1 ‘The ketamine hit’: Interview with authors
2 ‘landmark UN declaration’: UN General Assembly Special Session 1998 slogan: ‘A Drug-Free World: We Can Do It’
3 ‘UN had changed its tune’: World Drug Report 2010, UNODC
4 ‘a Canadian soldier’: Dope Girls: The Birth of the British Drug Underground, Marek Kohn, Granta
5 ‘The term was’: ‘Inebriety or Narcomania: Its Etiology, Pathology, Treatment, and Jurisprudence’, Norman Kerr, HK Lewis
6 ‘twenty tonnes of heroin’: ‘Tackling Drug Markets and Distribution Networks in the UK: A Review of the Recent Literature’, 2008 (UKDPC)
7 ‘He saw my car’: ‘Teenage Kicks’, Max Daly, Druglink, January 2010
8 ‘Britain sits alongside’: World Drug Report 2011, UNODC
9 ‘average British citizen’: 2010 Annual Report on the State of the Drugs Problem in Europe, EMCDDA
10 ‘Official figures’: Drug Misuse Declared: Findings from the 2010/11 British Crime Survey, England and Wales (Home Office)
11 ‘half of all the money’: The Illicit Drug Trade in the United Kingdom, 2007 (Matrix Knowledge Group/Home Office)
12 ‘a quarter of people’: An Analysis of UK Drug Policy, Reuter/Stevens, 2007 (UKDPC)
13 Michael Linnell: Interview with authors
14 ‘Where you live’: Street Drug Trends Survey 2011, Max Daly, Druglink, Nov 2011
15 ‘Nepalese heroin users’: ‘Hidden Habits’, Gibby Zobel, Druglink, November 2008
16 ‘homeless Portuguese’: ibid
17 ‘drug worker based in Penzance’: Interview with authors
18 ‘people seeking treatment’: Cornwall and Isles of Scilly DAAT, Adult Drug Treatment Needs Assessment 2009/10 + National Treatment Agency for Substance Abuse
19 Cannabis milkman: ‘Pint of Gold Top and an Eighth of Hash – Milkman who also Delivered Drugs’, Helen Carter, Guardian, 6 February 2009
20 ‘I was taking it’: Nick Cohen, Observer, 6 April 1997
21 WPC Susan: Interview with authors
22 WPC Claire: ‘Cop on the rocks’, Max Daly, Druglink, Sept 2004
23 Amy the teacher: Interview with authors
24 The Social Control of Drugs, Philip Bean, Wiley Blackwell, 1974
26 The Drugtakers, Jock Young, Harper Collins, 1971
27 ‘must-have drug’: Altered State: The Story of Ecstasy Culture and Acid House, Matthew Collin, Serpent’s Tail, 1997
28 ‘Suburban Londoners’: ibid
29 ‘It is difficult’: ibid
30 ‘around 10 million’: Drug Misuse Declared: Findings from the 2010/11 British Crime Survey, England and Wales, Home Office
31 Psychonaut: Interview with authors
32 ‘After sampling’: Intoxication: Life in Pursuit of Artificial Paradise, Ronald K. Siegel, EP Dutton, 1989
33 ‘on bees’ backs’: ‘High flyers: Bees on Cocaine “Behave like Humans”’, James Randerson, Guardian, 23 December 2008
34 ‘chillum-style pipes’: High Society, Mike Jay, Thames & Hudson, 2010
35 ‘By the 1890s’: ibid
36 ‘number of ladies’: British Medical Journal, 1902
37 ‘pleasurable lifestyle choice’: International Journal of Drug Policy, Special Issue: Pleasure and Drugs, Vol. 19, Issue 5, Elsevier
38 Global Drug Survey: Globaldrugsurvey.com
39 ‘If you sent’: ‘Truth about Young People and Drugs Revealed in Guardian Survey’, Patrick Butler, Alexandra Topping and Sarah Boseley, Guardian, 15 Mar 2012
40 University of Cambridge: ‘Drug Survey: The Score’, Varsity magazine, 24 Feb 2012
41 London-based managers: Survey conducted by OnePoll for LondonlovesBusiness.com, 2011
42 Paul: Interview with authors
43 ‘Freud ordered’: High Society, Mike Jay, Thames & Hudson, 2010
44 ‘television interview recorded’: BBC Wales Today, 19 May 2008
45 ‘hard to explain’: ‘Born into Addiction’, Max Daly, Druglink, July 2008 (DrugScope)
46 ‘children in Britain’: ‘Hidden Harm’, Home Office, 2003
47 ‘in-depth study’: ‘Living with an elephant: drug misuse, parenting and child welfare, Kroll and Taylor, 2006–2008 (Department of Health)
48 ‘Exclusive: Cocaine Kate’, Stephen Moyes, Daily Mirror, 15 Sept 2005
49 ‘She was someone’: ‘Who gets angry over Anne Marie?’, Lyn Matthews, Druglink, November 2005
50 ‘140 murders’: According to Hilary Kinnell, the former co-ordinator of the UK Network of Sex Work Projects and the author of Violence and Sex Work in Britain
51 ‘sex workers in Tyneside’: ‘Hidden for Survival’, Voices Heard Group
52 ‘the consistent thread’: ‘A Safe Exit for Sex Workers’, Brian Tobin, Guardian, 27 May 2010
53 ‘There were 2,182’: Drug-related deaths in the UK Annual Report 2010, National Programme on Substance Abuse Deaths, St George’s, University of London
54 ‘murders in England’: ‘Exploring the links between homicide and organised crime’, Home Office, 2011
55 ‘hepatitis C’: United Kingdom Drug Situation 2011 Edition (UK Focal Point on Drugs)
56 ‘level of HIV’: ibid
57 ‘mental illness’: ibid
58 ‘receptions into prison’: Bromley Briefings Prison Factfile, 2011, Prison Reform Trust
59 ‘A quarter of all’: Bromley Briefings, ibid
60 A Land Fit for Heroin?, Eds Dorn/South [Ch3, Social deprivation, unemployment and patterns of heroin use by G. Pearson], Macmillan, 1983
61 ‘conclusion of a study’: ‘Exploring User Perceptions of Occasional and Controlled Heroin Use’, McSweeney/Turnbull, JRF, 2007
62 Vernon: Interview with authors
63 ‘a moral cesspit’: ‘Junkie Street’, Jon Wise and Simon Atkinson, People, 16 October 2005
64 ‘The drug supermarket’: ibid
65 Ralph: Interview with authors
66 ‘$322 billion worldwide’: UNDOC World Drugs Report, 2005
67 ‘turnover of between £7bn’: The Illicit Drug Trade in the United Kingdom, 2007 (Matrix Knowledge Group/Home Office)
68 ‘The farm gate’: ‘Price Understanding Drug Markets and How to Influence Them’, Laura Wilson (Matrix Knowledge Group), Alex Stevens (University of Kent), Beckley Foundation, 2008
