
Please Review


Your opinion matters! When people first look at a book, beyond the description and the cover, they pay close attention to what others like you have to say.

If the book is getting overwhelmingly good or bad reviews, it can weigh heavily on that readers decision whether or not to click that purchase button.



IT DOES NOT HAVE TO be a book report.

It does not have to be 5 stars. I would never ask for any special favoritism.

A book review is simply sharing what you thought of the book.

It answers two very simple questions:

Did you like it?

Would you recommend it to someone else to read?



THAT'S IT. YOUR OPINION matters. Most importantly to me, because I want to ensure you are enjoying the books I write. But beyond my hope for your satisfaction, the review you write caries great weight in the publishing realm as well. It can quite literally make or break a book.

So, here I am, groveling at your feet.

If you have read one (or more) of my books, would you do me the greatest of honors and leave a review?