Chapter One: The Game

How to play the game and get the girl?

Human Behaviour

Before we touch on the topic, we must have look at human behavior. Human behavior is the physical action and an observable emotion that manifest in people in certain situations. Behavior changes with race, age, and gender. Behavior is part of what the person thinks and how he or she feels and what relates to moral values. Human behavior consists out of tree groups like common behavior, unusual behavior, and behavior outside the acceptable limits. Social behavior is deferent to general behavior. Social behavior is a more advance in social action. Acceptable behavior depends on social norms.

We as human beings, behave according to factors like genetics, social norms, faith and attitude. The characteristics vary from person to person and produce different actions for each person. The pressures of society force us into a set of rules and expect a certain behavior. We are so conditioned in acting in a predetermined manner within a certain situation. Personally, I blame peer pressure. Different societies have different behavior structures according to their beliefs.

All of society, be it Western or Eastern society, have something in common when it comes to behavior. For instance, basic behaviors in nonverbal communication like body language are mostly the same over the globe – the verbal language might be different, but body language crosses the cultural boundaries. All of us relate subconsciously towards body language in a similar fashion to communicate an entire range of human emotions.

The Body Connection

The “body connection” method is a method that employs body language signals that increases the chance of further communication in the pursuit of getting the fairer sex to notice you. Say for example, you are sitting in a club or at bar, and you spot an attractive woman. What would be the first line for opening a communication channel? Body language would be the first – for example, compliment her on her shoes by tapping your finger on yours. You can even include a thumb up. The body connection is done from a distance by employing intentional body language focused at a certain woman. You will be surprised at what such a simple gesture will provoke. She will smile back or even wave at you. Nevertheless, you will attract her attention in a good way.

Of course, you have to go where women go to socialize and meet men. Here they are much more relaxed and more open to being approached. As a side note… in the event, you take your date to dinner, never take her to a restaurant with hard fast music and with tables that forces you to sit opposite each other. It’s vital that you sit next to her so that you can tough her.

I never approach a woman without firstly have communicated nonverbally (body language) to her. This is an excellent gage to measure her reaction and interest before you approach her. Is her interest in you positive or negative? Not doing this provokes a range of mixed reactions, like in her mind; she is asking herself, “What will I say to this guy?” She has had this happen to her so many times in the past, especially if she’s a beautiful woman. With the nonverbal engagement, she realizes that you are hitting on her, and she has time to think on how she will react towards you. “Do I want to talk to this guy or not?” If you use non-verbal communication, she does not need to talk or even wonder if she wants to speak with you because she has already communicated with you.

Now you approach her. Walk up to her with the confidence you just displayed and with a swerving motion take your place next to her. Be mindful of your distance. Do not stand to close to her, but close enough to touch her. Greet her with a handshake, and say, “Hey, how have you been?” You can add, “I haven’t seen you for ages.” As if you have always known her. In addition, with a first time approach, remember to be friendly, but not overly friendly and smile. If she is in a group, the rest of the group will think you know her, and you can talk to her – strike-up a conversation.

Body position

During the conversation keep your head still and do not look around. Keep eye contact with her. Whatever you do, do not stare down at the floor. This indicates weakness. You don’t want to send that message across. Do not fiddle with your hands. Simply let them hang next to your sides – providing you are not using your arms and hands in gestural movements while you talk. Keep the hand gestures to a minimum. To minimize your hand movement, press your thumbs slightly to your ring finger. This will prevent fiddling. Stand with your legs slightly apart and do not shift your weight frequently. This is an indication of being strong and sure of your domicile.

Intensifying Touch

Touch her as much as possible. When you greet her hold her hand a little bit longer, and slide your hand from hers when you give her hand back. As you speak, slightly tough her upper arm with the back of your hand – note her reaction.

Keep eye contact. Speak in a relaxed manner and not too fast. Slide your gaze from her right eye towards her left. Then slide your gaze from her left eye to her mouth. This triangular shape builds sexual tension. Introduce slight pauses between your words. Remember you cannot build sexual tension if you speak too fast. The energy level is too high. Again, study her reaction. If she is uncomfortable, she’ll raise the energy level with her voice or step back a bit. Be aware of your intensity – not too much too fast.

She will eventually inquire where her friends went. Then you stop…, and slowly intensify again. This will be the only red light to watch for. There is no need to watch for any other body language. It is not worth spending too much time in reading every body language signal and some can be hard to interpret. Intensify while talking if nothing happens. When she approves of the attention by you touching her shoulder with an open hand. Slowly intensify to her back and to the back of her neck. Make sure you do not touch her for too long. Take her hair away and touch her neck by asking about her earrings. Softly, play with her hands and fingers for a bit with the back-to-back hand motion. Look for an excuse to touch her in these above-mentioned spots by verbally ask something about her beautiful hair or earrings – a ring or a bracelet, or any jewelry she’s wearing. It is important when intensifying to watch her the whole time. As things progress, you may touch her leg with yours. Intensify your touch is the second important thing you have to do.