69 ‘It is like’: ‘Middle Market Drug Distribution’, Pearson and Hobbs, 2002 (Home Office)
70 ‘considerable complexity and diversity’: ‘The Illicit Drug Trade in the United Kingdom’, Home Office, Matrix Knowledge Group, 2007
71 ‘the lines between’: Tackling Drug Markets and Distribution Networks in the UK a review of the recent literature by McSweeney, Turnbull, Hough, Institute for Criminal Policy Research, School of Law, King’s College London, 2008
72 ‘a quarter of’: Criminal Justice Statistics, England and Wales, (Ministry of Justice) 2010
73 John Pitts: Interview with authors
74 ‘£500 a week’: Understanding Drug Selling in Local Communities, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Institute for Criminal Policy Research, King’s College London, 2005
75 ‘local drug markets’: ‘Drug Markets in the Community: A London Borough Case Study’, Gavin Hales and Richard Hobbs, from Trends in Organised Crime, LSE, 2010
76 ‘an analysis’: ‘Reluctant Gangsters: Youth Gangs in Waltham Forest’, John Pitts, University of Bedfordshire, 2007
77 ‘A twenty-month investigation’: ‘Understanding Drug Selling in Communities. Insider or Outsider Trading?’ Tiggey May, Martin Duffy, Bradley Few and Mike Hough, King’s College London, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 2005
78 ‘Britain was first warned’: Crack of Doom: The Extraordinary True Story Behind Crack Cocaine, Jon Silverman, Headline, 1994
79 ‘crack babies’: ibid
80 ‘three quarters of’: ibid
81 ‘In his paper’: ‘The Menace of the War on Crack in Britain’, Richard Hammersley, Behavioural Sciences Group, University of Glasgow, 1990
82 ‘than one kilogram’: Crack of Doom: The Extraordinary True Story Behind Crack Cocaine, Jon Silverman, Headline, 1994
83 Mark the undercover cop: Interview with authors
84 ‘Home office research’: ‘Disrupting Crack Markets: A Practice Guide’, Robin Burgess with Naomi Abigail, Michelle Lacriarde and Jacob Hawkins, Home Office, 2003
85 Gary Sutton: Interview with authors
86 ‘Crack became so’: ‘Disrupting Crack Markets: A Practice Guide’, 2002 (Home Office)
87 ‘To dealers, crack’: Crack of Doom: The Extraordinary True Story Behind Crack Cocaine, Jon Silverman, Headline, 1994
88 ‘They [street dealers] recoup their’: ibid
89 ‘Europe became the’: ‘Reluctant Gangsters: Youth Gangs in Waltham Forest’, John Pitts, University of Bedfordshire, 2007
90 ‘Yardie gangs were’: ‘Yardie Terror Grips London’, Ed Vulliamy and Tony Thompson, Observer, 18 July 1999
91 ‘Britain’s most raided’: ‘Legendary Jamaican Drugs Cafe is Closed’, Jason Bennetto, Independent, 26 June, 2004
92 ‘For thirty years’: ibid
93 ‘Smart cards can’: ‘Drug Markets and Distribution Systems’, May and Hough, Institute for Criminal Policy Research, Birkbeck, University of London, published in Addiction Research and Theory, 2004
94 ‘By the late’: DI Willie Findlay, Grampian’s drug squad, Druglink, (Drugscope)
95 ‘One such firm’: ‘Sophisticated Flava Gang Jailed’, BBC News, 17 February 2006
96 ‘In January 2012’: ‘Aberdeen Drug Syndicate “Main Operator” Daniel Sterling Jailed’, BBC News NE Scotland, Orkney & Shetland, 20 January 2012
97 ‘The word must’: ibid
98 Gavin: Interview with authors
99 Documentary makers: Interview with authors
100 ‘enrol for degrees’: ‘Police Launch Probe into Drug Dealing Scam in Southampton’, Jenny Makin, This Is Hampshire, 14 December 2009
101 Kareem: Interview with authors
102 Miles Quest: Interview with authors
103 ‘A six-month undercover’: ‘Club where Ronnie Wood met Teen Russian Lover is Shut Down after Vice Raid’, Rebecca Camber, Daily Mail, 27 November 2009
104 ‘Bar 9 club’: Police Arrest Manager and Customers of City Bar “That Sold Cocaine with Cocktails”’, Justin Davenport, Evening Standard, 16 July 2010
105 ‘Sir Ian Blair’: ‘Cocaine, Anyone?’, Leo Benedictus, Guardian, 3 February 2005
106 ‘People are having’: ibid
107 Alan McGauley: Interview with authors
108 Jennifer Ward: Interview with authors
109 Patrick the librarian: Interview with authors
110 ‘182 eleven-to-nineteen-year-olds’: ‘Cannabis Supply and Young People’, Martin Duffy, Nadine Schafer, Ross Coomber, Lauren O’Connell and Paul Turnbull, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 2008
111 ‘500 adult cannabis users’: Unpublished research, Gary Potter and Caroline Chatwin
112 ‘for profit dealers’: Sentencing guideline for drug offences comes into force. Sentencing Council press release, 27 February, 2012
113 ‘an account manager’: ‘Cocaine deal at the concierge club’, Jonathan Calvert and Claire Newell, The Sunday Times, 27 May, 2007
114 Marco: Interview with authors
115 Duncan: Interview with authors
116 ‘But when the UK’: ‘Tackling Drug Markets and Distribution Networks in the UK: A Review of the Recent Literature’, 2008 (UKDPC)
117 ‘Until 1970 the’: ‘Organized Crime in London: A Comparative Perspective’, Philip Jenkins and Gary Potter, published in Corruption and Reform, Vol. 1 No 3, 1986
118 Dick Hobbs: Interview with authors
119 ‘aspect of Smalls’ life’: ‘Bertie Smalls: Armed Robber Turned Supergrass’, Dick Hobbs, Independent, 1 March, 2008
120 ‘Operation Extend’: “‘UK’s richest criminal” brought to justice’, BBC Online, April 2007
121 ‘$900 million’: ‘Executive Director: West Africa Challenged by Rapidly Evolving Transnational Threats’, UNODC, 22 February 2012
122 ‘the Balkan Route’: UNODC World Drug Report, 2010
123 ‘more frequent consignments’: The United Kingdom Threat Assessment of Organised Crime, SOCA, 2009/10
