Killop Reservoir, 2 February 2008
Stephen leaned back against the tree trunk and looked across the water to the old platform. There was just a handful of kids left on it as pretty much everyone else was on the shore eating dinner.
‘It’s been a good day, hasn’t it?’ Leon Chang was sitting next to him.
‘Yeah, it has.’
‘Are you playing cricket on Saturday?’ Leon asked.
‘Yep. You coming along to watch?’
Leon shook his head. ‘Nah, I have to work. Those shelves aren’t going to stock themselves,’ he said with a grin. ‘Hey, there’s a party on Saturday night if you want to come.’
‘Whose party?’
‘Ethan’s,’ Leon admitted.
‘I think I’ll give it a miss, but thanks though,’ Stephen said as he glanced over at his friend.
‘I figured you’d say that but I thought I’d ask just the same. He’s alright, you know,’ Leon said. ‘Although I admit he’s a bit weird when it comes to you—what’s that about?’
Stephen shrugged. ‘I’ve got no idea. As far as I know I’ve never crossed him but we seem to piss each other off.’
Stephen heard a noise from the other side of the tree. He leaned back and craned his neck and found Harley Turner staring back at him.
‘Hey, Harley. I didn’t know you were there.’
Harley gave a shrug.
‘I swear he’s like a bloody Ninja,’ Leon said with a laugh. ‘You never hear him coming.’
‘That’s true,’ Stephen said with a laugh.
Harley walked around the tree and sat down on the ground in front of Stephen.
‘So you’re not coming to the party on Saturday?’ said Leon.
Stephen shook his head. ‘I don’t think so. Ethan and I don’t get on. I don’t know why, it’s just the way it is.’
‘I’ve known him since we were little. He can be a bit of a shit when he feels threatened.’
‘Don’t know how I’d qualify for that,’ Stephen said. ‘His family’s better off, he’s popular, he’s the footy captain . . . How would I be threatening to him?’
‘True, but he thinks you’re full of yourself.’
‘What?’ Stephen said in disbelief. He’d been called a few things in his life but never that.
‘Because you get better grades than him and you’re easy to get on with, which means you’re popular as well. Besides all of that, there’s the Henny thing.’
‘I don’t know—’
‘You like Henny,’ Harley stated. ‘You’ve always liked Henny.’
Leon laughed. ‘Well he’s got you there. If Harley knows then I guess so does Ethan, which is probably why he’s acting weird.’
‘And how does that work? I mean, they broke up months ago. And let’s face it, he’s moved on.’
‘I never said he was rational,’ Harley laughed. ‘That’s the truth.’
‘So he doesn’t want to be with her but he doesn’t want anyone else to be with her either,’ Stephen said with a frown.
‘Pretty much,’ Leon rolled his eyes. ‘I think deep down Ethan thinks that one day he’ll get back with Henny. Problem is, while he’s off having fun he expects her to wait for him and I doubt that’s going to happen. Henny’s a sweet girl but she’s not stupid.’
They fell into silence for a minute as Stephen mulled over the words. The lights at the barbeque area had come on in the deepening shadows and they cast a rosy glow over the scene, perfect lighting for a perfect day, and one that he’d always remember.
His inner reflection was interrupted as Ethan strode over.
‘What are you losers doing?’
‘Just chilling,’ Leon said. ‘Did you get something to eat?’
‘Yeah. So, Drake, are you playing cricket this weekend?’
‘Sure am,’ Stephen replied. ‘Are you coming out to the match?’
Ethan gave him a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. ‘Nah, I’ve got better things to do. Besides, I get bored watching you all stand around all day. Everyone knows you cricketers play because you can’t hack the footy team.’
For once Stephen didn’t bristle at the comment after remembering what Harley had said. Instead he grinned and said, ‘Yeah, you’re right—too many injuries for me.’
There was a flash of disappointment in Ethan’s eyes when Stephen didn’t take the bait. ‘Harley, got a minute?’ he said before gesturing with his head and walking away.
Harley stood up and hurried after Ethan.