Practice Test 2: Answers

Question Answer Detail Chapter reference
1 A William Caxton was the first person in England to print books using the printing press. 4
2 C The Prime Minister 6
3 B Because of her persecution of Protestants 4
4 A Touching the Void 5
C The Third Man
5 B St Helena and the Falkland Islands are British overseas territories. 3
6 A True 6
7 C The Commonwealth 6
8 B The Habeas Corpus Act 4
9 C They are all famous British film directors 5
10 B Iron Age 4
11 D Windermere 5
12 D The Scottish Parliament 6
13 C J K Rowling 5
14 A Henry VIII 4
15 C Turkey 5
16 A Ash Wednesday 5
17 A Several Church of England bishops sit in the House of Lords. 5
18 A A new landowning class known as the gentry emerged 4
C Wealthy middle classes developed in the town
19 D Robert the Bruce 4
20 B Northern Ireland 6
21 B English 6
C Welsh
22 B Morecambe and Wise 5
23 B Jacobites 4
24 B False 4