124 ‘The shrinking effect’: ‘Super-Pure Drug Catches Cut Out Middlemen’, Gareth Rose, Scotsman, 14 October 2011
125 ‘second-largest drug market’: Peter Reuter: Interview with authors
126 ‘producing a profile’: Middle Market Drug Distribution, Hobbs, 2001, (Home Office/Matrix)
127 ‘In one section’: King Pin? A Case Study of a Middle-Market Drug Broker, Dick Hobbs, Goldsmiths University of London, 2001
128 ‘It holds the’: ACPO: Interview with authors
129 ‘Of foreign OCGs’: ibid
130 ‘Risks attributed to’: ibid
131 ‘Of the top 10’: ibid
132 ‘222 convicted dealers’: ‘The Illicit Drug Trade in the United Kingdom’, 2007 (Matrix Knowledge Group/Home Office)
133 ‘Contagious’ was the’: ‘Understanding Drug Markets and How To Influence Them’, Laura Wilson (Matrix Knowledge Group), Alex Stevens (University of Kent)
134 ‘the slight and’: ‘Man Jailed for 12 Years for Supplying Cutting Agents’, SOCA press office, 10 December 2010
135 ‘last remaining kingpin’: ‘Drug lord jailed as police shut down largest smuggling operation in UK’, Jim Norton, Guardian, March 2013
136 ‘Planning chiefs at’: ‘Millionaire Heroin Dealer Runs Property Empire from Jail Cell’, Stephen Donald, Scotsman, February 2011
137 Andrew the estate agent: Interview with authors
138 Jamie: Interview with authors
139 ‘The importance of’: ‘Yardie Informer Freed by Judge’, Surrey Comet, 22 April 2004
140 ‘208 cannabis factories’: ‘Plant warfare’, Max Daly and Steve Sampson, Druglink, March 2007
141 ‘Cannabis cultivation is’: Alan Gibson, BBC News, 26 September 2006
142 ‘the missing link’: Interview with authors
143 ‘very well hidden’: Interview with authors
144 ‘more than three a day’: ‘Plant warfare’, Max Daly and Steve Sampson, Druglink, March 2007
145 ‘thirty times stronger’: ‘Skunk is dangerous. But I still believe in my campaign to decriminalise cannabis’, Independent, Rosie Boycott, March 2007
146 ‘links to schizophrenia’: ‘Just ONE cannabis joint “can cause psychiatric episodes similar to schizophrenia” as well as damaging memory’, Tamara Cohen, Daily Mail, October 2011
147 ‘Do You Live Next to a Skunk Factory?’, Paul Bracchi, Daily Mail, 19 October 2007
148 ‘Portsmouth, Lincoln, Doncaster’: Patrick Barkham, Guardian, June 2008
149 Allen Morgan: Interview with authors
150 ‘In 2005 Bizarre’: Bizarre Readers Offer 2005
151 ‘in 2008, Tom’: Bill 136, October 2008
152 ‘Three Derbyshire hydrophonics’: ‘Appeal Court Quashes Hydroponic Cannabis Convictions’, Duncan Campbell, Guardian, 14 July 2008
153 Gary Potter: Interview with authors
154 ‘On publishing’: UK National Problem Profile: Commercial Cultivation of Cannabis, ACPO, 2010
155 ‘8,000 cannabis farms’: UK National Problem Profile: Commercial Cannabis Cultivation, ACPO, 2012
156 ‘previous two years’: UK National Problem Profile: Commercial Cultivation of Cannabis … Three Years On. ACPO 2010
157 ‘indicating that the’: ibid
158 Recman: Interview with authors (searches and products available relate to that time period before the mephedrone ban in 2010)
159 ‘Interpol’s loose-fit’: ‘Internet Drug Trafficking Skyrockets, Experts Warn’, AFP, 10 September 2008
160 Tim Hollis, ACPO press release, April 2012
161 ‘There’s this feeling’: ‘Internet Drug Trafficking Skyrockets, Experts Warn’, AFP, 10 September 2008
162 ‘One man who’s’: ‘World Wired Web’, Mike Power, Druglink, January, 2010
163 ‘Under the headline’: ‘The Chinese laboratories where scientists are already at work on the new ‘meow meow’, Mike Power and Simon Parry, Mail on Sunday, October 2010
164 ‘forty new drugs’: Press release, EMCDDA, January 2011
165 ‘service went viral’: ‘The Underground Website Where You Can Buy any Drug Imaginable’: Gawker, 1 June 2011
166 ‘Because of the’: ‘“Silk Road” website called the Amazon or Ebay of Drug Trafficking’, Michael George, ABC News, 8 October 2011
167 ‘genie had been’: ‘Open Secrets: How the Government Lost the Drug War in Cyberspace’, Reason, October 2004
168 Mike Slocombe: Interview with authors
169 Judith Aldridge: Interview with authors
170 ‘Mephedrone sales teams’: Judith Aldridge, unpublished research
171 Youth in Crisis: Gangs, Territoriality and Violence, Judith Aldridge, Juanjo Medina, Robert Ralphs, Routledge
172 ‘extremely successful operation’: Press Release, HM Customs & Excise, 10 December 2004
173 ‘Chatting in a bar’: Interview with authors
174 Urban Smuggler, Andrew Pritchard and Norman Parker, Mainstream Publishing, 2008
175 ‘1 per cent’: Heroin Seizures and Heroin Use in Scotland, Centre for Drug Misuse Research, University of Glasgow, 2009
176 ‘drug cases a week’: Crime in England and Wales 2010/2011, Home Office
177 ‘half of all prisoners’: Bromley Briefings Prison Factfile, 2011, Prison Reform Trust
178 ‘acquisitive crime’: Drug Strategy, Home Office
179 ‘sustain their habit’: DrugScope
180 ‘stolen goods fetch’: ibid
181 Dope Girls: The Birth of the British Drug Underground, Marek Kohn, Granta
182 Dick Hobbs: interview with authors
183 ‘In the days’: ibid
184 ‘police gardening club’: ‘Torquay’s Other History: 1970: Hippies say Police are Leaning on Us’, The People’s Republic of South Devon website, December 2011
185 Graeme Pearson: Interview with authors
186 ‘four handshakes’: ‘Market Forces’, Harry Shapiro, Druglink, November 2009
187 ‘What we’re trying’: ‘G8 backs Blair Summit on Drugs’, BBC Online, 22 July 2000
188 ‘Blue sky’ document: No.10 Strategy Unit Drugs Project, Phase 2 Report: ‘Diagnosis and Recommendations’, John Birt, 2003.
