Now you have a fishing rod, you just need some fish hooks and bait, and then you can attach them together with string or natural cordage.
Some of these improvised hooks will be enough to hook a fish but may break if you lift them out of the water – scoop the fish out of the water with a net or other container after it has taken the bait.
Nature provides natural fish hooks such as shards of bone, which would need to be lashed to a small stick.
Barbed plants, such as hawthorn, also provide ready-made fish hooks.
Found objects like paper clips and ring pulls can also be re-purposed to make excellent fish hooks.
Think about the usual places where you come across mini beasts, such as worms, grubs and crickets. Lift rocks, disturb soil or open a rotten log and you are likely to find bait that the fish will find delicious …