Any situation is perfect to intensify. If loud music is playing, you can use your cheek to brush with her lips as you move you ear to her mouth to hear what she is saying. You move in for the kiss and then turn slightly away – whilst always watching her reaction. She will give a sign if she is not ready. Turn away to let her ear to your mouth to speak. Use both sides of her cheeks. Touch her at the back of her neck and let your legs brush. You have body communication that you control. Lead the verbal communication as well. Bear in mind, the appropriate situation for acceptable touch intensifying. Appropriately touching her in public can be very sex initiating.

The day game

The day game is slightly different. You may use all of the same communication techniques described in the section, body connection to initialize you meeting. If you cold-call a woman that is on her way somewhere. Her mind is focused on something else. You can get her phone number. But, you don’t know if she’ll answer if you give her a call.

In order to get her telephone number, it is vital to intensify aggressively. You must use the non-verbal communication first in order to open her up for the line, “Can I get your number?” for example, in a mall, “Hello I know you are out shopping, but I really want to go out with you. Give me your number, and I will call you.” That’s it. Do not ask her for her number. Demand the number with syrup and confidence. Furthermore, don’t give her a choice.

The best is to have a girl that have placed you into the friend zone category. In other words, you are friends with her and that is all – there are no extra benefits. You have to treat her that way, or else she will toy with you. Believe me such a girlfriend can be a great asset to your arsenal. Give me a beautiful woman that has me in her friend zone. She can introduce me to her beautiful female friends. How perfect can that not be? Ultimately, you’re acting from a position of power. As a person, you are declared safe and cool to socialize with. All you have to do is intensify.

Get out of the friend zone

This you do only if you want to change “lady-friend” title to girlfriend. Go on a date with her. Then you start noticing other women in her presence. Tell her how sexy they look. Importantly, hook up with those women. Later on, she’ll say to herself, “What the hell is wrong with me?” Eventually, she’ll through signals your way in the attempt to hook up with you. The following might be cruel, but only for a little while, make contact with her emotional side.

Do not let the moment pass by

With some women, you only have one chance. If you let the moment pass, don’t dwell on regrets. Just continue in playing the game. Have the confidence to act on the moment. A great confidence builder is by implementing the “body connection” method in everyday life. Get in the habit of using the non-verbal gestures on your friends and family without the hidden intent of course. What is the worst that could happen? When you have achieved success, you will have all the confidence in the world. Have you seen that really ugly fellow with the beautiful woman? He is confident and manly. That’s why he has the lady. Learn to identify the signs that women give you, especially in the event of intensifying.


According to, WhatsApp has over 430 million users. A staggering 36 billion outbound and 18 billion inbound messages are sent and received on a daily basis. Data connection apps, like WhatsApp, allow users to communicate quickly with a near instant reply – if the recipient wats to reply. Texting in general is an excellent method to employ when contacting your potential flame for the first time. Keep in mind while typing your text, what is the purpose of your text? You want to…?

Here are some guidelines:

Phone calls

A phone call is more personal, and it’s more difficult for her to say no. Know what you want to say before you call her. Do not be nervous or uncertain of yourself over the phone… confidence radiates strength. Once again, know her schedule. Before you phone her, plan the date in advance. Even if you don’t plan in telling her where you are going. The fancy restaurant may be booked out and you have to reschedule the date, or settle for burger king. Now, if the two of you can’t agree on a set time, then the moment has passed you by. In the event, you really want to date her; and you tell her so, rescheduled dating may workout – in reality it rarely does.

Be a Manly man!

All of the above are fantastic tools to implement “when playing the game”. None of these methods will be viable if you do not act like a confident man. Many men are so glad if they have finally gotten a woman. They are mortally afraid in losing her that he will sacrifice his manhood in keeping her in his life.

In a relationship, never let all of the decisions be made by your woman – have a say in all of the decisions. In some decisions, you, as man, must have the final say. Stake your claim from the start of the relationship, or else, she will claim the authority that you should’ve claimed.

In many relationships, the woman rules the relationship. There are many sayings such as, “she is wearing the pants… she sits on the man’s head”. Do yourself a favor and take charge. Be a leader. She’ll love you for it.

Learn to say, “No!” There are many ways in saying no. if you like to go to a particular restaurant and she doesn’t – take her by the hand and just go. Men are so afraid in being rejected; we let women dictate our lives. Be a man… be a Manly Man.

