
Early December

Ada rolled over in the bed as best as she could. With the fullness of her womb, there wasn’t much comfort going on the last few weeks since they’d gone into hibernation. Rex was fast asleep beside her, as usual. She was jealous at how easy he was resting since they’d retired to their underground quarters three weeks ago.

With a curse, she sat up and slung her legs off the bed. Her beast demanded food. Rex had made her promise to wake him should she need something, but he wasn’t going to wake up anytime soon.

The hibernation was one of the most peaceful sleeps a bear could get, and waking one up wasn’t always best. She’d let him sleep while she made herself something to eat in the small kitchenette out in the living area of their quarters.

She dug around in the refrigerator, but decided on a quick sandwich. Her bear grumbled at the offering, but she didn’t have any energy to make a meal. The cub inside her was close to delivery, and Ada knew the increase in appetite was preparing her for the moment their cub was born.

She glanced at the cabinet in the corner of the room. Rex had packed everything they’d need for the delivery, and he was beyond excited to have his first cub born before the end of the year. As far as Ada was concerned, the cub could come now. She was so large, she was sure there were two in there, even though the pride’s healer assured her there was only one.

You’re going to be a boy, I just know it,” she whispered and rubbed absently at her swollen belly.

The sandwich was enough, and it actually settled her beast. She washed up the few dishes she’d used and headed back to the bedroom, only to stop at the doorway.

Rex was on his back, his long hair covering most of the pillow as he slept. Her mate’s tattooed arm was thrown over his eyes as if he was blocking out the light from the other room. She quickly flipped the switch and shifted her eyes to move about the darkened room.

When she climbed in the bed, Rex stirred, his arm falling away from his face. “Ada?”

Shh,” she cooed. “I just had to get up for a moment.”

Everything okay?”

Yes, mate,” she promised, pulling the covers over her body as he fell back asleep.

The next ten minutes were spent finding the perfect spot to get comfortable enough to sleep. Once she was settled on her side, Rex’s hand snaked out and rested on the top of her hip. In his sleep, his thumb rubbed circles on her skin, lulling her to sleep.

A few hours later, she woke again, feeling a tightness in the top of her stomach. She rubbed at the spot and closed her eyes, falling back asleep as fast as she’d awoken.

Rex moved beside her, spooning against her back. She hadn’t realized she was facing the other direction. God, she was exhausted. She should’ve been sleeping more, but the end of the pregnancy kept her restless.

Sleep, sweetheart,” Rex mumbled against her ear.

I can’t,” she yawned. “I’m having some contractions.”

What?” he barked, coming awake. His hair was in disarray, but his eyes were as clear as if it was the middle of the summer.

It’s nothing to get excited about,” she promised. “It’s minor, and they don’t hurt that bad. The healer told me when they take my breath away, I’m in active…ohhh.”

Mmhmm,” Rex smirked. “How far apart are they?”

Fifteen minutes or so,” she replied. “I’ve been napping between them because it’s not that bad.”

That last one was?” he pressed.

It was a little stronger than the others.”

Others?” he asked, narrowing his eyes. “How long has this been going on?”

A few hours,” she explained. “There was no reason to wake you.”

Rex urged her to lay on her side again, returning to his position behind her. He rested his hand on the top of her belly and kissed the back of her neck. “Try to sleep.”

Ada, I need you to take several deep breaths, sweetheart,” Rex urged. The labor was coming along great, but his mate was in so much pain.

I need to push, Rex,” she cried out.

Not yet,” he warned. “Breathe, Ada.”

The room was eerily quiet, only the panting and occasional moan coming from his mate. An hour and a half ago, he had transformed their bed, setting up a birthing area for her to deliver their cub.

Being trained for years by their father was finally paying off. The pride’s healer offered his services, but to a bear shifter, it was an honor to deliver his own into the world. Ada was his mate in all ways, and the cub inside her womb would be loved and cherished by him. It wasn’t going to be easy, but Rex was prepared to do everything required of him.

Rex,” she moaned again.

Let me check you,” he stated, lifting the sheet he’d draped over her. There was still no sign of the cub’s head, but he knew she was getting close. There was an urgency in the way she breathed, telling him she was holding on until the cub was in position.

The beast that lived inside Ada would help him. She would know when it was time to deliver the cub into the world in its human form. With a look at his mate, he knew that time wasn’t here, because her eyes were not the golden hue of her beast yet.

Your contractions are three minutes apart, sweetheart,” he announced after she fell back against the pillows with a heavy sigh.

Rex took the moment between them to wipe her brow with a cool rag. Ada’s hair was pulled up on top of her head, sweat pebbled her skin, but her face glowed from her impending motherhood.

Rex, I want our cub in my arms,” she fussed as he kissed her brow.

Soon, sweetheart, soon,” he promised.

The next contraction was stronger than the last, and the one after that was the sign he needed to bring his cub into the world. Ada’s fangs thickened and her eyes glowed with that of her beast. The skin on her arms rippled as she cried out.

Push, Ada,” he urged. “Come on, once more. That’s it. Now rest for a second.”

They worked for the next half an hour. Every single time Ada pushed, her beast growled deep in his mate’s chest. They were exhausted, but finally, after several encouraging words, Rex held his son for the first time.

We have a son!”

Give him to me,” she cried, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Rex hurried along, cleaning the cub so he could take him to his mate’s breast. Once he was settled, he snuggled close to them, holding his mate while she held his cub.

Do you have his name?” Rex asked as Ada stroked the cub’s cheek.

His name is Thane Morgan, and he will be a strong as his father,” she said, turning her face up to kiss Rex with a passion he’d craved for so long.

The End…