Other titles written by Richard Whittington-Egan:

Liverpool Colonnade

Liverpool Roundabout

Liverpool Soundings

Liverpool – This Is My City

Tales of Liverpool, Murder, Mayhem and Mystery

Liverpool Characters and Eccentrics

Liverpool Ghosts and Ghouls

Liverpool Oddities

Liverpool Log Book

The Great LIverpool Blitz

Pocket Money Guide

Churchill Centenary

The Ordeal of Philip Yale Drew

The Riddle of Birdhurst Rise

The Identity of Jack The Ripper

A Casebook on Jack The Ripper

William Roughead’s Chronicles of Murder

The Quest for Jack The Ripper: A Literary History, 1888-2000

Edited by the same author:

Weekend Book of Ghosts

Weekend Second Book of Ghosts

Weekend Book of Ghosts and Horrors

Weekend Book of Ghosts and Horrors No 2

Weekend Book of Ghosts No 5

Written with Molly Whittington-Egan:

The Story of Mr George Edalji

The Bedside Book of Murder

The Murder Almanac

Written with Geoffrey Smerdon:

The Quest of the Golden Boy: The Life and Letters of Richard Le Gallienne