Chapter Twenty-One

Marina and Thabiti jogged towards the finishing line.  Rose removed the cool box and basket from the handlebars of Craig’s wheelchair, and pushed her way through a throng of excited competitors to join them.  Thabiti was squatting on the ground with the contents of his race goody bag scattered about him.

“Chocolate,” he announced in satisfaction.  He gathered up the rest of the items and returned them to the bag before unwrapping his chocolate bar.  He took a bite, and with a dreamy look on his face, declared, “It was all worthwhile.”

Marina grabbed Rose’s arm.  “We did it.  We completed the Lewa Marathon.”  She lifted the metal medal hanging around her neck.  “Look, we’ve even been given medals to prove it.”

“And we weren’t last,” mused Thabiti.

“I should hope not!” cried Chloe as she bounded up to them.  She hugged Marina.  “Well done.”  

Chloe turned to Thabiti.

He stepped back, looking wary of Chloe’s hug.

She lowered her arms and said proudly, “And you too, Thabiti.”

Marina exclaimed.  “When did you finish? You look amazing, as if you’re ready to run the whole thing again.”

“Not likely,” Chloe laughed.

Rose turned to Chloe and said, “You look much better.  Did you enjoy your massage?”

Chloe touched Rose’s arm.  “It was wonderful.  And so relaxing that I think I went to sleep for a few minutes.”  

She leaned back and rubbed her forehead.  “There was something strange, though.  My number vanished from my running top.  It was there when I took it off for my massage, but now it’s gone.”  Chloe turned around, showing her empty back.  “And I was going to frame it with my medal.”  Her shoulders slumped.

“Weird,” remarked Marina.

Rose pursed her lips.  “Do you think someone sneaked into the tent and took it whilst you were asleep?”

Chloe shivered.  “I guess they must have, but why would they want it?”

Marina slapped Chloe on the arm.  “Perhaps it was a secret admirer who whisked your number away as a keepsake.  Tell me, what was your finishing time?”

Chloe and Marina chatted about their marathon experiences as Thabiti searched through the cool box and removed an egg and bacon muffin.  

Rose heard a roar of cheers and applause and turned towards the finishing line.  A group of five runners were approaching.  Three men and a woman wore green t-shirts with KWS across the front, and with them was the black-clad Constable Wachira with Police across the front of her shirt.  

Rose called to her companions, “Look, here comes Constable Wachira.  I saw Sam earlier, and he told me she was running the full marathon.”

“That’s amazing,” cried Marina.  “Who is she?”

Thabiti answered.  “Sam’s girlfriend, although he’s surprisingly shy about admitting it.  She works at the police station in Nanyuki.  And she helped Rose solve Davina Dijan’s murder at the Mount Kenya Resort and Spa.”

Robert approached Marina.  “Nina and I are ready to head back.  Where is the lodge car you organised for us?”

“Let me find it for you,” replied Marina.

Rose picked up the basket and said, “We parked behind the Amref tent.  It might be there as well.  I’ll show you as I need to put these back in the car.”

“Let’s look.”  Marina carried the cool box, and she and Robert followed Rose the short distance to the car.  “How was your marathon experience?” she asked Robert.

“Easier than I expected.  It all went smoothly.  We even saw some wildlife, which Nina particularly enjoyed.”

“There’s the lodge car,” Marina announced, “and Kennedy’s driving it.”  She turned to Rose and said, “We might as well put the breakfast things in Kennedy’s car and he can return them to the kitchen.”

Marina loaded the cool box and basket into the car whilst Robert searched through a basket which was already in it.  He pulled out the floppy wide-brimmed hat with a red bow, which Vivian had given Nina.

“This will be better than a baseball cap to keep the sun off Nina’s head.  She’s starting to develop a headache.”

Marina drew her eyebrows together in concern, and asked, “Would you like me to come back with you?”

“No,” Robert snapped.  In a smoother tone he said, “We’d just like to enjoy a relaxing ride back to the lodge together.”

Marina tapped him on the arm and smiled.  “Of course, I understand.”

Marina and Rose returned to the finishing area.  Chloe and Thabiti appeared with Craig, whose wheelchair Thabiti was pushing.

Dan approached Chloe with a tight face and barked, “There you are.  I’ve been looking for you everywhere.  I want to head back to Nanyuki.  A few of us are going to Kongoni’s this afternoon to celebrate.  Do you want to come?”

Chloe crossed her arms.  “I’ll think about it.”   

She turned to Marina and hugged her.  “Well done, and good luck with your guests.  Bye,” she called to Thabiti and Rose, and ran to catch up with Dan.

Rose heard Robert shout, “See you later,” and she turned to watch him and his wife, who had pulled her floppy hat low over her head, leave.

“Would you like a lift back to the start to collect your car?” she asked Marina and Thabiti.

“Yes, please,” they chorused.