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XIARA WALKED TO THE address Quilla gave her and came to a stop in front of a tiny store. It didn’t have a sign on the door, or in the large picture window, but it wasn’t necessary. Magical goods and toys were on display in the window. Most people wouldn’t have the energy to be able to power them, so they had to be catered to the rich and influential.
A bell tinkled above the door when the Guardian of Nox stepped inside. Rows of shelves formed several aisles. The shelves were covered in all sorts of strange and wonderful objects. The warlock who owned the store looked up from beneath bushy gray eyebrows. He stood at a worktable at the back of the store. “What is a Night Cursed creature like you doing in my store?” he asked more in amazement than disgust.
“I need your assistance with something,” Xiara replied.
“This should be good,” he grumbled. He put down the magnifying glass and tiny metal shard he was holding and impatiently gestured for her to come closer. “Well? What do you need my help with?” he asked.
Xiara studied the warlock as she crossed the room. He was in his sixties or so, but he still seemed to be sound of mind. He wore a brown leather apron over a long-sleeved black shirt and trousers. His hair was as bushy as his eyebrows, but it still had streaks of black in it. “I was tasked with finding someone who could fix this broken magical device,” she said and handed the box over.
The warlock looked at the pieces in consternation. “What is it?” he asked, delicately picking up the rubbery sheath.
“I believe it’s a magical dildo,” Xiara said blandly.
The warlock dropped the sheath and wiped his hand on his apron. “Good God, woman!” he exclaimed in disgust with his upper lip lifted. “Take this device to someone else to repair!”
“It isn’t mine,” she told him in amusement. “It belongs to someone far more important than I am. I’m not at liberty to speak his name, but I’m sure he’ll be very grateful if you can fix his toy.”
Eyebrows drawing down into a heavy frown, the warlock puzzled over her vague references. Then his eyebrows shot up when he figured out who the dildo belonged to. “Oh, my,” he said as a crafty grin spread over his craggy face. “I believe I know who owns this device.”
“You’ll have to be discreet, of course,” Xiara warned him. “If he finds out you know the dildo belongs to him, he won’t be happy.”
“I’ll be the soul of discretion,” the warlock said as he eyed the contents of the box. He tapped his bottom lip thoughtfully, musing over the best way to proceed. “This is going to require more power than I can conjure up,” he said. “I’ll need the assistance of a witch from the Magic Guild.”
“Aren’t you a warlock?” the executioner asked.
“Yes, but the witch I have in mind is perfect to assist me with this delicate reconstruction,” he hedged. “Go and retrieve her while I get to work on fixing the device.”
“Who is this witch?” Xiara asked, already having a hunch about the name he was about to speak.
“Her name is Poppy,” he replied. “She should be on duty in the Magic Guildhall.” He waved his hand at her in dismissal, then swept the materials he’d been using aside to make way for the contents of the box.
Xiara left the store and hurried towards the City Square. The night was wearing on and she wanted to get this task over and done with. She reached the Magic Guildhall and entered the white marble foyer. She crossed to the reception desk to the right and approached the young witch who was on duty. “How can I help you, Guardian of Nox?” the witch asked in a dull tone.
“I need to speak to a witch called Poppy,” she replied.
The witch screwed her nose up. “What do you want with that old bag?” she asked.
“I have some questions about a potion she made that someone is complaining about,” Xiara lied.
The witch snickered, then covered her mouth guiltily. “I’ll go and get her,” she said and darted over to the doors that led to the main chamber.
Xiara waited for a few minutes, then Poppy came storming through the doors. She’d put on more weight since the huntress had seen her last, but her frizzy hair and watery blue eyes hadn’t changed. “What’s this about someone making a complaint against me?” the witch demanded with her hands on her pudgy hips. As always, she wore a shapeless brown dress and chunky black shoes.
“Come with me, please,” Xiara said in an ominous tone.
Poppy opened her mouth to protest, then snapped it shut when the deadly staff that was slung over the executioner’s shoulder pulsed a few times in warning. “Fine,” she said in a shaky voice. “I’m sure we can get this matter cleared up quickly so I can return to work.”
Ms. Evora led the witch outside and ignored the rain that poured down on them both. “Sorry about that,” she called over her shoulder. “I had to come up with a reason to get you out of the guildhall.”
Poppy stopped walking and glowered at the huntress. “You lied?” she asked in annoyance and crossed her arms stubbornly. “I’m not taking another step until you tell me what this is about!”
“A warlock is trying to repair a valuable item that belongs to someone important and he needs your help,” Ms. Evora explained. “This matter is delicate and we all need to be discreet.”
Poppy was intrigued enough to follow her. “Who is this ‘important’ person?” she asked as they continued their trek.
“I can’t say,” Xiara replied mysteriously.
“You mean you won’t say,” the witch grumbled. She hurried after the Guardian to a store she’d never been to before.
“Ah, good,” the warlock said when the two women entered. “I’ve managed to repair the device and now I require Poppy to help me to infuse it with magic.”
“What is this device?” the grumpy old witch demanded.
“Come and see for yourself,” the warlock invited her with a sly smile. “But you must keep this confidential. No one except we three can know about this item.”
“She won’t even remember this by tomorrow night,” Poppy predicted and hiked her thumb at Xiara. The Guardian of Nox scowled at her as they crossed to the worktable. Poppy did a doubletake when she saw the mechanism. “Is that what I think it is?” she asked, then burst into horrified giggles.
“I have no idea who crafted it, but their workmanship is remarkable,” the warlock said as they examined the repaired apparatus. It was obviously meant to slide over a male appendage and scrotum.
“It didn’t take you long to repair it,” Xiara said. “I was only gone for forty minutes or so.”
“I’m a master craftsman,” the warlock said in affront. “While I didn’t make the device, I’m fully capable of repairing it.”
“If you say so,” the huntress said with a shrug. From the vision Quilla had seen, she was pretty sure the object would soon be fully operational. Xiara just wasn’t sure what was going to happen after it had been infused with magic.