189 ‘£1 from gangs’: Home Affairs Select Committee report on SOCA, 2008, House of Commons
190 ‘only 2 per cent’: Seizures of drugs in England and Wales, 2010/11, HomeOffice
191 ‘Police Destroy Ipswich’s Drug Network’, Eastern Daily Press, 8 October 2007
192 ‘Detectives estimate’: ‘Boom and Bust’, Max Daly, Druglink, November 2007
193 PC Gemma Astley: Interview with authors
194 Glen the drug detective: Interview with authors
195 ‘Another drug detective’: Interview with authors
196 ‘shrinking budgets’: ‘Drug Enforcement in an Age of Austerity’, 201, UKDPC/ACPO
197 Matthew Bacon: Interview with authors.
198 ‘In theory, putting’: ‘Boom and Bust’, Max Daly, Druglink, November 2007
199 Peter, former drug squad detective: interview with authors
200 ‘Each year police’: ‘Police Informant Payouts Top £6m’, BBC investigation, 29 Jul 2009
201 ‘It took us’: Interview with authors
202 Andy Sellers: Interview with authors
203 DS Simon Marsh: Interview with authors.
204 Operation Westbridge: ‘WikiLeaks Cables: Ghanaian Police “Helped Drug Smugglers Evade Security’, Robert Booth, Guardian, 14 December 2010
205 Andy Sellers: ibid
206 John Carr: ‘The Dark Web: Guns and Drugs for Sale on the Internet’s Secret Black Market’, Adrian Goldberg, BBC 5 Live, 3 Feb 2012
207 Damon Barrett: ‘“Operation Audacious” Shows We Need to Count the Costs of Drug Law Enforcement’, Damon Barrett, Huffington Post, 7 December 2011
208 ‘Antonio Maria Costa’: ‘UN Crime Chief Says Drug Money Flowed Into Banks’, Reuters, 25 January 2009
209 ‘in a speech’: 5th Annual European Economic Crime Conference Frankfurt address 1998 ‘Financial Deception or Complicity with Evil?’, UNODC website
210 ‘The penetration of’: Executive Intelligence Review, April 2012
211 ‘In the financial’: ibid
212 ‘Like the three’: ‘Drug Money Saved Banks in Global Crisis, Claims UN Advisor’, Rajeev Syal, Observer, 13 December 2009
213 ‘promised in 1998’: UN General Assembly Special Session 1998 slogan: ‘A Drug-Free World: We Can Do It’
214 Martin Woods: Interview with authors
215 ‘In 2010 Wachovia’: Wachovia enters into deferred prosecution agreement United States Attorney’s Office, 17 March 2010
216 ‘When I blew the whistle’: Martin Woods Interview with authors
217 ‘$120 billion of’: FATF Forty Recommendations, April 1990
218 ‘FATF conceded’: ibid
219 ‘In 1998 the’: ‘The Company File City Firms in Money Laundering Probe’, BBC News Business, 24 November 1998
220 ‘Where organised crime’: ibid
221 ‘Blair’s “drugs czar”’: ‘Target Banks Call on Drug Money’, Paul Kelso, Guardian, 28 November 2000
222 ‘NCIS expressed concern’: ibid
223 ‘As one former London’: Interview with authors
224 ‘French parliamentary report’: ‘City “Haven” for Terrorist Money Laundering’, John Henley, Guardian, 10 October 2001
225 ‘Peter Lilley, author’: Dirty Dealing: The Untold Truth About Money Laundering, International Crime and Terrorism, Peter Lilley, Kogan Page, 2002
226 ‘$2.1 trillion in dirty money’: UNODC press release, October 2011
227 ‘describing the profits’: Philip Parham, UK Deputy Permanent Representative at the Security Council, UN UK Mission to New York, ukun.fco.gov.uk/en/news, 24 June 2011
228 ‘The World Bank’: World Development Report 2011: Conflict, Security, and Development
229 ‘telecoms, insurance and recruitment: ‘CIFAS Confirms Link Between Staff Fraud and Organised Crime’, cifas.org.uk, 7 November 2011
230 ‘Organised criminals have’: Infosecurity 200 conference in London, Tony Neate, e-crime liaison, SOCA
231 ‘Organised crime costs’: Theresa May, New Strategy to Strike at the Heart of Organised Crime, Home Office, 28 July 2011
232 ‘the FSA conceded’: Banks’ management of high money laundering risk situations: How banks deal with high-risk customers, correspondent banking relationships and wire transfers, June 2011 (FSA)
233 ‘made a full apology’: ‘HSBC “sorry” for aiding Mexican drugs lords, rogue states and terrorists’, Dominic Rushe, Guardian, July 2012
234 ‘Senator Carl Levin’: ‘HSBC “acted as financier to drug gangs” – US Senate report’, Daily Telegraph, July 2102
235 ‘The story of’: ‘Britain’s Biggest Banking Scandal’, BBC News Business, 13 January 2004
236 Robert Mazur: Interview with authors
237 ‘Until leaders of’ ‘The Man Who Infiltrated Pablo Escobar’s Cartel Explains What’s Wrong With The Global Banking System, Michael Kelly, Business Insider, September 2012
238 ‘20,000 bank accounts’: ‘HSBC used by “drug kingpins”, says US Senate’, BBC Online, July 2012
239 ‘They are watertight’: Interview with authors
240 ‘Shaxson says that’: ‘The City of London and its Offshore Empire’, the Occupied Times website, 10 February 2012
241 ‘150 cases of corruption’: The Puppet Masters How the Corrupt Use Legal Structures to Hide Stolen Assets and What to Do About It, star.worldbank.org
242 ‘mystery-shopping exercise’: Global Shell Games: Testing Money Launderers’ and Terrorist Financiers’ Access to Shell Companies, Michael Findley, University of Texas at Austin, Daniel Nielson, Brigham Young University, Jason Sharman, Griffith University, September 2012
