…Our intuition is more powerful than we realize.
…There is beauty in imperfection.
…To create is to believe that everything is going to be all right.
…Children can teach us to connect with our creative source.
…Stating intentions is what sets them in motion.
…Creating leads to awakenings and feelings of worthiness.
…The world needs us all to shine.
…There are no mistakes.
…Art heals.
…Each painting is a spiritual journey that connects us with the depths of our souls.
…We are better together. Making soulful connections with others is what makes me feel most alive.
…Creativity lies within all of us.
…Taking at least one step each day in the direction of my dreams.
…Listening to my inner voice.
…Trusting signs from the universe.
…Relentless persistence.
…Going for the long shot.
…Surrendering to the current of life.
…Being gentle with oneself and others.
…Trusting the process no matter where it leads.
…Excavating the wild within.
…The transformative power of beauty.
Your own words are the bricks and mortar of the dreams you want to realize. Your words are the greatest power you have. The words you choose and their use establish the life you experience.
—Sonia Choquette—
Kelly Rae Roberts’s manifesto.
Artist, author and possibilitarian Kelly Rae Roberts has been one of the most profound guides for me since I began painting. Her soulful choices in her life and art business have provided a roadmap for me on this journey. She creates uplifting art, including manifestos that reflect her own unique experiences as an artist, woman, mother, dreamer and more. She is a treasured example of the power in following your bliss. I highly recommend her insightful creative business and online art courses.
Kelly Rae, why do you create manifestos?
For me, creating personal manifestos is a chance to silence the chatter in our heads, lean into our lives, listen to our whispers and hear the parts of ourselves that are wise, brilliant and deeply aware of our own unique truths. Most of the time, we know who we are—what we stand for. But sometimes the noise of everyday life can leave us feeling lost and confused. Having a personal manifesto is like a magnet back to home. It pulls us back to our power.
Like Sonia Choquette, I deeply believe that when we are intentional about choosing our words and our manifestos, we are in wise co-creation with our highest selves. Collaborating in this way gives us a chance to dive into the depths of our very own inner wisdom—the parts of ourselves that are most true, most authentic—and excavate a treasured gift of clarity that we can offer up to ourselves in times of struggle and even triumph.
Our manifestos come from the inner soul excavation work that we all do. They heal. They lift. They inspire. They remind us of what is true. And they become the sacred ground and foundation from which we can do and be great things.
What tips do you have for writing a manifesto?
Find a quiet space with your journal. Answer the following prompts and discover what personal statements emerge. Remember to have fun but also dig deep. Listen to your most authentic, true, wise voice. It may be a whisper, but it’s there. Using your answers, create a list of “I believe” statements. Voila! You’ve just written your own manifesto.
When it comes to courage, I believe _______________.
When it comes to love, I _______________________.
When it comes to joy, I’m discovering _____________.
The thing about faith is that it ___________________.
What I most love about hope is __________________.
In my heart of hearts I deeply believe ______________.
I was introduced to the idea of a “word palette” in Elizabeth Murray’s book, Living Life in Full Bloom. In addition to your own thoughts, keep a list of words and phrases that inspire you. You can add these words to your artwork such as the vases we just created or use them as a title for your painting. Murray suggests looking through poetry, art or old garden books. Keep a journal with you to record anything you come across in your everyday life that might inspire art, mantras or your manifestos.