- Amref Kenyan medics and flying doctor service
- Asante Thank you
- Askari Watchman/Security Guard
- Ayah Kenyan nanny
- Bahati Njema Good Luck
- BATUK British Army Training Unit Kenya
- Boda Boda Motorbike used as a taxi
- Bwana Sir, a term of respect used for an older man
- Chai Tea made by boiling leaves/tea bag with milk (and sugar).
- Habari Greeting used like hello but meaning ‘What news?’
- Habari Yako? How are you?
- Hapana No
- Kanga Colourful cotton fabric (also Swahili for guinea fowl)
- Kikoi Brightly coloured cotton garment or sarong
- Kikuyu Kenyan ethnic group or tribe
- Kongoi ‘Thank you’ in Kipsigis dialect
- KSPCA Kenya Society for the Protection & Care of Animals
- KWS Kenya Wildlife Service
- NSSF National Insurance and Pension State Fund
- Memsaab Madam
- Muram Gravel road
- Mzuri Good
- Mzuri Sana Very Good
- Mzungu European/White person
- Pole Sorry (Pronounced Pow-lay)
- Safari Njeme Have a good journey
- Safari Salama I wish you a safe journey
- Samosa Fried pastry with savoury filling
- Sawa (sawa) Fine, all good, no worries.
- Shamba Vegetable patch/garden (or farm)
- Siafu Driver/Fire ants with a very painful bite
- Shuka Thin, brightly coloured blanket in bright checked colours, where red is often the dominant colour. Also used as a sarong or throw
- Stoney Tangawizi Ginger Beer - a popular brand of ginger beer.
- Tafadhali Please
- Tusker Popular Brand of Beer

- Car Park Parking Lot
- Grit Small pieces of stone or gravel
- Kerb Curb
- Torch Flashlight