243 ‘Jack Straw highlighted’: ‘Once the Biggest Drug Dealers in the World’, Jack Straw, Lancashire Telegraph, 12 June 2008
244 ‘In 1839, Lin’: China’s Response to the West, J. Fairbank and S. Teng, Harvard University Press, 1979
245 ‘In 1999, Carl’: Opium, Empire and the Global Political Economy: A Study of the Asian Opium Trade 1750-1950 Carl Trocki, Routledge
246 ‘The legacy of’: The Chinese Opium Wars, Jack Beeching, Harcourt Brace Jonanovich
247 ‘shippers P&O’ Flagships of Imperialism: The P&O Company and the Politics of Empire from its Origins to 1867, Freda Harcourt, Manchester University Press
248 ‘SOCA was granted’: Annual Report and Accounts, SOCA, 2010/11
249 ‘Everyone involved’: ‘Bradford crime gang “dismantled from the top man down”’, Steve Wright, Bradford Telegraph & Argus, March 2010
250 ‘new crime squad’: ‘There’s One Recession-Proof Industry … Organised Crime’, Scotsman, 25 October 2008
251 ‘It’s the lawyers’: ‘War on the Suits: New Crime Unit will Target the Middle Class Professionals Helping Scotland’s Gangsters’, Daily Record, 17 March 2011
252 ‘The Care Commission’: Strathclyde Police and Care Commission Probe Money, STV, 12 March 2011
253 Graeme Pearson: Interview with authors
254 ‘The global reach’: ‘Jailed: Money Laundering Accountant from Wilmslow who Led Life of Luxury’, Charlotte Cox, Wilmslow Express, 1 December 2011
255 ‘Malcolm Carle’: ‘Unmasked: The “English gent” behind the UK’s biggest ever drugs racket worth £300MILLION who splashed his cash on fast cars, mansions and a race horse’, Chris Greenwood, Daily Mail, March 2013
256 ‘Professor Hamid Ghodse’: ‘UN: Drugs gangs creating “no-go” areas in UK cities’, Channel 4, February 2012
257 ‘senior police officers’: ‘Police and politicians reject United Nations professor claims of Manchester “no-go areas controlled by drug gangs”, Neal Keeling, Manchester Evening News, February 2012
258 ‘An undercover police officer’: Interview with authors
259 ‘He Jia Jin’: ‘Money Laundering Drugs Gang Boss Jia Jin He Jailed’, BBC News Online, 8 March 2012
260 ‘A walk-in recording’: ‘Gangsters Caught Selling Guns to undercover Police Officers in Boombox shop in Edmonton’, Tristran Kirk, Enfield Independent, 12 September 2011
261 ‘thirteen kilos of’: ‘500k “Cocaine” Haul was Actually Dental Power’, Telegraph, 24 July 2009
262 ‘In 2008 the’: ‘Thousand Police Raid Drug Gangs in North London’, Mail Online, 27 March 2008
263 ‘expressed the difficulties’: ‘Blackstock Road Raid: A Top Cop Responds’, Rachel From North London blogspot, 2008
264 ‘Four years after’: Operation Condor, Metropolitan Police press office, 2012
265 Yusuf: Interview with authors
266 ‘write a tongue-in-cheek’: ‘Local drugs for local people’, Daniel Davies, Comment is Free, Guardian, September 2006
267 ‘hosted an exhibition’: ‘High Society’, Wellcome Collection, November 2010 – February 2011
268 ‘Nicholas Dorn’: ‘Functions and Varieties of Explanations of Recreational Drug Use’, N Dorn, Vol. 70 Issue 1, British Journal of Addiction, March 1975
269 ‘former ecstasy user’: Altered State: The Story of Ecstasy Culture and Acid House, Matthew Collin, Serpent’s Tail, 1997
270 Jennifer Ward: Interview with authors
271 ‘Demos, outlined a plan’: BritainTM: Renewing Our Identity, Mark Leonard, Demos, 1997
272 ‘In 2005, Blair’: The Licensing Act 2003, came into force 2005
273 ‘one high-ranking police detective’: Interview with authors
274 ‘Under the headline’: ‘E is for England’, The Economist, 4 June 1998
275 ‘the Henley Centre’: Illegal Leisure: The Normalization of Adolescent Recreational Drug Use, Howard J. Parker, Judith Aldridge, Fiona Measham, Routledge
276 ‘Project Edge’: ‘Cannabis Economy Brings in £11 Billion’, Ben Summerskill, Observer, 2 February 2003
277 ‘Cannabis users spend’: ibid
278 ‘unpublished piece of’: study for Home Office seen by authors
279 ‘Youngsters can get ecstasy’: Altered State: The Story of Ecstasy Culture and Acid House; Matthew Collin, Serpent’s Tail, 1997
280 ‘In 1999 publisher’: ‘Posters for men’s magazine banned’, Janine Gibson, Media Correspondent, Guardian, 7 July 1999
281 ‘radio station VH1’: ‘Sex, drugs and rock’n’roll argument fails to save cocaine ad’, Jennifer Whitehead, brandrepublic.com, 13 March 2002
282 ‘Golden Wonder crisps’: Golden Wonder poster campaign, BBC, 11 December 2002
283 ‘Brain Reserve Forecast’: Polly Popcorn Brain Reserve, www.faithpopcorn.com/2008
284 Fiona Measham: Interview with authors
285 ‘Until society as’: ‘“Drugs Culture” Attacked after Lakota Ecstasy Death’, Bristol 24-7 website, 3 February 2012
286 ‘“Opium” scent’: Estée Lauder, Advertising Standards Authority
287 ‘In 2011, MSN’: ‘Nike Plans Cheech & Chong Shoe (Don’t Smoke the Laces)’, Al Olson, msnbc.com, 4 January 2011
288 ‘harmless brand promotion’: ibid
289 ‘In 2003 an advert’: ‘Rizla under fire over “drug” ads’, Claire Cozens, Guardian, November 2003
290 ‘Four years later’: News, Druglink, 2007
291 ‘A trip to’: ‘Golden Ticket Holder to Win Drugs’, Sky News, February 2009
292 ‘with police reporting’: ‘Relaxed Licensing Laws Led to Rise in Cocaine, Warns Officer’, Tom Whitehead, Telegraph, 2 December 2011
293 ‘Daily Mail revealed’: ‘Fast-Living: Three Out of Four Youngsters “Rely on Energy Drinks” To Keep Them Going’, Daily Mail, 26 October 2011
294 ‘It highlights a’: ‘Generation Zzz’, John Forsyth, Mintel Oxygen Reports, October 2011
295 ‘automated Google adverts’: ‘World Wired Web’, Mike Power, Druglink, January 2010
296 ‘a really powerful thing’: ‘Bitcoin: Dawn of a new currency or destined to fail?’, Romi Levine, BBC World Service, April 2013
297 ‘a threefold rise’: A Land Fit for Heroin, Eds. Dorn/South, Macmillan, 1983
298 ‘forty-six lives’: ‘Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, general information for doctors’, 1985, (Department of Health & Social Security)
299 ‘fifty-five confirmed HIV’: A History of Drugs, Toby Seddon, Routledge, 2010
300 Royal College of Nursing report: ‘AIDS: A Plague in Us, A Social Perspective’, Vass, 1986
301 ‘all available means’: Aids and Drug Misuse, ACMD, 1988
302 ‘The result stands’: ‘Haunted House’, Mike Trace, Druglink, 2004
303 ‘British taxpayer’: ‘A Comparison of the Cost-Effectiveness of Prohibition and Regulation of Drugs’, Stephen Rolles, Transform, 2009
304 ‘makes up £739 million’: ibid
305 ‘Tackling Drugs Together’, Home Office, 1995
306 ‘hideous monster Frankenstein’: The American, Hearst, 1938
307 ‘Drugs: Facing Facts: the Report of the RSA Commission on Illegal Drugs, Communities and Public Policy’, RSA, 2007
308 ‘Having a pint’: ‘The Power of Culture’, Marcus Roberts, Druglink, May 2009
309 ‘Runciman Report’: Drugs and the Law: Report of the Inquiry into the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, Runcimann, Police Foundation, 2000
310 ‘leaked Strategy Unit report’: No.10 Strategy Unit Drugs Project, Phase 2 Report: ‘Diagnosis and Recommendations’, John Birt, 2003.
311 ‘An Analysis of Drug Policy’, Reuter/Stevens, UKDPC, 2007
312 ‘Drug Classification: Making a Hash of It?’, House of Commons Science and Technology Committee, 2006
313 ‘Why We Won’t be Going Soft on Cannabis’, Jack Straw, News of the World, March 2000
314 ‘We Should All Join the Drugs Debate’, Editorial, Mail on Sunday, 27 March 2000
315 ‘Equasy: An Overlooked Addiction with Implications for the Current Debate on Drug Harms’, Journal of Psychopharmacology, January 2009
316 ‘Ecstasy “No More Dangerous than Horse Riding”’, Christopher Hope, Daily Telegraph, 7 February 2009
317 ‘the “Nutty professor”’: Editorial, Sun, 2 November 2009
318 ‘issue an apology’: Press Complaints Commission, Mr Stephen Nutt (Complainant)
319 ‘Fatuous, Dangerous, Utterly Irresponsible: the Nutty Professor Who’s Distorting the Truth About Drugs’, Melanie Phillips, Daily Mail, 4 November 2009
320 Alan Johnson letter: ‘Why Professor David Nutt was Shown the Door’, Jack Straw, Guardian, 2 November 2009
321 ‘vote catching exercise’: ‘Drugs Adviser Says Politics Rules’, BBC Online, 11 November 2009
322 ‘detailed analysis of cannabis’: ‘Cannabis: Classification and Public Health (2008), ACMD, Home Office
323 ‘DrugScope Extremely Disappointed by Cannabis Reclassification Decision’, press release, DrugScope, 7 May 2008
324 ‘half of all property crime’: ‘Drug Addicts “Commit Half of Property Crimes”’, Heather Mills, Independent, 12 February 1994
325 ‘crumbles to dust’: ‘The Blair experiment’, Alex Stevens, Druglink, July 2010
326 ‘more than £50 million’: ‘The Drug Treatment and Testing Order: Early Lessons’, National Audit Office, 2004
327 ‘a “good light”’: ‘Home Office Rebuked for “Highly Selective” Briefing on Drugs Seizures’, Alan Travis, Guardian, 15 November 2011
328 ‘In June 2003’: No.10 Strategy Unit Drugs Project: Phase 1 Report: ‘Understanding the Issues’, Strategy Unit, 2003
329 ‘evaluative framework’: Tackling Problem Drug Use, 2010 National Audit Office
330 Drugs Value for Money Review, Home Office, 2007
331 HM Customs and Excise: The Prevention of Drug Smuggling, House of Commons Committee of Public Accounts: Fifteenth Report of Session UK Parliament, 1998–1999
332 ‘fresh-faced Tory’: ‘The Government’s Drugs Policy: Is It Working? Home Affairs Committee, UK Parliament, 2002
333 ‘failing for decades’: ‘Tory Contender Calls for More Liberal Drug Laws’, Marie Woolf, Independent, 7 September 2005
334 ‘a startled crab’: Interview with authors
335 ‘Our political culture’: ‘The War on Drugs has Failed’, Bob Ainsworth, LabourList, 16 December 2010
336 ‘While this suppression’: ‘Ed Miliband Rebukes Bob Ainsworth over “Legalise Drugs” Call’, Helene Mulholland, Guardian, 16 December 2010
337 ‘When David became’: Interview with authors
338 Drug Futures 2025, Foresight Brain Science, Addiction and Drugs Project, Government Office for Science, 2005
