DAY 29


EVERYONE UNDER THE sun is subject to all kinds of affliction and ailments, but all these things have to melt away when we live in the light of the S-O-N. That is God’s Son, the Lord Jesus Christ! In the Book of Ecclesiastes, Solomon kept using the phrase, “Life under the sun is vanity.” King Solomon tried to prove to himself that the world was better, this “wisest” of all men, but he only found vanity; his search was all in vain (Eccles. 1:12–14). We don’t have to live and die under the sun; we can live under the S-O-N (Deut. 30:19–20). You will not always be happy, you will encounter grief and pain, but you can always have the joy of the Lord, which is your strength. You should be expecting divine health from living under the S-O-N (James 3:13–17).

Read: Deuteronomy 28:1–19

Under the sun or under the S-O-N—where do you want to be?

What do you need to do to be where you want to be?

Let Us Pray!

Heavenly Father, I ask You to put a hedge of protection around me in the name of Jesus. I apply the blood of Jesus over every organ, every cell, every gland, muscle, ligament, and bone in my body. I ask You to restore health and healing to my body.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen!