIL | American Journal of International Law |
ASQ | Arab Studies Quarterly |
BJMES | British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies |
BSOAS | Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies |
CSM | Christian Science Monitor |
DI | Der Islam |
DS | Daily Star (Beirut) |
FA | Foreign Affairs |
FCO | Foreign and Colonial Office, The Public Record Office, London |
FO | Foreign Office, The Public Record Office, London |
FT | Financial Times |
IHT | International Herald Tribune |
IJMES | International Journal of Middle East Studies |
IO | India Office, The British Library, London |
JP | Journal of Politics |
LAT | Los Angeles Times |
MA | Monde Arabe |
MEF | Middle East Forum |
MEI | Middle East Insight |
MEINT | Middle East International |
MEJ | Middle East Journal |
MERIP | Middle East Research and Information Project |
MES | Middle Eastern Studies |
MW | Moslem (Muslim) World |
NYRB | New York Review of Books |
NYT | New York Times |
PRISM | Project for the Research of Islamist Movements (Herzliya) |
TWQ | Third World Quarterly |
WP | Washington Post |
WSJ | Wall Street Journal |