339 ‘leaving drug-free’: ‘Drug Treatment: Success or Failure?’ Mark Easton, BBC News, 3 October 2008
340 ‘Governments do not give’: ‘Haunted House’, Mike Trace, Druglink, November 2004
341 ‘seductive political message’: ‘Drug Policy: Lessons Learnt, and Options for the Future’, Mike Trace, Global Commission on Drugs, 2012
342 Peter Hitchens: The War We Never Fought: Britain’s Non-Existent War on Drugs, Peter Hitchens, Continuum, 2012
343 ‘creating failed states’: ‘How to Stop the Drug Wars’, Editorial, The Economist, 5 March 2009
344 ‘The spectre of’: ‘Police Warn Someone Could Die from Legal High Sweeping Region’, Northern Echo, 20 November 2009
345 Gabrielle Price: ‘Schoolgirl, 14, Dies After Taking Dangerous New Drug “Meow Meow” at House Party, James Mills, Daily Mail, 24 November 2009
346 ‘User Rips Off Scrotum On Legal Drug’, Press Association, 26 November 2009
347 ‘revealed that 180 pupils’: ‘Meow Meow: 180 Pupils at One School Off Sick After Taking Legal High’ (Daily Mail), ‘Meow Meow Drug Blamed for 180 School Children Off Sick’ (Metro), ‘Meow Meow Kids Go Off Sick’ (Sun), 8 March 2009
348 ‘telling the BBC’: ‘Scunthorpe Parents Call for Mephedrone Ban’, BBC Online, 17 March 2010
349 ‘Kids’ Deadly Cocktail Mix’, Emma Morton, Sun, 12 January 2009
350 ‘Powder of Death UK’s Fave Drug’, Ross Kaniuk, Daily Star, 14 January 2009
351 ‘90 per cent of Liverpool are on it … everyone takes it’, Scott Hesketh, Daily Star, 21 March 2009
352 ‘Mephedrone at World Cup’, Stewart MacLean, Daily Star, 22 March 2010
353 ‘Ban Meow Now’, Antonella Lazzeri, Alastair Taylor And Kevin Schofield, Sun, 8 April 2010
354 ‘the ACMD, reported’: ‘Legal High Mephedrone Linked with 26 Deaths in UK’, Martin Evans, Daily Telegraph, 29 March 2010
355 ‘major victory’: ‘Meow is Banned from Bidnight’, Editorial, Sun, 16 April 2010
356 ‘spokeswoman for Leicestershire’: ‘Mephedrone and the Media’, Nic Fleming, Palladium magazine, Issue 6, 2010
357 ‘blamed each other’: ibid
358 ‘just six deaths’: ‘Evidence based policy? Why Banning Mephedrone May Not have Reduced Harms to Users’, online article by Dr Les King, 19 September 2011
359 ‘hysterical journalism’: ‘Mephedrone and the Media’, Nic Fleming, Palladium magazine, Issue 6, 2010
360 ‘Eric Carlin’: ‘Mephedrone Ban Prompts Latest Drugs Council Resignation’, Peter Walker, Guardian, 2 April 2010
361 Jon Silverman: Crime, Policy and the Media: The Shaping of Criminal Justice, 1989-2010, Jon Silverman, Routledge, 2011
362 ‘analysis of Google’: ‘Feline Frenzy’, Andrew McNicoll, Druglink, May 2010
363 ‘music magazine Mixmag’: ‘Mephedrone: Meet The UK’s Favourite New Drug’, Mixmag, 12 January 2010
364 ‘NRG-1 is 25p a Hit and Will Kill Many More than Meow’, Virginia Wheeler, Sun, 31 March 2010
365 ‘twelve million newspapers’: ‘ABC Newspaper Circulation’, Press Gazette, May 2012
366 Tim Luckhurst quote: Leveson Inquiry, transcript, (Levesoninquiry.org.uk), 6 February 2012
367 ‘drug pornography’: ‘Exclusive? Celebrity Drug Scandals Exposed’, Lena Corner, Druglink, November 2009
368 ‘just one puff’: ‘Police Issue Warning About Super Strength Cannabis’, Ben Rossington, Liverpool Echo, 20 March 2007
369 ‘smoking just one’: ‘Smoking Just One Cannabis Joint Raises Danger of Mental Illness by 40%’, Fiona Macrae And Emily Andrews, Daily Mail, 26 July 2007
370 ‘The Vampire Murderer Whose Mind was Warped by Cannabis’, Jaya Narain, Daily Mail, 3 August 2002
371 ‘probable but weak’: ‘Cannabis: Classification and Public Health (2008), ACMD, (Home Office)
372 ‘Psychologically, use of cannabis’: DrugScope website
373 New Zealand studies: ‘Mental Disorders and Violence in a Total Birth Cohort: Results from the Dunedin Study’, Arseneault et al, Archives of General Psychiatry, 2000; ‘The Targets of Violence Committed by Young Offenders with Alcohol Dependence, Marijuana Dependence, and Schizophrenia-Spectrum Disorders: Findings from a Birth Cohort’, Arseneault et al, Criminal Behavior and Mental Health, 2002
374 Louise Arseneault: ‘Killer Cannabis: The Return of Reefer Madness’, Max Daly, Druglink, March 2004
375 ‘Cannabis: An Apology’, Jonathan Owen, Independent on Sunday, 18 March 2007
376 ‘average cannabis joint’: ‘Skunk: Potency Doubles’, Max Daly, Druglink, September 2007
377 ‘fill column inches’: Source: Sun journalist call to drug charity press officer in June 2011
378 ‘Crystal Meth: Britain’s Deadliest Drug Problem’, Jason Bennetto and Maxine Frith, Independent, 21 November 2006
379 ‘less than fifty’: Seizures of Drugs in England and Wales 2007/8, Home Office
380 ‘falling to zero’: Drug Misuse Declared: Findings from the British Crime Survey, England and Wales, 2008/9, 2010/2011, Home Office
381 Sean Hoare interview: ‘Sean Hoare Knew How Destructive the News of the World Could Be’, Nick Davies, Guardian, 18 July 2011
382 ‘He grabs Jimmy’s left arm’: ‘Jimmy’s World’, Janet Cooke, Washington Post, 28 September 1980
