This book would not exist without the incomparable Dan “Dam” Ehrenhaft. He earned honorary Roecker sister status when we had to go back and check if he added one of the best lines in the book. (He totally did.)
If you’re reading this book it’s probably because Meredith Barnes (indirectly) told you to. She’s pretty much the best publicist on the planet and earned her honorary (cooler, younger, smarter, New York-ier) Roecker stripes when she sent to-do lists that made Lisa weep with joy.
To the rest of the team at Soho Press for putting so much time, energy and love into our work: Bronwen Hruska, Janine Agro, Rachel Kowal, Paul Oliver, Rudy Martinez, and Amara Hoshijo.
A huge thanks, as always, to our brilliant literary agent, Catherine Drayton. We’d be lost (and super bored) without her.
And to our husbands/children/parents/in-laws/friends/Romans/countrymen—the only thing more challenging than actually trying to be a writer is being married/related/sired/friends/acquaintances with a writer. You rock. Thank you for everything.