383 ‘Dominant Ideology and Drugs in the Media’, Craig Reinarman and Ceres Duskin, International Journal on Drug Policy, 1992
384 ‘Most tabloids have’: Interview with authors
385 Roy Greenslade: ‘Myth Representation’, Roy Greenslade, Druglink, Mar 2006
386 ‘ICM research poll’: ICM/Observer Drugs Poll 2008
387 Danny Kushlick: ‘Mephedrone and the Media’, Nic Fleming, Palladium magazine, Issue 6, 2010
388 ‘lines of attack’: Shooting Stars: Drugs, Hollywood and the Movies, Harry Shapiro, Serpent’s Tail, 2003
389 ‘a moral panic’: Dope Girls: The Birth of the British Drug Underground, Marek Kohn, Granta
390 ‘From the middle’: ‘Myth Representation’, Roy Greenslade, Druglink, Mar 2006
391 Drugs and Popular Culture: Drugs, Media and Identity in Contemporary Society, Paul Manning, Willan, 2007
392 Information is Beautiful: ‘Deadliest Drugs: UK Drug Poisoning Deaths 2008 vs Popular Press Coverage’, David McCandless, Information is Beautiful website, 6 November 2009
393 ‘drug-death reporting’: ‘Representation of Illegal Drug Case Stories in the Scottish Press’, Alasdair Forsyth, Scottish Journal of Criminal Justice Studies, 2005
394 Richard Peppiatt: Leveson Inquiry, Richard Peppiatt, (Levesoninquiry.org.uk), 6 October 2011
395 ‘In 2001 nearly’: British Social Attitudes, annual survey, NatCen
396 ‘overwhelming the policy’: Submission to the Leveson Inquiry: press reporting of illicit drug use, UKDPC, 2012
397 Tony Blair article: News of the World, February 2004
398 ‘six-month drug-testing’: ‘Tabloid Funds First School Drug Tests’, Max Daly, Druglink, January 2005
399 ‘Purge on Pushers at the School Gate’, Jane Merrick, Daily Mail, 26 November 2004
400 ‘On Sale At School’s Gates … Kiddie Coke at 50p A Go’, Stewart Fowler, People, 6 April 2003
401 ‘made up stories’: ‘People Sued Over Drug Dealer Picture Fake’, Claire Cozens, Guardian, 14 March 2005
402 ‘Since the law’, ‘West Yorkshire Police’: ‘Chasing Shadows’, Max Daly, Druglink, May 2009
403 ‘touched by the mantle’: ‘Paul Dacre: the zeal thing’, Bill Hagerty, British Journalism Review, Vol 13 No3, 2002
404 ‘head and shoulders’: Editorial, Daily Mail, 23 February 2007
405 ‘personal instinct of Mr Brown’: ‘Brown Ditches Disastrous Softly-Softly Policy on Cannabis’, Daily Mail, 19 July 2007
406 ‘“brave, justified” decision’: ‘Gordon Brown Made a Brave and Justified Decision on Cannabis’, Daily Mail, 9 May 2008
407 ‘To our surprise’: Crime, Policy and the Media: The Shaping of Criminal Justice, 1989-2010, Jon Silverman, Routledge, 2011
408 ‘Ipsos MORI in 2008’: ACMD General Public Polling: Public views on Cannabis, Rhonda Wake, ACMD
409 ‘Science and Technology Committee’: ‘Drug classification: Making a Hash of It?’, House of Commons Science and Technology Committee, UK Parliament, 2006
410 ‘There is no field’: ‘Addicted to getting drugs wrong’, Jon Silverman, British Journalism Review, Vol 21, No4, 2010
411 ‘Much of the’: ‘Drugs: Facing Facts: The Report of the RSA Commission on Illegal Drugs, Communities and Public Policy’, RSA, 2007
412 ‘soap opera Hollyoaks’: ‘Viewing habits’, Andrew McNicoll, Druglink, July 2009
413 ‘Sterilising Junkies: May Seem Harsh, but it Does Make Sense’, Ian O’Doherty, Irish Independent, 18 February 2011
414 ‘ridiculous newspaper stories’: ‘Mephedrone and the Media’, Nic Fleming, Palladium magazine, Issue 6, 2010
415 ‘If you sit’: Interview with authors
416 Amber: Interview with authors
417 ‘leading global consumer’: World Drug Report 2011, UNODC
418 ‘the top three’: 2010 Annual Report on the State of the Drugs Problem in Europe, EMCDDA
419 ‘per-head cocaine’: World Drug Report 2011, UNODC
420 ‘House of Commons report’: Drugs: Breaking the Cycle, Home Affairs Committee – Ninth Report, December 2012, UK Parliament
421 ‘Wall Street Journal’: ‘Have We Lost the War on Drugs?’, Becker & Murphy, Wall Street Journal, January 2013
422 ‘abstain from using’: ‘Why Say No? Reasons given by young people for not using drugs, Fountain et al, Addiction Research, 1999
423 ‘at least £16.7 billion’: ‘A Comparison of the Cost-Effectiveness of Prohibition and Regulation of Drugs’, Stephen Rolles, Transform, 2009
424 ‘£40 billion a year’: National crime agency: oral statement by Theresa May on recognising organised crime as a threat to national security, June, 2011
425 ‘acquisitive crime’: The economic and social costs of Class A drug use in England and Wales 2003–04, Home Office
426 ‘need to raise’: NEW ADAM survey of arrestees 1999–2002, Home Office
427 ‘Six people every day’: Drug-related deaths in the UK Annual Report 2010, National Programme on Substance Abuse Deaths, St George’s, University of London
428 ‘fourth drive’: Intoxication: Life in Pursuit of Artificial Paradise, Ronald K. Siegel, EP Dutton, 1989
429 ‘The statutory amount’: ‘Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education: a mapping study of the prevalent models of delivery and their effectiveness’, Department for Education, January 2011